Tuesday, May 28, 2024


Resident Biden read a lot of words about the courage and bravery and commitment our soldiers have made to our Country while defending our Constitution .. of course Biden could give a better tribute to our active soldiers and living veterans as well as those who gave their all, by committing to DEFENDING and UPHOLDING the same Constitution our soldiers have fought and died for.

Online headline: “Biden admin reverses course, grants permit for Catholic group's Memorial Day Mass at national cemetery” – Hmmm… I brought this up last week when the Biden Administration said such events were no longer allowed unless they had “historic significance”, and I rebutted that I thought 60 YEARS or history was PRETTY DANG SIGNIFICANT in my world! What’s “missed” is Biden showing he can reverse his decision with a pen, just like he can reverse his DAY 1 Executive Order to revoke Trump’s Border Policies if he wants to do so… Hmmm… I wonder how many vets and/or family members of vets have been assaulted by illegal aliens since Biden took office?

Online story: " Conservative attorney George Conway has said he does not see a "good outcome" for Donald Trump in his hush money trial. * Conway said that the best that the Trump legal team can do is get a hung jury, while an acquittal is highly unlikely. " -- George Conway..."conservative attorney"? That's almost as accurate as calling Michael Cohen a "honest lawyer"... Besides.. in this case.. because it’s in New York, a “hung jury” IS AN AQUITTAL!

Let’s look back at the Howard Stern interview with Resident Biden… Remember Howard Stern when he was known as the “Shock Jock”? Well, after his Biden interview, Stern will be forever remembered as the “Shook Jerk”…

Sadly, I report the death of Bill Walton.. one of the best basketball players in college at UCLA and NBA in Oregon and Boston .. he was 71… cancer…

From the “talk about ‘being out of it’ and proving it!” department – Online headline/story: “Reps. Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush mix up Memorial Day with Veterans Day in since-deleted posts on X * "On Memorial Day, we honor the heroic men and women who served our country," Omar wrote, according to multiple screenshots before the post was taken down. "We owe them more than our gratitude – they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised." -- Whew! And I was worried that Democrats weren’t concerned about the future needs of my deceased ancestors who died defending our country…but I did notice the women WERE NOT concerned about protecting their VOTING RIGHTS.. guess they knew such honorable Americans would not vote for either of them!


You know.. public schools (a.k.a. “government run schools”) seem to be primarily preoccupied at minors being able to determine their own gender, and other students being able to accept such instead of whether all children are being taught to read, compute, and write well enough to provide for themselves and their families in the future!

Oh! Hey, Columbus GA School Board members.. it’s about time to publicly post ALL the schools that are being equipped with “speed ticket cameras” that make it “SAFER” for those schools’ students.. which would also alert parents of student at the other schools that the School System doesn’t feel their children deserve as much SAFETY as other schools’ children…

Online headline/story: “Biden visits daughter-in-law's home ahead of her expected testimony in Hunter Biden trial * President Biden paid a visit to his daughter-in-law's home Sunday night, days before the ninth anniversary of the death of his son Beau Biden, who was her husband. * The president's brief visit to Hallie Biden's home also comes before she is expected to testify as a witness in Hunter Biden's gun crime trial next month. * police report told Fox News that it indicated that Hallie, who was in a relationship with Hunter at the time, threw a gun owned by Hunter Biden in a dumpster behind a market near a school * She is likely to be required to testify in the upcoming trial.” -- WHOA! I’m gonna bet “Beau” was NOT the ONLY thing JoKKKe Biden wanted to talk to Hallie about… I imagine he wanted to find out what Hunter may have said about HIM during “pillow talk” or under drugs, and, ala Quid Pro Joe protocol, how much it was gonna take for her NOT to mention anything about any connection Hunter said about being business partners in all the China & Burisma enterprises!

Online headline/story: “Byron Donalds fires back at MSNBC's Joy Reid after she calls him MAGA prop 'Black guy' * MSNBC host refers to GOP rep as 'the one black guy that Republicans love to roll out' after Trump rally draws diverse crowd * Donalds added that Trump isn't trying to divide Americans based on race. * "We're looking at expanding the political map, not shrinking it based upon race or anything else, because that's what Joy Reid and Joe Biden and the rest of them want to do," Donalds said. "They want to shrink the political map based upon previous dogma and racial lines. * "That is not what President Trump's focus is," he said. "His focus is on all of America." – Joy Reid is the ultimate “poster child” for the Democratic Party.. it’s her “master” and she does .. says.. whatever the “master” wants to keep the Black vote from think for itself!

It may just be the backlash of the AA Mississippi Braves deserting Pearl-Jackson, MS and coming to Columbus, GA next season, but watching a couple of their current videos showed almost empty bleachers & box seats. I hope Mayor Skippy the Phew didn't sign a contract that gives the Black Diamond Baseball group an early out of its contract for bad attendance!

I also hope that Hysteric Henderson Hoax baseball stadium doesn't lock in with Pepsi as the soft drink vendor like our Civic Center! Hopefully the Atlanta Braves contract with Coca Cola will be a controlling influence on the issue, but... BUT nothing is more insulting than our City contract with Pepsi at our Civic Center .. I'm guessing it had to be ANOTHER Mayor Skippy "backroom deal".. WHY would Pepsi get the contract when both Coca Cola AND Royal Crown Cola (a k.a. "RC") were CREATED here in Columbus, GA, and both creators are BURIED here in Columbus, GA!

Online headline: “ As parties swing right and left, the middle gets less comfortable” – Hmmm… You know, it's NOT so much a measure of the Republican Party moving more to the right, it's the Democratic Party's continuous lurch to the left that exposes the differences, and it’s “the middle” that’s beginning to see they need to make a decision…

Online story: “Pope Francis allegedly told Italian bishops to not permit gay men to train for the priesthood, with two Italian newspapers claiming that the 87-year-old pontiff made a homophobic slur in a closed-door meeting last week.” – Whoa! Did someone finally remind PooP Francis that “the Bible” is the work manual for him to follow versus the MSM revisions?

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