Friday, May 24, 2024


Media should be proud of its work, but how can MSM be proud when it rushes to see "who" can get a story to air first than making sure the stories it airs are accurate...One 'half-truth' MSM is so biased on is reporting that Trump was impeached (led by Queen PeLOUSY, CA Congressperson Adumb Schi**, and NY Congressperson Geritol Wadler... twice.. but that's only one-half of the story... the rest is that he wasn't determined guilty…. of either. Try to find this truth in MSM stories..

New York and the National Democrat Party, too, may start regretting trying to persecute Trump in NYC.. the Trump Rally in the Bronx has to shake the LEFT up pretty bad, especially because it's the LEFT that forced him to be there!

One of the things I noticed at Trump's Bronx Rally was the number of people wearing hats for Trump...and not just the red "MAGA" handout ones.. most of the ones I saw were personal picks by the wearers. Flag and camo themed ones dominated. Trump is becoming the real icon for diversity!

“Squad” member AOC says Trump is in the Bronx because he's broke... the way I see it is that Trump is in the Bronx because the Bronx is BROKE, and Trump offers a plan to fix it!

Online headline: “Georgia Senate committee probes DA Fani Willis” -- A great place to "probe" is her CAMPAIGN ACCOUNT! She swore on the witness stand that she kept lots of CASH at home and paid Wade back IN CASH. During that time, her Campaign Account looked like over $200,000.00 was unaccounted for with receipts.

From the “confirmation” department – Online headline: “Senator Ossoff brings home the bag!” – See! I told you so… and it’s not just Ossoff.. SINator Warnock , and GA D2 Congressman Bishop are just as blatant… They all bring home “bags” of taxpayer funded bribery checks to buy votes for themselves!

Online headline/story: “Group of graduates walk out of Harvard commencement chanting 'Free, free Palestine' * Hundreds of students in graduation robes walked out of the Harvard commencement on Thursday chanting “Free, free Palestine” after weeks of protests on campus and a day after the school announced that 13 Harvard students who participated in a protest encampment would not be able to receive diplomas alongside their classmates.” -- For people who are suppose to be “smart”. They actually aren’t very smart… Genocide in Gaza would quickly be cured if Palestinians rose up and removed HamASS from its governing body!


From the “now we KNOW why Columbus, GA Mayor Skippy the Phew made a backroom deal to keep the citizens of Columbus from voting on his “100 Acre Scam” at Golden Park” department – Online story: “Voters soundly defeated a ballot measure in Kansas City seeking public funds for two stadium projects for the MLB’s Royals and the NFL Super Bowl Champion Chiefs last month. * In New Jersey, Gov. Phil Murphy allocated $15 million in federal COV ID-19 funds to help lure a World Cup soccer match to MetLife Stadium while New York state officials tried to dip into the same pool of money to make $11.6 million worth of improvements to a New York Yankees minor league stadium. * But after residents pushed back, the money was reallocated to local housing developments.” – You know, if Mayor Skippy had rightfully put the destruction of Golden Park on the ballot, there’d been a lot more interest by the voters to go to the polls this past Tuesday.. and made the voters a lot more savvy about what has happened to Columbus’ “Covid-19 Money”, and how the voters felt about candidate positions on the matter. Hmmm… don’t you wonder, too, if voters would have chosen spending $50 Million on an ongoing expense and money pit versus … say.. affordable housing or crime prevention?

New York Post Online headline: “Jamaal Bowman is a pathetic excuse for a congressman” – Hmmm… The Post took it too easy on Bowman!

From “seeing the handwriting on the wall” department – Online story: “House Democrats are preparing for a sizable number of defections on a vote to block a Washington, D.C. law allowing non-citizen voting despite their leadership whipping against it.” – While getting non-citizens the right to vote is the Democratic Party’s long term agenda, his is still part of their general subterfuge plan.. whther it actually gets TO the Floor for a vote is not the goal at this moment.. the Dems are just wanting to plant the seed that Dems are for it and Republicans are racist for trying to protect the vote of American citizens..

Online headline: “ Sheila Jackson Lee reintroduces George Floyd Justice in Policing Act” -- Good grief! If criminals would just stop fighting when law enforcement officers have them contained, there'd be no issues!

Online headline: “Father-son Hamas terrorists casually describe taking turns raping Israeli woman, then executing her, in bone-chilling video” – Just reading about this was disgusting! The video should be shown to all our campus protesters, and when they leave the room afterwards, if they smile, or laugh, or just look like they enjoyed it, they should be lobotomized!

Online headline: “Bipartisan border deal fails again in Senate” -- Well, if 7 of the 9 Democrats/Socialists who DIDN'T vote for it had, Schumer wouldn't have needed any Republican votes to pass it. Just proved Schumer's bill sucked.. of course he could have sent Speaker Johnson's bill to the Senate floor, and it should have passed easily..but, of course, Biden would have vetoed Johnson's bill..

Speaker Johnson was on Fox News talking with Harris Faulkner yesterday.. I was tickled to hear him talking about how the Democrat border agenda being one to not only bring in illegal voters but also to manipulate the Census to redistribute Electoral College voting numbers. I've been touching on this for years!

Speaker Johnson also went after the 'motor voter' forms given with most states' Drivers License application sites. If any one "checks" the "I'm a Citizen" box, a voter registration form is given to them.. but it's AGAINST ANOTHER DEMOCRAT COMPOSED LAW for a verification check be initiated before they are added to the voting lists!

Online headline: US Navy officers who shared military secrets see felony convictions dismissed” – Hmmm another traitor “Bowe” Bergdahl situation! This, on top of hearing about the Jordanian assault on Quantico not being mentioned until 2 weeks AFTER THE FACT, deserves Impeach action of the Commander-in-Chief NOW!

Online headline: “The Justice Department has filed a civil antitrust lawsuit against Live Nation-Ticketmaster, alleging "monopolization and other unlawful conduct." “ – Hmmm… guess the FBI office staff could not afford the tickets to a Taylor Swift’s “New Era Tour” event…

From the “worst lie of the day from a Democrat” department – Email “headLIE”: “Elizabeth Warren: “I want to be honest!” -- Whatta joke! She can’t even define “honest”.. even to Bill Clinton double standards! Her life has been a big lie… from her job applications claiming her Native American heritage to her claiming drinking a beer with her husband is something she enjoys doing…

Online “headLIE”: “Donald Trump Suffered 'Devastating' Day: Defense Attorney” -- Good grief! It wasn't a Trump "Defense Attorney", it was "A" defense attorney, one recruited and paid to speak on CNN and slant the bias of the story.

Online headline: “ Biden administration suspends funding for scientist at center of COVID lab leak theory” – Hmmmm… Talk about showing up to late be of any value!

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