Friday, May 17, 2024


Online headline: “Socialist Chicago council member Rossana Rodriguez says it's 'racist' to punish criminals, America is a 'garbage society” -- Wow! Democrats consider it RACIST to punish criminals... in other words, she feels there are no BIPOC criminals... hmm ..I guess they also feel Whites are excluded from inclusion in this philosophy, too..

Continuing …. Shicago Council member Rossana Rodriguez also said this: “"Our BIPOC youth are on the streets because they are not gonna settle for this garbage society we have. They know we are better off investing in the things that protect us… not police,"” and “Changing the culture of policing necessitates eradicating white supremacy," – Sounds like she’s more genocidal towards Whites than HamASS is about Jews, and she considers street gangs are on the streets in the name of justice.. Heaven help Shicago!!


Online headline: “ Former Monroe County GA commissioners sue over "secret" land sale” -- In a sense, this isn't as bad as Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Phew's "100 Acre Scam" regarding the land and baseball stadium along the Chattahoochee River . He did a "backroom deal" with our overwhelmingly Democrat State Representatives to sneak around the codicil requiring a voter confirmation of 2/3rds to approve what he did.

Online headline: “Joe Biden Accused of 'Political Blackface' With Morehouse Speech” -- Hmmm... wonder if $10 BILLION in grant money (From working taxpayers pockets) for HBCUs had something to do with the change of position at Morehouse .. .. oh, silly me for thinking this...NOT!

Online headline: “Columbus, GA prepares to host GOP Convention for second consecutive year” -- Wow... this must be a "sticky wicket" moment for Columbus GA City Manager Hugley... having to cooperate with Republicans while his wife butts heads with them in Atlanta as a Democrat State Representative.

Online headline: “Veterans outraged after investigation finds VA gave $10.8 million in bonuses to senior executives” -- Hmmm.. I thought " bonuses" were paid out for excellent results, and who among our Vets believes they are served with excellence?

Online headline/story : “The legacy of Brown v. Board of Education in Georgia * Across the South, white politicians concocted schemes to maintain the status quo or at least delay implementation in the face of “massive resistance” by their white constituents. In Georgia, lawmakers amended the state constitution to force the governor to cut off state funding to any school that desegregated.” --
Hmmm…. 1954… and not a Republican Governor or Congressman in Georgia.. but plenty of Jim Crow Democrats!

Online headline: “Feds find children working in Alabama chicken plant, ask court to halt sales” -- Hmmm... "kids" can't work on the "kill floor" of a chicken processing plant, but can make decisions about killing babies via abortions, and deciding to mutilate themselves via gender reversal surgery as minors.... and this all makes perfect sense to liberals... Lord help them..

Online headline: “Anderson Cooper Says if He Was a Trump Juror, He Would Think Michael Cohen Is ‘Making This Up’ “ – Whoa.. don’t get too excited.. Cooper saw his audience numbers and figured he could afford to lose those half-a-dozen without getting a contract cut…while messing with the folks at Fox… Of course, what Cooper didn’t say was that even believing Cohen was “Making this up”, Cooper had already found Trump guilty before Cohen took the stand..

Online story: “Robert De Niro surprised everyone last year when he casually revealed he had become a dad for the seventh time aged 79. * The now-80-year-old welcomed daughter Gia, 13 months, in April 2023 with his longtime girlfriend Tiffany Chen – and he is loving every minute of fatherhood. * "She's the only one who loves me, no condition, no nothing, no criticisms," he said of his daughter.” --
Wow! De Nerdo’s dementia has soared! Of course his infant daughter “loves him” unconditionally… his other children KNOW HIM BETTER!

From the “talking about dementia” department – Online headline: “Mitt Romney Tells MSNBC There’s ‘No Question’ That ‘The Economy Is Strong’ and ‘Doing Well’ “ – Good grief! No wonder he’s leaving politics.. there’s no way Utah would re-elect him!

Online headline: “Georgia Lottery employee took bribes to pass store inspections, GBI says” -- A Georgia Lottery Corporation spokesperson says Kessler was employed as a compliance inspector. He’s accused of accepting bribes in Henry County.
“Integrity is the bedrock of the Lottery and its mission, by the way. Essentially, people are making bets. They’re gambling when they’re using machines across the state or when they are betting on any other activities that we allow in Georgia, and we don’t want a criminal element to seep into that,” said state Senator Emanuel Jones, who is part of the Georgia Lottery Commission and lives in Henry County.” --
“Integrity is the bedrock “… Hmmm.. So says State Senator Jones, a used car dealer…

Online headline: “Morehouse faculty votes to award Biden honorary degree amid commencement controversy “ – Hmmm.. it’s amazing how $10 BILLION can soothe the pains of the real truth being known!

Online headline: “Atlanta Mayor Andre Dickens has put Atlanta Human Resources Commissioner Tarlesha Smith on administrative leave after a damning inspector general report found she abused her authority. “ – Hmmm… and how many Columbus GA employees have been put on “administrative leave” since the initial external audit was released to Council?

Online headline/story: “Serve Time Behind Bars For Her Excessive Greed”: Barbara Furlow-Smiles Used Position As DEI Leader To Steal $4.9M From Facebook and $120K From Nike To Fund Lavish Lifestyle * Over a six-year time period, Furlow-Smiles used fabricated charges and bogus invoices to steal $4.9 million from Facebook and over $120,000 from Nike.” – As bad a dilemma FaceBook found itself in, Nike had the most “conflict”… should it name a shoe after her or give her the “boot”…

Looks like the Columbus GA School System is starting to install the ticket scam cameras at River Road School.. the School Zone speed limit has been RAISED to 30 MPH (from 25 MPH) to comply with State Law and new flashing lights are being installed like the speed camera ones further north on River Road near Brookstone Pre-School.. You know, according to the Columbus GA/Muscogee County Sheriff’s Office “warning” letter a friend showed me, the cameras are there to insure more “safety” for school children.. but since (depending on sources), only 4 or 10 Public Schools are scheduled for the “camera monitoring systems”, the School System must not think the other 40 plus schools children deserve to be as safe. GA needs a retro law making all systems either install such “safety” systems at all their public schools or none at all!

Oh! If you’ve been ticketed previously when the River Road School Zone was marked “25 MPH”, you might have an appeal opportunity to get the case thrown out and off your driving/insurance record..

Online headline: “Justice Department says Merrick Garland can't be held in contempt by Congress” -- Can't be held in contempt by Congress"? Of course he can be held in contempt.. I hold him in contempt and I'm not even a Congressperson!

Online headline: “Senate GOP probes Trump prosecutor Fani Willis' office for alleged 'misuse' of funds” --No.. Fani (pronounced with an "a" as in "FART", not as in "FAIR") Willis doesn't feel she's ABOVE the law, she feels SHE IS THE LAW!

Online headline: “Biden invokes executive privilege to shield Robert Hur interview tapes from House” – You know, Biden’s “reasoning” is that the transcript is already available… unfortunately, who believes anything Biden says.. the video will either confirm it or not.. but it will also be the truth rather than an edited concept of it.

Online headline: “Biden Calls Illegals Crossing The Border “Hispanic Voters” -- As predicted.. the Democrats want to create more Congressional Districts by distributing illegal aliens into them, then give them a vote which is outlawed by the US Constitution!

In Columbus, GA, early voting ends today, so if you haven’t done so, make sure you do on Tuesday, May 21st.. Make sure you vote “NO” on the E-SPLOST financial fiasco. The school system wants that $90,000,000.00 bond immediately with no announced project to use it on..


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