Thursday, May 23, 2024


Online headline: “NRCC rejects cease-and-desist letters from Democrats over ‘I support Hamas’ emails” -- convenient .. Democrats feel just because one side of their mouths may not have said something doesn't mean they didn't say it from the other side of their mouths.

Online headline: “California Passes Law Requiring New Cars to Beep at You for Exceeding the Speed Limit” -- Good grief! A nightmare I'd thought I'd "forgotten" just flashed violently in my head! Remember back in the 1960's when seat belts became required to be installed in our cars? I didn't have a problem with that, but if someone was in a front seat but didn't clasp the seat belt, an alarm similar to today's "home smoke alarms" would sound off incessantly. Liberals thought that was a "great idea".…well... until they plopped their purses, brief cases, or bag of groceries in their front passenger seat and it went off until they connected that seat belt! Consumer uproar finally got that "law" changed.. can you imagine the increase in ROAD RAGE cases begining in 2032 in California?

Online headline: “ President Joe Biden Awarded Honorary Degree From Morehouse College” -- Hmmm...guess it was “awarded” because he definitely didn’t “earn it”! I also guess he got the corrected "test answers" via his "Teleprompter chest sheet" so he could pass the bribery test!

Online Columbus L-E headline: “ May 21, 2024 Update: Here's our most recent Drone video of Golden Park project in Columbus, GA” -- Good grief! Except for the bleachers (which should have been the first things to go), there's nothing left! Well, obviously, Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Phew and his current appointed Council Post 10 Sycophant Begly, can never call Golden Park "historic" anymore! This deserves a recall movement for the “backroom deal” that the Mayor pulled off! Oh, and another great reason to elect John Anker in the runoff to replace Begly !

Columbus L-E video link:

Let's talk about upcoming runoffs that affect Columbus, GA.. For the Republican nomination in Congressional District 3, Brian Jack faced off with Mike Dugan.. while I believe either would be good for America, Georgia District 3, and Columbus, GA, I think Mike Dugan would pay more attention to Columbus' input.


In Columbus GA Council Post 10 (at large) runoff between Travis Chambers and John Anker, Anker is by far the better choice, he's a financial guy with a rapidly growing, far reaching business creating many new jobs, and bringing lots of out of town/state exposure for our City. I think Travis Chambers, while a successful businessman in his own right, he isn't expanding ... growing.. our work force, and with his wife already on the School Board, a Chambers win would put one family calling shots on both our taxing authorities, and critical information needing privacy and discernment could be easily discussed between spouses and could cause information to be disclosed in an inappropriate way.


I don't know how to approach the runoff in GA District 2.. I don't know the Republican candidates nor vote in that district but I wish those who live in it will select the best to run against Incumbent Sanford Bishop in November . Bishop has been embarrassing to GA and Columbus. He's been involved in too many unethical scenarios over the years...from the House Bank scandal in the 1990s, to awarding CBC scholarships to staff members’ children, and a House Ethics challenge to his "questionable" campaign account expenditures.. those plus he and his wife have homes in Albany and Columbus with Homestead Exemptions.

Online headline/story: “Bidenworld Candidate Says She’s a Renter, But She Owns a $1.2M House * Maggie Goodlander, a former senior adviser in the Biden White House and newly declared Democratic House candidate in New Hampshire ’s 2nd District, proudly proclaimed upon launching her bid that she’s a renter “and there should be more renters in Congress .” * Goodlander—who is also White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan ’s wife—is herself a homeowner * The couple own a home worth more than $1.2 million in a historic and pricey seaside neighborhood in Portsmouth, which sits in the state’s other district.: -- seems if you are a Democrat you probably are a liar, but... but if you are a habitual liar, you're definitely a Democrat!

Online headline: “ Delta Sigma Theta: ‘No Records’ Of Georgia State Rep. Angela Moore Belonging To Historic Black Sorority” -- Hmmm… obviously, being a “Lying Democrat” isn't restricted to just the male ones.


Online headline: “Biden administration dares Republicans to vote for Senate border package” – “Dares”? Hmmm.. Maybe Biden should try singing, "Red Senator, Red Senator, send your careers right over".


Online headline: “Ossoff: ‘A grave risk to U.S. national security’ if no border bill” -- Hmmm...and why weren't Ossoff and the other Democrat Senators camped out at the White House from "Day 2" demanding Resident Biden reinstate the Trump policies that Biden reversed "on Day 1"?


Online “headLIE”: “Even if Senate border security bill vote fails, it's a win for Democratic messaging” -- Hmmm …If it's such 'a win" for Democrats, then all Democrats will vote for it and pass it without Republican votes... Schumer just wants 1 RINO vote so he can claim it's "bipartisan "!

Online headline: “US judge blocks Florida law that bars transporting migrants into state” -- Wow! Seriously!? Wonder if Judge Altman's birth country having been Venezuela may have influenced this outrageous decision! GAs anyone check to see if the Judge has any family left in Venezuela that has been pressured by Maduro... or a cartel that makes money shipping illegal aliens to America?

Hmmmm...when you think about it, Fani Willis' "win" Tuesday was not the "big ta-da moment" she hoped for. Think about it... This wasn't a General Election.. it was a Democrat Primary and who knew that nearly 1-in-7 Democrats in Fulton County GA wanted her gone!

Online headline: “Georgia Senate's Inquiry into Fulton County DA Fani Willis Moves Forward with Public Hearing” -- Hmmm... how can media not note that a higher percentage of Democrats voted for "someone else" other than Fani Willis in Fulton County than voted for "anyone else but Biden" in many of the Democrat's Presidential Primaries?

Online headline: “State Department accused of using $500,000 in US taxpayer money to promote atheism” -- Why is our State Department use our tax dollars to promote "tolerance toward religious minority populations overseas"? Aren't, by definition, overseas minority populations actually the MAJORITY in most overseas countries?

Online headline: “ Voters Flee From Gunmen at Shirley Winston Recreation Center in Columbus, GA” -- Good grief! Surely there are numerous cameras in the Recreation Center's parking light to have video recordings of the "perps" and license plates of their vehicles! I just want to know why this wasn't a lead story Tuesday night and Wednesday morning!

Online headline: “James Comey warns of ‘serious’ repercussions for FBI and DOJ if Trump is president again” -- Hmmm...well, those would DEFINITELY be well deserved repercussions!

Online headline: “Catholic group Knights of Columbus sues Biden administration for denying permit for Memorial Day mass: ‘Way out of line * “National Cemeteries are established as national shrines in tribute to those who have died in service to our country, and as such any special activities within the cemetery are reserved for a limited set of official commemorative activities that have a connection to military service or have a historic and commemorative significance for the particular national cemetery” -- Hmmm... well, 60 years of a Memorial Service sounds like a sufficient amount of "historic significance" to me.

Online headline: “Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., says Trump Justice Department would ‘go on a murdering spree’” -- Hmmm .. yet it's Pressley who sides with Muslim/HamASS on Jewish Genocide!

Online “headLIE”: Ex-Trump Prosecutor Nathan Wade Tells MSNBC He Received Threats Every Day: ‘My Children Couldn’t Come to Visit Me’” -- Hmmmm....Typical Democrat response.. make themselves feel like a victim of their own “unforced erro”r actions, then throw "the RACE card"!

Online headline: “Taxpayers still footing bill for $85M California ICE detention center to sit empty as state becomes epicenter of illegal border crossings” – Hmmm.. typical… just typical Democrats in action.. 😖

Online headline: “Rapper, 17, shoots himself dead while showing off gun in sickening video livestream” -- Alec B@ldwin, the first thing he should do is check to see if the gun is loaded....Survival 101!

Online headline/story: “California DEI officer blasted Jesus as a capitalist exploiter, claims White people have 'pathology” * Carina Lieu, a California city official tasked with fomenting an inclusive environment as part of her role has past remarks that criticize White people and Christians, describing Jesus Christ as a symbol of "capital gain." -- You know.. how can anyone claim to be for “DEI” who excludes any segment of society?

Online headline/story: “$112 million generated for GA cities from automatic cameras | ‘A huge tax” -- Public records from 54 Georgia municipalities reveal the cameras have generated more than $112 million in revenue since 2019, an amount that has some lawmakers and city leaders questioning the real motivation of the cameras.” – Hmmm… and don’t think this isn’t the true motive of the Columbus GA School Systems decision to join the other cities! If our School System was REALLY concerned with student safety, they would want them at EVERY school.. not just the 20% of schools on more affluent roadways!

Online “headLIE”: “Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff Calls Out Trump: He's 'A Known Antisemite “ -- How irresponsible and a CHEAP shot! President Trump has a Jewish son-in-law and 4 Jewish grandchildren he adores!

Online headline: “Military hid attempted Quantico base breach by Jordanians from Marines for two weeks” -- Talk about “high crimes and treason”! After the Afghanistan debacle, guess the “White House Handlers” were trying to hide this from the voters!

Hmmm... the White House sent out CORRECTED transcripts of 9 errors he made reading his speech at Morehouse College from his Teleprompter.... yet the White House refuses to release the interview tape of his session with Prosecutor Robert Hur. You know, how can we trust the accuracy of the transcript of it when we are denied seeing and comparing it to the actual video!

Online headline: “Columbus, GA to receive $1 million for environmental site evaluations” -- How about naming the mills involved... and who wants to "develop" something new there...

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