Monday, May 13, 2024


Remember when President Reagan announced to the world that "We don't negotiate with terrorists!". Now we're stuck with Resident Biden, a Commander-in-Chief who negotiates FOR TERRORIST!

Try as I do, I do not think I could ever say as much about John Anker as being the best choice for Post 10 in next week's Columbus GA Council race as the heart felt endorsement of former Post 10 Councilor John House. You can… SHOULD.. view it on Anker's Facebook page, "John Anker for Columbus".

Hmmm... After seeing.. feeling .. John House's endorsement video, if I were running against Anker, I think even I would vote for Anker, too.

Online headline/story: “Elon Musk: "Our New Hydrogen Combustion Engine Will End All Electric Cars!" * A leading innovator has introduced a new hydrogen combustion engine, aiming to impact the future of transportation with its potential performance and environmental benefits. This technology presents an alternative to the electric vehicle market, highlighting advances in automotive technology. “ – Hmmm… sounds like the “Green Group” will turn “green” knowing Musk has “bested them”! Now, what will they have a CAUSE to jet-set around to using an internal combustion engine they can’t complain about…

From the “turn-about is fair play” department - Online vote-buying headline: “Black People Shouldn't Pay Taxes as Form of Reparations, Democrat Suggests” -- Not a bad idea.. and if my genealogist can't connect me to Black Heritage, then I'll just declare myself Black.. if liberals are happy with self-genderizing then they should support me changing my race.

Online headline: “Biden administration preparing to hand out 10K migrant ID cards in several US cities: report:” –Instead of ID cards! How about a fast return trip to Mexico where the cartels can take them in.

Online headline: “Early Voting is Underway in Muscogee County/Columbus, GA: Here’s What You Need to Know” -- Oh! If you are not personally knowledgeable of the Amendments on the bottom of your ballot to vote on, they are "special interest" ones the legislators did not want their names attached to... Vote NO on all…. Especially the SCHOOL SPLOST!


I went on the Columbus GA/Muscogee County School website, and did see a "total" asked of $290,000,000.00 in its ESPLOST attempt .... that's $58 MILLION per year... and y'all know that (if you keep up with the facts that GA state sales tax revenues are in a downward trend DUE, basically, to EXCESSIVE GOVERNMENT SPENDING created INFLATION! In addition, the School Board is also “feathering it’s nest” by including an addendum to give them the right to assess $90,000,000.00 in General Obligation bonds because they realize they aren’t going to get $290,000,000.00 in sales tax revenues… VOTE NO on May 21st!

Hmm.. think about this .. if the Columbus, GA School financial wizards are projecting raising $58 MILLION a year, then the City’s $400,000,000.00 SPLOST will be paid off in less than 7 year (versus the 10 years @ $40 Million) the City projected, and the State’s perpetual T-SPLOST will generate enough revenue to pave our streets in gold versus asphalt! VOTE NO on May 21st!


You know, there needs to be a “STATE standard” of how many annual dollars in tax revenue a SPLOST can be based on.. letting a local tax body decide on its own is a disaster-in-progress! VOTE NO on May 21st!

Online headline/story: “GA State tax revenues fall again” * Net sales tax receipts also declined by 3%.” – Hey… Columbus GA School Board.. obviously you hadn’t seen this… or considered it when creating your latest .. and unwarranted E-SPLOST!

I am tired.. no PO’d… at restaurants who print out “suggested” tips on the bills that get presented, but I’m even more PO’d when the “suggested tip” is based on the meal PLUS the 9% sales taxes! Why does a restaurant feel I should tip 18-25% of the sales tax as well.. besides, when have any of us.. (including government employees who are getting government services for themselves) felt like we should TIP the TAX Assessor for billing us, or our Mayor for services rendered in a “backroom deal” that we didn’t know was serving US up as government fodder for generations to come?

From the “Speaking of “government tips” department - Online headline: “Veterans Affairs gave nearly $11 million meant for recruitment and retention to top executives” -- Hmmm.. I thought " bonuses" were paid out for excellent results, and who among our Vets believes they are served with excellence?

Online headline/story: “Shape the Future of Memorial Stadium: Columbus Town Hall Meeting on May 23 * The city of Columbus is preparing for a town hall meeting on May 23, 2024, to discuss updates to Memorial Stadium. This event, scheduled from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Columbus Community Building at 2500 14th St., seeks community input on proposed improvements to the stadium, a local landmark since the 1940s. * Memorial Stadium has been a community venue for over seventy years” --  Hmmm… First, “Where is 2500 14th Street? Or 2500 14th Ave even”.... Secondly, when did Memorial Stadium become “Memorial Stadium” again.. wasn’t it renamed to include the beloved A.J. McClung? Could this be a trend and we return to calling our military base FT Benning again?

What's wrong with Columbus GA's Chamber of Commerce and our Visitors and Travel Bureau! Hallmark showed a new movie this weekend called "Whitewater Romance".. and it wasn't here! Think about that.. Columbus GA and Hallmark had a true connection at one time.. Hallmark bought Lithokrome and operated out of here for many years, and with all the tax dollars poured into creating our Whitewater course, it should have been a natural fit.

Online headline: “‘Overwhelming Contempt’: Hillary Clinton Panned For Declaring Young Americans Don’t Know Anything About History” -- Of course "young Americans don't know anything about American history"… just look at the school tests for reading efficiency.. less than 35% of Columbus Public School children read at their grade level.. and THAT'S BY DESIGN OF THE SOCIALIST-DEMOCRAT PARTY! If the true history of America was taught, or if all children could read at an adult level when they graduate from High School, or if colleges were focused on further education rather than INDOCTRINATION, every voter would/could know the past and current misinformation about slavery is the agenda..and platform of the Democrats...

Online headline: “Jill Biden tells Arizona college graduates to tune out people who tell them what they ‘can’t’ do” -- Good grief! Whatta political "flip-flop"! It's the Democratic Party agenda and platform to encourage its voter base to depend on government controlling them... waiting on the government to do things for them... rather than encouraging to depend on their own God given gifts and the Freedom to pursue their dreams and rewards!


Every two or four years, Democrats fill the air promising their base “the Moon” if they vote for them.. then the Democrats turn away and “MOON” them until the next re-election cycle..

Online headline: “US Treasury Accused of Spying on Americans’ Bank Transactions in Secret Surveillance Program As Secretary Yellen Confirms ‘Communications Took Place’” – Good grief! It’s bad enough that government sneaks around in our private lives, but when government officials unabashedly admit so without remorse, it’s way past time for CHANGE!

And “the BEAT” goes on…. Online headline: “ FBI Deputy Director Urges More Warrantless Surveillance of Americans” -- Welcome to "Big Brother" and "1984... the 2024 sequel"!


Online headline: “College Football Playoff Championship odds suggest only four teams can win it all even in new 12-team format” -- Wow! We will never again see interest in the "Top 10".. now it'll be the "Top 12"! This also makes the "playoffs" cover 4 weeks/rounds at a minimum 5 weeks if an extra week following the "semi-finals" (like the NFL Super Bowl format). And with the "NIL" & "Transfer Portal" system, how many of the players looking for being drafted in Round 1 of the NFL Draft will even participate in the NCAA playoffs for fear of a career ending injury because of the extra games?

Did you see it! Trump's rally in New Jersey… BLUE STATE New Jersey… drew 100,000 supporters! Of course, if you get your news on CNN, you probably haven't a clue it went on. Oh, and how about "L.T.".. yes, Lawrence Taylor, NFL Hall of Fame lineback of the NY Giants, announced his endorsement of Trump in an epiphany moment.. L.T. said he and his family had always voted for Democrats their whole lives, but "NEVER AGAIN"! L.T. has truly "aWOKEn"!

Some more Blue State Democrat Congresspersons are retracting their support of Biden's negative position on Israel... I wish I could believe they actually support Israel, but what's happened is they've stuck their finger into the air to see which way their re-election chances are blowing. Again.. why does the Jewish Community in America still support the Democratic Party?

Online headline: “Joe Manchin says Donald Trump can win, wants to make the GOP ‘grand again’” -- I would love to say something good about Manchin, but he's manipulative and greedy! Of course he could do wonders for America for the next 8 months by becoming a Republican Senator until he leaves office in the 1st week of 2025.

Online headline/story: “Hillary Clinton-produced play ‘Suffs’ failing to pack seats during peak Broadway season * "The play features an "entirely female and non-binary cast"-- Hmmm .. looks like the success of "DEI" is a failure as well.. Hey... I wonder why Hellary hadn't filled the plentiful empty seats with "illegal aliens" so the "numbers" of empty seats in the peak season wouldn't be so glaringly OBVIOUS!


Online horror story: “Gunmaker, Smith & Wesson Says They’ve Suspended Several Employees at Their Springfield (Massachusetts) Plant After the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms Notified Them That the Workers Aren’t Permitted to Legally Possess Guns. “ – Wow! Think about that… criminals aren’t permitted to legally possess guns.. EITHER.. but do you see the ATF agents delivering notices to THEIR HOMES! You know, if the British had done this in Massachusetts in 1776, we’d still be colonies! Oh… by the way, Smith and Wesson is leaving Massachusetts soon…

Online headline: “Congressman Bishop Secures $4.8 Million for Health Services in Blakely, Macon, and Columbus GA” -- Secured $4.8 Million? Yeah, right... by sticking his hand in our wallet pockets!

Online headline: ‘ $267,000,000,000 Bank To Abolish Cash, Warns Customers To Prepare for Massive Digital Overhaul” -- While this bank is in Australia, it’s coming our way, too! You know, this will be a continuing devaluation of "the dollar"! If you think not, start checking your restaurant (and other “bills") for the 3%-to-4% "fee" added on to your bill if you use a credit/debit card. Oh… and restaurants who do this ADD THIS FEE into the amount they compute for your “suggested tip”.

Online headline: “‘Return The Money Joe!’ Trump ‘Officially’ Calls On Biden To Return Donations Of ‘Anti-Semites, American-Haters’ Behind ‘Campus Uprisings’ “ – Hmm.. this would mean George Soros and..ACT BLUE donations as well… In fact, the ACT Blue donations would affect every Democrat running for election or re-election!

Online headline: “Biden calls North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un president of South Korea in latest world leader blunder “ -- You know, this is almost as bad as referring to JoKKKe Biden as our actually sitting President!

Online “yarn”: “Feminist scholar and anti-racism educator Peggy McIntosh famously described white privilege as an “invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools and blank checks.” * In other words, white people typically move through life unaware of all the head starts, resources and access the color of their skin affords them. They don’t recognize these unearned advantages until they’re pointed out — and even then, some white people will try to deny the existence of their privilege .” --  You know, this statement by Peggy McIntosh… whomever she may actually be… proves nothing but that she’s an ignorant racist herself.. all of her writings pertain to Whites and Males.. which means she’s bigoted as well..

Online headline: “ “Trans” Identified Male Dominates Girls’ Track Meet in Woke Oregon “ – Good grief.. other than a bra he doesn’t need, he could have competed in the high school boys 400 as well.. only he knows he couldn’t win that event..

Online headline/story: “Bill to let local officials hide records from public nears final passage” * House Bill 461 by Rep. Steven Jackson, D-Shreveport, would exempt records related to local and parish economic development projects from Louisiana’s Public Records Law. An amended version of the proposal, which includes a four year sunset provision, cleared the Committee on Senate and Governmental Affairs without objection Wednesday. * The bill would allow a mayor, parish president or top local government official to declare any records confidential if they determine their public release “would have a detrimental effect” on an active business negotiation. It would also allow the company or person negotiating with the government to request confidentiality.” – Good grief.. while this is in Louisiana, I read it thinking this would be what happened here in GA that allowed Columbus GA Mayor Skippy the Phew get his “100 Acre Scam” through without letting the voters have their say in the matter!!!


Online headline/story: “Charges dropped against 211 migrants who stormed border, DA appeals * More than 200 migrants who broke open a fence and pushed past Texas border officials will not be facing charges in El Paso County, Texas. A judge dismissed their case on Wednesday, May 8.” -- Their "charge" was far worse than any action made on Jan 6th 2021! Most revealing is that the judge’s name is not mentioned in this story… my guess is that he/she’s up for re-election, and El Paso voters aren’t happy with this!


Online headline: “America is full of abandoned malls. What if we turned them into housing?” – Good grief! By “we”, I’m guessing this ignorant liberal means us taxpayers! “We” are expected to bail out the Mall owners or banks that financed the loans, then pay to remodel and tak on maintenance for folks who aren’t gonna pay rent or be responsible for what they do to the property.. Yeah.. great idea… NOT!!!


Online story: “While half the population wants Donald Trump to push past his legal hurdles and come back stronger than ever, the other half wants justice served for his wrongdoings. Barbra Streisand belongs to the latter half. The legendary singer-songwriter and actress would much rather see Trump imprisoned than a future dictator of the United States. “ -- Wow! I remember when I owned .. treasured...all of Barbra Streisand's 8-track cassettes.. I also remember tossing them in a garbage can headed for the dump.. this gave me more pleasure than earlier listening periods .. and this was 30-plus years ago!

Online headline: “NYC Mayor Eric Adams Says Rikers Island ‘Will Be Ready’ For Donald Trump If Judge Sends Him There” -- Hmmm...He’s probably already gotten Jeffrey Epstein's cell ready, and the cameras taken offline, and Ambien poured into the guards coffee..

Online headline: “Secretary of State Antony Blinken denies that US has ‘double standards’ over Israel’s war conduct” -- Hmmm..Blinken treats Israel "like he would any other country"? Good grief! No wonder older allies are concerned!


Online “headLIE”: “Whoopi Goldberg Admits She Isn't Married Because She Doesn't Want to Be 'Invested' in a Partner's Feelings” -- Hmmm...I thought of a dozen reasons no one would want to marry Whoopi... and that was just during a TV commercial.

Online headline: “Morehouse faculty set to vote next week on whether to award Biden an honorary degree “ -- Hmmm… wanna bet whether a “grant” will be delivered to Morehouse just before the vote?

Online headline: “This may be the week Alvin Bragg’s case against Trump falls apart” – Hmmm… So much for Bragg's "All-star" witness list.. Daniels is a "Porn Star", Cohen is a "Fallen Star", and it's rumored that Alec Baldwin will be his "Shooting Star".

Online headline: “The Largest Collection Of Vintage Lunchboxes In The World Is Just 90 Minutes From Atlanta “ – Hmm.. you know, it would have benefited the “Lunchbox Museum” if the headline just said it was located in Columbus, GA! This also reminds me of me when Callaway Gardens changed its Ad logo from “Just 30 Minutes from Columbus, GA” to “Just 60 minutes from Atlanta”… where is our Chamber of Commerce and our Visitors and Travel Bureau!

Online headline: “ Blinken says U.S. won't back Rafah incursion without "credible plan" to protect civilians” -- Wait a minute! Blinken and Nodden are refusing to help Israel to free American hostages, and they actually seem content to otherwise let our fellow Americans die at the hands of HamASS!

The FCC ..or whoever is the "Ad Police" needs to crackdown on jewelry being considered "Diamonds" when they are actually "Lab Created diamonds".. there are plenty of lab created jewels.. we call them fakes, paste, Cubic Zirconia, or glass.. Natural occuring Diamonds need to be protected from scam products..

Online headline: “Fulton County 2020 Election Problems, Now Confirmed, Challenge Media Fact-Checkers” -- Hmmm... 3,000 to 3,600 "double scanned" ballots .. Hmmmm.... just because the " errors weren't enough to alter the election results" does not mean there WEREN'T more than enough to actually do so... it just means there could have been MORE THAN ENOUGH that weren't "caught".... yet.

Good grief! I want to believe that it was an Artificial Intelligence campaign that put those decrepit words in a speech Resident Biden made yesterday aimed at Trump. But we know it wasn’t because he doesn’t even have normal intelligence when it comes to “speeching”! What do our allies think of him!

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