Saturday, May 11, 2024

 We use Spectrum for TV but not for phone.. Called in about outage of cable and streaming Friday morning after a rough storm night. Was told that ALL Spectrum services, cable, streaming, and PHONE were out. Made me think about all those Spectrum ads to get me to change to Spectrum phone service, but if I had, I wouldn't have been able to report my outage.. I’m Keeping T-Mobile!


Rumors... Predictions .. are circulating that Resident Biden will pull out of the 2024 race on June 13th. This is probably as reliable as the many dates Algore has predicted our East Coast cities would be under water, but... but if a drop out date is picked, why not say June 14th instead...Not only is June 14th our National Flag Day, but it's also Donald Trump's birthday.


Hey, Columbus, GA, still seeking the definitive speed info that triggers the School Zone cameras on Bradley Park Dr. and River Road at Bradley Park Dr, but we know it's either 8 MPH or 11 MPH over the speed limit posted on the flashing lights... In other words, the "Speed Cameras" have made those zones ""LESS SAFE".. I think most drivers felt they needed to adhere closely to the posted speed limit, but now everybody KNOWS they can travel 7 to 10 miles faster without getting a ticket! There goes the “we are only concerned about kids’ safety argument we’ll hear… in the end, it’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY!

I've also heard that the number 4 as well as 10 will be the number of schools that the Columbus GA/Muscogee County School System is going to install those ticket issuing speed cameras. Now... why are some schools' children being “made” safer than other schools' children? Well, that is the excuse the Sheriff's Office is claiming to justify installing the cameras.. so is that fair? You know, if ticket cameras are going to be used at some school districts, then they need to be.... no .. HAVE TO BE USED AT ALL SCHOOLS! In fact, there ought to be a state LAW mandating this!

Top Democrat "damage control" agent Jessica Tarlov decided to take maternity leave following the recent birth of her child. Hmmm... personally I think Tarlov decided that the Democrat Committee could not offer her enough money to stay on TV right now and defend/cover up for Biden and the "Progressive" Socialist-Democrat Congresspersons.

You know, when our Columbus GA elected officials promote various local SPLOST-type sales taxes, little .. or no.. information about any of the money can be spent on normal .. routine .. maintenance/repairs/upkeep is considered.. it fact, those expenses cannot be included. We've seen the results.. and they aren't pretty.. buildings built to government regulations don't last, and money from the SPLOSTs cannot be used to repair said buildings nor for labor. Look how the old "new" Spencer evolved. Yes, building with SPLOST money will be an albatross around the next generation of Columbus GA citizens. Vote NO on the unwarranted School System E-SPLOST on May 21st!


CNN interviewed Biden and when Biden lied that he inherited a 9% inflation rate from Trump.... and the CNN interviewer did not flinch, cringe, challenge or CORRECT the fact that the inflation rate when Trump left office, the inflation rate was ONLY 1.4%.

From the “nice old man with a bad memory MY ASS!” department – Online headline: “Biden claims inflation was 9% when he came into office — when it actually was 1.4% “ – This is not about a “bad memory”… at best it’s about LYING, but reality is that it’s about DEMENTIA!


Online “The Hill” “headLIE”: “Biden leads Trump in polls for first time since last year” -- Desperation sets in... Never forget that "The Hill" is a Democratic Party propaganda operation.

Online headline: “TikTok files lawsuit to block impending US ban” – Hmmm… This may open a door China didn’t intend to do! Now, American companies doing business in China can file suits AGAINST China in US Courts on the restrictions China places on American businesses!

Online headline/story: “Biden’s labor secretary could be forcing taxpayers to foot $32B in unemployment fraud she caused in California * Sens. Bill Cassidy and Mike Crapo expressed concerns in a letter to Labor Secretary Julie Su about December Labor Department guidelines that may “allow California to shift the consequences of a still unknown amount of federal funds that was lost” by its Employment Development Department (EDD) during her tenure. * The $32.6 billion in COVID relief to fraudsters amounts to as much as one third of the total erroneous unemployment insurance payments, according to a Government Accountability Office report last September. “ -- Hmmm.. naturally there are many questions to ask, but the first one is, “Why isn’t Julie Su UNEMPLOYED NOW

Online “The Hill” headline: “ Paul Ryan says he won’t vote for Trump: ‘I’m gonna write in a Republican’” – Good grief! "The Hill", the Democratic Party propaganda tool, loves to promote RINOs as relevant... Ryan was even more of a disappointing RINO than RATT Romney!

Online “The Hill” headLIE: “Extending Trump’s tax cuts would cost US trillions of dollars in new forecast” – “The Hill” is a worse liar than MSNBC or CA Democrat Senate candidate, A Dumb Schi**. The economy under Trump was BOOMING prior to the pandemic BECAUSE of the tax cuts.. The “cuts” produced record tax revenue!

From the “irony shows up where it’s least expected” department – Online headline: “Jerry Seinfeld Apologizes for Saying Howard Stern Wasn't Funny on Podcast “ -- Think about that… Seinfield apologizing to Stern is probably the funniest thing Seinfield has uttered in DECADES!

Online headline: “ Biden vows US will not supply weapons for Israel’s offensive attack on Hamas-controlled Rafah” -- Good grief! Biden will give Ukraine weapons even though Ukraine would not be an asset America would benefit from in a war situation, but won't even deliver weapons to Israel, one of our most treasured allies/assets, even when Israel would pay for them. Sounds pretty much that Resident Biden supports anti-Semitism!

Earlier this week, I mentioned a research item about trees being planted in open fields actually contribute to warmer temperatures.. so.. if trees planted in open fields raise temperatures that effect Climate Change, can you imagine how fields of solar panels will raise the temperature of open fields to even higher temperatures!

Biden doesn't just speak from both sides of his mouth, both his tongues are "split". Now he wants to change the rules on previously distributed (but not actually spent yet) pandemic grant money... instead of agencies and local/state governments being required to "spend it or lose it" before the end of this year, Biden is wanting to let them keep it as long as they "have a plan" to spend it in the future.. Biden just wants to make sure the investment market doesn't collapse before he leaves the White House on January 19, 2025.

Looks like Resident Biden's Holocaust Memorial speech was just more BS... Before he gave the speech, he'd already decided he was not going to send the weapons to Israel, but refused to release that info before his speech! At best, Biden is a Conniving Coward!

Good grief! Biden's excuse of not sending weapons to Israel is based on Israel NOT GOING INTO RAFAH..... Hmmm .. Israel HAD NOT GONE INTO RAFAH at that point, so why didn't he sendi them the weapons! Oh! Thank God Biden wasn't our President on 9-11-01.. Because Biden doesn't feel Israel has the right.. and obligation to eradicate HamASS, Biden probably wouldn't have retaliated against ISIS!

Until this week, I still had hope that Boy Scouts of America would make a comeback. That "hope" has been completely DASHED now that it has changed the name to Scouting America.

Online headline: “ Rising Gun Violence in Columbus, GA: Innocent Victims Caught in Crossfire” -- Columbus, GA has had over 500 shooting victims each of the past 2 years... that's an average of 10 people shot and wounded or killed PER WEEK!

Online headline: “Georgia awards more than $13 million for home investment programs” -- GOOD GRIEF! Giving government money for constructing homes actually DRIVES UP THE COSTS FOR EVERYBODY! FIRST, the government construction regulations themselves can add 25% or more to the costs as we've seen at the costs for local SPLOST projects to replace our Government Center (plus personal knowledge from "quote" when trying to give a new building to property Columbus GA owns). SECOND, we already know how throwing lottery money at college tuition has escalated the costs there.

Online headline: “Georgia Spot Named 'Best Ice Cream Parlor' In The State” -- Quick! Take this down! If Biden sees this, he will jump on Air Force 1 and come to GA again this weekend!

Online headline: “US Supreme Court’s immunity ruling may not save Trump in Georgia” -- You know, the recent disclosure that at least 3,000 votes in Fulton County GA were scanned TWICE throws out any charges that Trump was wrong in asking Sec if State RaTTensperger to find votes!


Online headline: “ DONATE: Local Columbus, GA nonprofit begins collecting school supplies for July giveaway” -- You know... for efficiency sake, all such organizations should have to be registered with and approved by the Columbus, GA School Board. Duplication of distribution could be eliminated, and focusing on the actual supplies needed would be better.

Looks like NY Prosecutor Alvin Bragg’s case depends on his “STAR” witnesses ((Daniels and Cohen)…Good grief! Now it looks like Bragg's "bragging" about "star" witnesses have only produced a "Porn Star" and a "Fallen Star"!

The DOJ has added a new category of witnesses Bragg and Smith can use against Trump.. They can dip into the "LIE-WITNESS" pool.

We use Spectrum for TV but not for phone.. Called in about outage of cable and streaming Friday morning after a rough storm night. Was told that ALL Spectrum services, cable, streaming, and PHONE were out. Made me think about all those Spectrum ads to get me to change to Spectrum phone service, but if I had, I wouldn't have been able to report my outage.. I’m Keeping T-Mobile!

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