Thursday, May 2, 2024

 Typical Resident Biden a large dose of bs... Biden wants to bring thousands of genocidal indoctrinated Palestinian Gaza refugees to America...genocidal by tenet to the Jews, genocidal by rage to Americans... yet Biden has no plan.. no demand.. to demand the remaining 6 American hostages be returned NOW!

You know… what Red State governors could do with “HamASS protestors” when they get arrested on their state’s public college campuses is trade them to Gaza for the Jewish and American hostages.. maybe even offer a “2-fer “ or “3-fer” deal…

From the “Say it ain’t so, Joe” department – When questioned about whether JoKKKe Biden was going to allow thousands of Palestinian terrorists to come to America, his so credible (NOT!)Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, said she thought “he was looking into it”. Good grief… neither Egypt nor Saudi nor Jordan allow Gaza refugees entry into their countries!

At first I thought I was listening to a SNL skit... but it was REAL.. A student protester at Columbia demanded she and her friends have food and water brought to them because they are on the Columbia U meal plan. You know, if I unfortunately had a diploma from Columbia U, I'd be suing them for a tuition refund... now that diploma is worthless!

The same Columbia student asked a reporter if it was fair she be starved and denied water... to be "brutalized" by the college because she was speaking her mind,. You know, if I had been the reporter listening to her whining, I think I would have asked her, "How do you describe the brutal way you're being treated to the way hundreds of Jewish women were brutalized in the HamASS massacre and kidnapping spree at a concert in Jerusalem last October 7th?"

Hmmm …. I'd love to know how many of the HamASS "student" terrorists have federally backed student loans.... and WHO approved them!

America misses Rush Limbaugh.... The clowns that "were awarded" his old time slot just don't get it... much less HELP. Rush Limbaugh loved America .. Buck and Clay love the money they are making. I really would like to see Newt Gingrich pick up where Rush left off…

After watching the campus terrorists at formerly prestigious and historic schools, I hope the local Columbus GA foundation funding for sending teachers to Harvard for summer indoctrination classes is discontinued..

I heard something very disturbing yesterday... Did you know that 55% of Columbia U, students are from foreign countries? I'm guessing it's not much different at the other historic Ivy League schools as well.

Looking at the barrier walls that the campus terrorists are building around their encampments, you have to wonder not just who's paying for the materials, but how did construction materials get deliver to the various sites? “Student” did not brink those 4’ X 8’ plywood sheets there in their backpacks.. it would have taken many, many pick-up trucks or even a flatbed truck.. and “authorities” would have had to allow them drive into the areas.

We gotta ask...why do Jewish Communities across America still associate with the Socialist-Democrat Party?
Hmmm... seeing all the millions available in T.A.D. (Tax Allocation Districts) accounts, and with some Columbus GA Councilors feeling spending a bunch of it on dressing up UpTown to make things more attractive to visitors made me chuckle a bit.. the routes that visitors must use to get to UpTown (Veterans Parkway, Victory Drive, 13th Street and 2nd Avenue) need the “updating” to make them more attractive and appealing to entice travelers to stop in and explore UpTown.

Online headline: “Biden to deliver Morehouse commencement address over student, faculty concerns” -- Hmmm... Resident Biden must be offering even more student loan cancellations in “quid pro Joe” to keep the invitation.

Online headline: “Columbus GA reveals tree plan for Golden Park redevelopment days before land disturbance began” -- Hmmm... too bad the Columbus, GA Mayor/Council “conveniently forgot" protocol at the Judicial Building site... two historical oaks were CUT DOWN to start that project!
Online story: “The White House announced Wednesday that President Biden had ordered the federal government to write off $6.1 billion in student debt for about 317,000 people who attended the Art Institutes — continuing a piecemeal approach to set aside such debt after the Supreme Court struck down a broader debt forgiveness plan last year . “ – To begin with, Biden is flagrantly violating his Constitutionally stated “powers” by personally “wrongfully overriding” a US Supreme Court decision… but this “vote buying” gambit is also “election interference”.

Online headline: “UPDATE: 22-year-old woman arrested in connection to shooting of six year old in south Columbus, GA” – First.. peace for the’s probably going to be #18 for 2024, but we gotta think about… gotta ask…. why was a 6-year old outside playing with a toy truck at 1:00 AM?

Online Opinion piece by David A, Andelman, an almost 80 year old CNN contributor headline: “If Trump wins, I might leave America for good” – First.. “he MIGHT leave”… which in liberal-speak means , “I’m not going anywhere because nowhere else is as good as America, but if he does leave if Trump wins (and he probably said the same thing in 2016), it will definitely be GOOD FOR AMERICA!
Online headline: “Georgia governor signs controversial bail fund restrictions, expands cash bail” -- Hmmm… what's actually controversial about keeping non-employable recidivist criminals in jail so they don't commit more crimes before their hearings?

Online headline/story: “An almost eight-year long development project in Uptown Columbus neared completion as W.C. Bradley Co. Real Estate opened its new residential complex The Currents at Riverfront Place. * After the Currents, the Riverfront development’s last phase, an office building that will house the Columbus-based bank Synovus , is expected to be completed later this year.” -- Wait a minute… a new office building to house Synovus? Isn’t there an office building already on the river that already has “Synovus” emblazoned across it’s face?

Online headline: “ Yellen's urgent warning on threats to U.S. democracy” -- Good grief! As if Yellen already didn't have issues with her economic credibility!

Online headline: “Hunter Biden enlists Jussie Smollett lawyer to threaten Fox News with defamation lawsuit that would add to mountain of litigation against his opponents “ – Hmmm’’’’ Hunter hired “Jussie Smollett’s lawyer”.. interesting.. Hunter has hired a lawyer who’s being identified by a client because the lawyer’s name is not a household name…Hunter musta paid him off in “finger paint pictures”. Oh, has NYC DA Letitia James ever charged Hunter with overstating the value of his art work?

Online headline: “NYC mayor praises police after Columbia raid, warns of movement 'radicalizing our children'” – Hmmm… A NYC Councilperson said the "protests" were led by "outside agitators"...that is true...but...and a very BIG BUT.. is that the "protests" were ALLOWED by liberal elected officials and school administrators.

Hmmmm... You know there are deep election concerns when Democrat Mayors and Governors of "Blue States and Cities" start supporting their police units, and liberal college. Presidents get concerned about government grants.

As beautiful as it was reminiscent as it was of Iwo Jima.. when the NYPD took the Palestinian flag down and raised the American flag back up, we cannot forget that this happened in AMERICA! That's awful! The enemy that was trying to raise their flag on American soil should have been shot on the spot! Equally inspiring was some fraternity men at UNC retook a campus flagpole that HamASS had commandeered and ripped the Palestinian flag off, and returned OUR Flag back to its rightful place.. and stayed there to defend the flag!

America’s “Dean of Lawyers, Alan Dershowitz, who taught law at Harvard for nearly 50 years before retiring in 2013, basically said he was disgusted that not a single current Harvard professor has stood up to help the Jewish students on Harvard’s campus! Alan Dershowitz, I fully forgive you for support Bill and Hellary Clinton back then!

Oh! There are a couple of events most of Columbus, GA probably isn’t aware of going on this weekend: 1 - An “open house” at the Columbus Water Works facility on River Road, and 2.just a cou[le pf blocks away from the Columbus Water Works gacilitym there’s a “fishing tournament “ May 4th at the Lake Oliver Marina!

Online headline: “ LGBTQ+ employees can’t be misgendered or denied bathrooms at work, new federal rules say “ – Good grief! Now, what trangender woman wouldn’t suddenly declare “herself” a temporary MALE again and use the Men’s Facility if the line at the Women’s Facility was backed up down the hall!
Oh! Taking a long weekend for family. We'll catch up Monday.

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