Thursday, May 16, 2024


Wow! US Intel Agents are warning "election interference" will be more intense than either 2016 or 2020.... Hmmm.. you know, this admission by US officials should be ENOUGH..on its own... to dismiss ALL the "election interference" charges against Trump.. and open the doors to investigating the Democratic Party. Using official numbers (rounded off), did you know that Trump got more votes than ANY OTHER INCUMBENT President ... ever!  Trump got over 74 Million votes..11 Million more than he got in 2016. And while Biden was officially credited with 81 Million votes, that was 12 to 16 Million MORE than Obama ever got (69 Million in '08 & 65 Million in '12), and 16 Million more than Hellary got in 2016. Does anyone ..including the DNC Election Campaign officials actually believe JoKKKe Biden had 81 MILLION legal votes on 2020?

Online headline: “Cocaine found at the Capitol: Police investigating drug found in 'highly trafficked' area months after baggy discovered in cubby hole at the White House * Capitol Police are investigating after a one-inch ziplock bag of cocaine was found in a 'heavily trafficked' area a few blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. * The illicit drug was found on the second floor of the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) headquarters on Wednesday just before 1:00 p.m. ET.” – You know.. the real cover-up is the “bag of cocaine” found in the White House.. Obviously, the person who placed it there was planning on getting it on his/her way out, so you can pretty much be sure that the perp didn’t wipe the bag free of fingerprints.. yet.. yet we haven’t heard one thing about whether the bag was even CHECKED for fingerprints…

Online headline: “Chuck Schumer and bipartisan group of senators unveil plan to control AI – while investing billions of dollars in it” -- Doh! Schumer’s a Democrat.. and he's always going to talk out of both sides of his mouth!

Online headline: “Magician David Copperfield Accused of Grooming, Groping, and Drugging Women” - Hey... Copperfield should just announce he's a Democrat running for a Congressional seat in California or New Jersey, and "poof", his charges would just DISAPPEAR

Online headline: “ Mayor Eric Adams tries to walk back comments calling migrants ‘excellent swimmers’ following backlash” -- Eric Adams feels illegal aliens would be excellent lifeguards because they are excellent swimmers... hmmm... wonder if he feels some illegal aliens would be excellent pharmacists because they deliver illegal drugs into the US? Or how about Adams feeling they would be excellent travel agents because they found their way from South America.. even GAZA... to NYC?

You know, when illegal aliens are moved around at night to Big Blue Sanctuary Cities, when they get off the bus/plane , do you think they feel they were already deported?

Online line: “Ossoff, Warnock deliver funding to upgrade 7 local airports” -- Good grief! SINator Warnock and Senator Ossoff act as if they write checks out of their on personal accounts.. next we'll get a "Me,, too!" claim from Congressman Bishop as well.

Online headline/story: “Biden Staffer Resigns Over ‘Continued Support for Israel’s Genocide’ in Gaza: ‘Blood of Innocent People on His Hands’ * Lily Greenberg Call became the first Jewish staffer to resign * her letter of resignation addressed to U.S. Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland, Greenberg Call declared, “I can no longer in good conscience continue to represent this administration amidst President Biden’s disastrous, continued support for Israel’s genocide in Gaza.” -- Wow! I ask again, "Why does the American Jewish Community STILL SUPPORT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY!"

Online headline: “Romney says if he were president he would have immediately pardoned Trump” -- Hmmm… Mitt Romney said that if he were President, he would have immediately pardoned Trump. Hmm.. well if RATT Romney were running against Biden at any time, I wouldn't have voted in that election.. I don't see anything in RATT Romney nor JoKKKe Biden that makes one less worse for America than the other.

On ABC’s “The View, Robert De Nerdo ranted about how mean Trump supporters are... but no Trump Supporters are as mean as DeNerdo sounded when he claimed such.

It was bad .. pathetically bad…that the Boy Scouts of America officials changed the name, but what's worse is wondering how long will they hold out before dropping "AMERICA" from it's name.

Online headline: “Bob ‘Gold Bars’ Menendez throws wife under the bus claiming she hid bribes in opening statements at trial” -- You know, bet he wouldn’t have thrown her under the bus.. if she;d been a 15 year old Island Girl.

Online headline: “Columbus GA Police Department Successfully Completes Transition to NIBRS” --Finally! I had a report for 2023 from the CPD that said we had 33 homicides.. compared to the documented list from the Columbus L-E of 55 homicides..

Online headline: “Hunter Biden’s legal defense has a problem: The patron paying the bills is running out of cash” -- hey... a couple of days of Hunter "painting" his $500K "works if art" should fix the problem.

Online headline: “US removes Cuba from list of countries not cooperating fully against terrorism” – Hmmm… what happened.. did Cuba stop sending cigars to Clinton and Obama and Hunter?


Online headline: “Biden plans executive order to shut down border once crossings reach 4,000 per day — despite saying he needs Congress to act” – Not only does this show Biden KNOWS he can write an Executive Order to shut down the border, but… Good grief! 4,000 x 365 is 1,460,000 illegal aliens .. and that doesn't count the sneak-ins! That's enough people to create a city in the Top 8 in size in the US. The border is the number one question in the first debate!

Online headline: “Woman Withdraws From Darts Tournament After Being Matched With A Transwoman: ‘I’ve Thought This Is Wrong Since Day One’” -- Praise this woman for standing up for real women! You know,, organizations that keep appeasing men competing against women will eventually find themselves GONE!

Online headline: “Biden aides fear president may be too worried to do his job after Hunter Biden trial begins” – Hey.. what BS… Biden will not even KNOW the trial is going on unless somebody puts it on his Teleprompter..

Online headline: “Schumer-led senators call for $32B yearly spending to ‘cement America’s dominance in AI’, largely punt on regulation” - - Remember when a general said we'd be spending big..serious.. bucks if the entire annual military budget got to $1 Billion?

Did you catch there might be a debate between Biden-Trump on June 27th? It may not happen but if it does, remember, this is BEFORE the Democratic Nominating Convention, and it'll only happen if the Dems WANT Biden to get slaughtered so they can initiate a coup at the Convention... and it won't be to name Phuckles Harris as its nominee... Watch for Michele Obama being the figurehead for the Jackass Party.

Online headline: “Nancy Pelosi says she 'would never recommend' Biden debate Trump on stage after surprise announcement” -- Hmmm ..PeLOUSY "says" she wouldn't recommend Biden debate Trump... yet she endorsed and will vote for Biden.. know, she's giddy over the thought of an early debate between them.. that way , she can push Newsom or Michelle in a Convention coup.


It's official now! Congrats to Carmen Rice being officially sworn in as Representative of GA District 139!

Have you noted the provisions in the Columbus, GA E-SPLOST? Though specific projects nor their costs are not identified, the School Board wants to raise $290,000,000.00 over 5 years... that's $58 MILLION per year when $40 Million is a much more reasonable expectation. Hmmm.. they KNOW they won't raise that much so they are also wanting approval to issue $90,000,000.00 in bonds ... not only is that an additional $5.4 Million IN INTEREST the E-SPLOST revenue won't cover so it'll be an additional amount to be covered by our property taxes for the next 20 ($108,000,000.00) or more years. Oh... and we'll STILL OWE THE $90 MILLION!!! VOTE NO!

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