Thursday, May 30, 2024

 Online headline: “Jury’s note under microscope as Trump trial judge poised to announce decision after sleeping on it” – Hmmm… “sleeping ON IT”? I’m gonna bet an Appeals Court Judge is going to ask Judge Marchan if “he slept THROUGH the case”!

After the Biden Campaign sent Robert De Nerdo to rant outside the Trump trial building, one thing has become abundant clear for November.. it's not just about Trump and Biden Been Lying, it's about whether you want leadership that "Makes America GREAT Again" or Biden, who'll "Make America GRATE Again".
Online headline/story: “Columbus City Council seat previously filled by Pop Barnes to be taken over by Byron Hickey “ – Hmmm … Praise to our Councilors who responsible to the people (versus the Mayor) Councilors! Crabb, Davis, Tucker, Cogle, Garrett and Thomas who voted FOR THE PEOPLE!
From the above article about Columbus GA Council policy concerning appointed Council members: "It is an unwritten rule, but the council expects someone who is appointed rather than elected to a seat to not run for election so they don’t have an advantage running as an unelected incumbent.". -- Hmmm, since it is an "unwritten rule" that the appointed replacement Councilor is not going to be held accountable to the voters for decisions made, why doesn't Council have a "written POLICY" that appointed Councilors cannot vote on tax or bond issues?
Another tidbit from the above Columbus Council action concerns 3 elected State officials campaigning for a candidate to be named at replacement the late “Pops” Barnes” -- Hmmm... as a PROBABLE issue of CONFLICT of INTEREST, why did GA State Representative Carolyn Hugley be allowed to recommend a candidate for Columbus GA Council since her Husband is the City Manager of Columbus, GA?

WTVM-TV9 Headline: “More speed cameras to monitor Muscogee County school zones “ -- Was it just an error by the reporter, or was the detail about the amount of money to be paid to REDSPEED from the Columbus GA Public School "speed tickets" omitted intentionally? If the Private School systems handled by the Sheriff's Office are paying REDSPEED 30%, shouldn't we assume the Public School amount is the same (though not mentioned)? One burning question is, "Why aren't all the schools handled by either the Sheriff's Office .. or ..the Columbus GA Police Department?

Oh! For clarity's sake, the WTVM-TV9 story states that the "speed tickets cameras" would be turn on 1 hour before schools started, and turned off 1 hour after schools closed. What the story DOESN'T MENTION is whether or not they will be operating continuously for all the hours schools are open...

I saw an article last week that reported that so far this school year, over $112 Million Dollars in "speed camera ticket fines" had been collected. If "30%" is the standard percent REDSPEED gets, their "cut" would be over $33 Million (so far) this year.. and remember.. most schools don't operate but 10 months a year..

Online headline: “U.S. Sen. JD Vance asks Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate judge in Trump case “ – Yeah.. like that’s gonna happen… I did read this, tough: The U.S. Attorney's Manual, FBI Handbook, and Justice Department policy says that no prosecutor will bring a case he doesn't have a reasonable belief that he can win.” – Well, from what we’ve seen and heard, the only way the prosecutor, Alvin Bragg, could have started tthis case was if he KNEW “the fix” was in…
Online headline: “ ‘American Pie’ singer Don McLean talks his new George Floyd song, Trump and why artists are ‘afraid’ to take sides” -- hmmm… How come no story about George Floyd ever mentions the overdose of the white powder he swallowed to get rid of the drug evidence before the police arrested him?

Online “headLIE”: “ If Black Americans stormed the Capitol, Trump wouldn’t be ‘talking about pardons’” -- Good grief! What a divisive person! Biden doesn't deserve to be an American, much less our President... and we certainly don't deserve another term of him!
WTVM-TV9 editorial: “How nice it would be for all the Columbus, GA swimming pools to be open, now that school’s out. * Three of the five city pools were supposed to reopen by now, but only one at Rigdon Park will open, and not until July. The other two, not until August and September. * It’s certainly important that everything at a pool is safe, so proper permits and enough staffing need to happen. But one city official told us the process has been especially slow – with a great deal of bureaucratic red tape. * The city needs to keep the pressure on to get all three renovated pools open as soon as possible. Our hot summers create a high demand for pools. * Our kids deserve a place to swim now, not after another summer is almost over.” – Some of our public pools have been closed for 7 years, yet Mayor Skippy the Phew and our Council have promised to raze and rebuild a baseball stadium in LESS THAN A YEAR! I hope those on Council who voted for the “backroom deal” are able to explain why they supported this “want”, but not the much “needed now” pools!

Online headline: “Biden pledges to name progressives to the Supreme Court, suggesting he expects vacancies” -- Good grief! The purpose of the US Supreme Court is to preserve the form of government our forefathers created for us. The agenda of "Progressives" is to undermine America.. Re-elect Trump.

Online headline: “Columbus GA Girl Scout's Little House renovated” – Hmmm…..what was spent ($650,000.00) was a ridiculous amount for what they got..
Online headline: “Bill Maher hits back at Democratic criticism: ‘I haven’t turned … the left has changed’” -- Hmmm….Sounds sorta like what GA Gov/Sen Zell Miller said about the Democrat Party leaving him.

Online headline/story: “Judge rules prosecutors in Menendez case can't use evidence they say is crucial * U.S. District Court Judge Sidney Stein said prosecutors could not use text messages from 2019 that allegedly show Menendez, who was the top Democrat on the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, assuring Egypt and the New Jersey businessmen who are alleged to have bribed him that he was not delaying military aid to the country after Egypt heard he had put a hold on it. * The jury also cannot see another text from 2022 in which the senator's wife, Nadine , allegedly told one of the businessmen that "Bob had to sign off on this." The text included a link about two pending foreign military sales to Egypt, according to prosecutors.” --

Hmmm...Of course, it’s a Democrat appointed federal judge (Clinton in 1995) … Bet this decision would be different if Menendez was a Republican!

Online headline/story: “North Korea Sends Poop Balloons to South * Don’t look up. South Korean authorities warned residents along the border with North Korea that an “air * raid” was underway. But it wasn’t rockets that were incoming. Rather: floating overhead were more than 150 balloons carrying trash and what’s believed to be feces.” – Hmm… obviously, N. Korea is trying to emulate China’s “balloon missles” flown over America!

Online headline: “DPH: Syphilis On The Rise In Northwest Georgia” – Hmmm guess now we know where Biden is having unvaccinated, non-medically checked illegal aliens dropped off in GA!

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