Monday, May 27, 2024


Online headline: “Libertarians pick Chase Oliver as presidential nominee after rejecting Trump” --Seriously.... What do Libertarians want! I mean, they won't have a candidate that can win, and more likely than not, their votes will take away from the conservative choice who's a much better fit for them than the liberal candidate, and the libertarians can blame themselves for SINator Pastor Warnock and Jon Ossoff beating Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in GA in 2020.

Online headline: “Construction Workers At Denali National Park Reportedly Ordered To Stop Flying “Distracting” American Flag By Park Superintendent” -- Has Brooke Merrell, the superintendent at Denali National Park been FIRED YET! Oh, and what’s she gonna do next, order the beautiful Bald Eagles to stop flying, too?

The more I think about it, if I was an elected member of the Columbus GA School Board, I'm be a bit PO'd after thinking about most of my district's schools not being included in the camera/ticket program the Sheriff's Office says is a safety issue.. Oh, and if I was a parent of a Columbus Public School student, I’d really be mad if my child’s school wasn’t “important enough” for my District Board Member to make it as safe as other people’s children!

Online headline: “Senate Democrats launch investigation into alleged Trump ‘quid pro quo’ with oil executives” -- Good grief ! Why aren't the Dems investigating Quid Pro Joe Biden!

Online story: “Billionaire businessman and lifelong Republican Stephen Schwarzman said Friday he will support the candidacy of Donald Trump with a “vote for change” after years of declining to back a particular GOP presidential candidate. * Schwarzman said, “The dramatic rise of antisemitism has led me to focus on the consequences of upcoming elections with greater urgency. I share the concern of most Americans that our economic, immigration and foreign policies are taking the country in the wrong direction. For these reasons, I am planning to vote for change and support Donald Trump for President. In addition, I will be supporting Republican Senate candidates and other Republicans up and down the ticket.” * The move represents a decided shift for Schwarzman, the CEO of the private equity firm Blackstone, who made comments critical of Trump in the wake of the 2020 election and suggested in 2022 that the Republican Party needed to seek a “new generation” of leaders.” – In a word, “HUGE”!

Online headline/story: “California testing car tracking as possible gas tax replacement * States are now having to mull over how to recoup losses from a gas tax as more cars on the road become more fuel efficient. California has been exploring the idea of a "road charge “ of 3-cents per mile as tracked by your car’s GPS technology… Hmmm… what’s next for “Big Brother”, speeding tickets based on the constant monitoring of your GPS?

Sunday, May 26th, was John "Duke" Wayne's birthday... Two questions to see what you remember about the "Duke": 1 - What year was he born? 2 - Is he still alive? Wow...John Wayne was born in 1907 and would have been 117 on this past Sunday....He actually died in 1979, but if you're like me, he's never really died.. I see him as I did in 1967, when he spent the summer here filming "The Green Berets", and I got to meet him at a party on Ft Benning . Hmmm...wonder if the Democrats will make Hollywood re-edit old military movies featuring Ft Benning scenes and make the signs "Ft Moore"?.

Online headline: “Ossoff: A grave risk to U.S. national security’ if no border bill” – Good grief! Where was Senator Ossoff on “Day 1” of his becoming a Senator trying to stop Biden from issuing his Executive Order to REMOVE border security!

Resident Biden made up another personal story in his Commencement "Speech" at West Point about being him being appointed to the US Naval Academy… but turning it down... Of course it never happened! Will Cain of Fox News nailed Biden's "personal history stories"...Biden could have been the inspiration for "Forrest Gump".

Online headline: “US Navy officers who shared military secrets see felony convictions dismissed” -- Hmmm… they musta shared our secrets with China, which has connections with the Bidens… but this, coupled with hearing about the recent Jordanian assault on Quantico not being mentioned until 2 weeks AFTER THE FACT, deserves Impeachment action of the Commander-in-Chief … NOW!

Online headline: “The U.S. Postal Service is urging customers to upgrade to extra large mailboxes in an effort to cut down on theft.” – Huh? Wait a minute… Won’t this just make it easier for porch-pirates versus having to walk up to the front door to steal packages? That, and eliminating the view for our doorbell cameras to get pictures of them..

--- Hellary is blaming women for leaving her in 2016 because "she wasn't perfect"... Well, in one way, she's was "perfect".. in fact, she’s always been “perfect”... Hellary’s a PERFECT b____!

Online headline: “Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor says she cries after some decisions” -- Good grief! The only crying she should do is when she's on the short end of a 6-3 decision, and the 6 are the Justices doing their only job which is to PROTECT the Constitution of our country!

From the “best laid plans of democRATS and Men”” department -- Online story: “President Biden’s plan to deliver aid to Palestinians via a pier on the Gaza shore is being sabotaged by an inconvenient truth: Getting aid in isn’t the hard part, it’s preventing it from being stolen. * Ignore the wailing of leftists who accuse Israel of preventing food and other shipments from getting to Gazans by, say, shutting down land routes for security; truth is, plenty of aid — more than 569 metric tons — has been processed into Gaza through the floating pier the US finished building this month. * The pier was supposed to facilitate the delivery of about 90 trucks of aid a day, but only about 70 had made it to warehouses in the entire week after the pier was built.” -- Good grief! 630 truckloads were carried into Gaza but only 70 made to an approved aid site.. This rivals Biden’s exit strategy out of Afghanistan! It’s obvious that the real threat to civilians in Gaza is HamASS!


You know, if Hunter Biden is convicted (or pleads guilty), and crimes are connected to JoKKKe Biden, JoKKKe Biden will call CNN and announce that he's not Hunter's biological father, and blame Trump for assaulting his wife at a Bergdorf’s .

Online headline: “'The View' co-host Ana Navarro attacks Latino Trump supporters for 'very stupid attitude'” – Hmmm.. Wow! Hellary called us DEPLORABLES.. NY Governor Hochul calls us CLOWNS, and what Obama thinks of us and what Queen PeLOUSY called us won’t be reprinted here.. What needs to happen is for “us” to call them “GONE”!

The Department of Homeland Security, in a show of co-operation, brought in Cuban officials to the secure areas of Miami International Airport to show them how the US protects travelers! Good grief.. Cuba is designated as a “State Sponsoring Terrorist”! Why would Biden and Mayorkas want "the enemy" see first hand how our protective operation functions... To put it in "sports terminology", this is worse than a quarterback asking the other teams linebackers into his huddle to hear the play he's calling.

Online headline: “Harris announces plans to help give 80% of Africa access to the internet by 2030, up from 40% now “ – Excuse me? I think she’s already done that by letting in millions of illegal aliens into America and issuing them cellphones!


Think about this... Illegal aliens having cellphones is quite normal in this day and time, but how do they keep them charged/recharged when tromping through jungles, deserts, even rural villages, and overnight camping sites?

Online headline/story: “Suspected Money Laundering Operatives for Mexican Cartels Arrested in Chicago and Georgia * Two suspected operatives of a notorious money laundering ring were nabbed by law enforcement as part of an operation to choke off the financial lifelines fueling some of Mexico's most dangerous drug syndicates. As detailed in a release by the Department of Justice, Li Pei Tan of Buford, Georgia, was arrested today, while Chaojie Chen, a foreign national in Chicago, was taken into custody on April 18.” – “Li Pei Tan”? “Chaojie Chen”? … “Mexicans”? Hmmm… Wonder if the “Big Guy” is getting his 10%?

Online headline: “Kerry claims no president will be able to stop the transition from fossil fuels: ‘Absolutely going to happen’” -- Hmm..Kerry says, "no President can stop the transition from fossil fuels"... actually, he's right... if private businesses make a "better mouse trap", consumers will beat a path to their door... that's how progress.. and success .. come to be. Now, what Presidents and government CAN DO is screw things up by trying to force things on us before the technology stands on its own.

Online headline: “Biden blasted by experts for repeating 'debunked lie' to Black students at HBCU graduation: 'Factually false': -- Hmmm… the fact of this makes MSM airings attest to the Democratic Party working WITH MSM to try to get Resident Biden off the 2024 ballot. You would think that if MSM KNEW the truth, MSM would hold even Democrats responsible for “ the truth”!

Here's something that I thought "strange"... maybe it's been this way before.. maybe even for as long as I've lived here in Columbus, GA.. but regardless.. I think it's wrong.. our home is figured at two different "Net Taxable Value".. one tax entity says it worth $2,000.00 more than the other tax entity.. This is one great reason to fear having one married couple sitting on each of the two tax entities.. the School Board and Columbus GA Council.

Online story: “Former President Donald Trump ratcheted up his anti-immigrant rhetoric at a rally in the South Bronx, where he claimed, without evidence, that migrants coming to the U.S. are forming an "army." -- "falsely says"?... they are building an army"? Hmmm... so opines a Muck Rack "journalist" in her “bumble” opinion...

Online headline/story: “NAACP Raises Concerns Following Columbus, GA Election Day Incident * On election day, voters fled the Shirley Winston Recreation Center after a masked gunman armed with an assault-style rifle entered the building in what later was determined to be an unrelated altercation. This incident led several voters to leave without casting their ballots due to safety concerns. The NAACP raised serious questions about voter safety and the presence of law enforcement. "Where was law enforcement? And how do we prevent this from happening again," asked Multo. “ – “Where was law enforcement”? “How do we prevent this”? Well, it certainly isn’t by defunding police, or using “no cash bail” …. And it sure must be frustrating the NAACP cannot blame Trump….

Why in the HELL hasn't Resident Biden closed down the UN building in NYC for scheduling an event for May 30th that honors "The Butcher of Iran"?!

You know.. Congress needs... pass a law that any American student who accepts a bail out on a federal backed student loan lose their voting rights, and can only regain them if they repay the loan.. This alone will screw up Biden's vote buying scam!

From the "poll news, nothing but the poll news" department – Online headline: “ Kari Lake Suffers New Polling Blow in Arizona Senate Race” -- This is typical Democrat manipulation of facts... Sinema just announced she would not be running (as an Independent) and since it was the first poll taken without her, and by Democrat Gallego NOT GETTING a majority, he's pretty much hit the ceiling....


Online headline: “Clarence Thomas wants the Supreme Court to stop hearing cases on racist redistricting” -- Amen! People are people.. they cast their votes for whomever they wish, not because a political party feels any group of people’s votes should BELONG to them!

Online headline: “Voters seeking 'law and order' cheer ousting of progressive Oregon district attorney” - Hmmm… an important detail has been left out… the cheers were coming from the liberal voters!

Online headline: “House advances bill that would nullify DC law permitting noncitizens to vote in local elections” -- Wait a minute...why does Congress have to void a Wash DC "law" after the fact? Washington DC is not a state, and the House is suppose to be in control, so why wasn't Mayor Bowser not required to submit DC Council regulations to Congress for approval FIRST!

Online headline: “CNN reporter struck by size of pro-Trump rally in 'one of the bluest counties in the entire country'” -- 10,000! I knew it looked like a heckuva bigger crowd that "1,000" as liberal sources were spouting matter-of-factually. And the hats…. Not the MAGA hats Trump’s crew hands out, but the hats with camouflage and American Flag themes.. those hats were purchased by the attendants!

Online headline/story: “Louisville police officer who arrested Scottie Scheffler had been previously suspended * Scheffler has maintained he was following police directions on how to drive into the club. But arresting police said Scheffler did not follow directions. * Further complicating the matter, city officials said Gillis did not activate his body worn camera when he encountered Scheffler. “ – An additional police dashboard camera does not confirm the policeman’s “version”, and a citizens video seems to be contradictory of it..

Wow! For some unreasonable Biden reason, Covid-19 home tests are available again! How much did Pfizer recently donate to the DNC!

Our Columbus, GA “Miracle Riders” are back! Welcome home, and thanks for the $192,000.00 raised in donations to go for the Columbus State Nursing School!

Online headline/story: “Davis Broadcasting Launches 'Silence for Awareness' Campaign to Combat Violence in Columbus, GA * In efforts to raise awareness about the increasing violence in Columbus GA, Davis Broadcasting Inc. radio stations stop the music every Wednesday at the top of each hour for exactly one minute. This strategic pause is designed to create a moment for listeners to reflect on the crimes affecting their community and to encourage community involvement.” – Hmm… “silence” is going to “WOKE” people? I don’t think so.. may a minutes worth of “clanging cymbals” would be a better was to WAKE people!



Whoa! Looks like Mayor Skippy the Phew's "backroom deal at "100 Acre Scam" may have another back-stabbing deal he hasn't been "forthwith" about.. The "historic" outfield wall has been torn down already, but the scoreboard has been left standing. I guess it will remain...but there's a revealing tidbit that stands out pretty obvious.. the identifying name. "PARK" still remains, but "GOLDEN" has been removed.. has a deal been made to rename it something other than "Historic GOLDEN Park"? Hmmm.. maybe something like "Hysteric Henderson Hoax"!

PS - Hey, Mayor Skippy - Don't tell me you're spending $50,000,000.00 of OUR money on a "AA" Minor League baseball stadium, and you're going to keep a $1.99 scoreboard!

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