Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Online headline: “NYPD removes Palestinian flag from CCNY campus, reraises American flag after anti-Israel protest” – Hmmm… Maybe NY voters will rethink the message, "Back the Blue".. too many in the past have thought it meant "Back the BLUE SANCTUARY CITY OFFICIALS"!

Online headline: "McDonald's looking to beef up with larger burgers” -- McDonald's has previously indicated it was working on a bigger burger" -- Hmmm.. wouldn't a "BETTER BURGER" be more productive?

Online headline: “White House considers accepting some Palestinians from Gaza as refugees amid Israel-Hamas war” -- Resident Biden wants to bring in thousands of HamASS refugees... He can say Palestinians until he's "Blue" in the face, but they won't be women and minor children. Just like the illegal alien Venezuelans and Chinese, they'll mostly be military aged single men. Hmmm.... bet the Jewish Communities in Blue Sanctuary Cities are thrilled at having more genocidal terrorists roving their schools, Synagogues, and neighborhoods.... NOT!

From the “What a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in” department – Online story: “Columbus GA Council members invited Muscogee County Superintendent Dr. David Lewis to provide an update on the new K-2 initiative that intends to accelerate students to standard by housing the qualifying students at Brewer Elementary School. * This would move the other students to the supporting schools: Dorothy Heights, Martin Luther King Jr, and J.D. Davis Elementary in the 2024-25 school year. * During the meeting, Dr. Lewis gave an overview of the initiative and provided information regarding the hiring and enrollment process along with transportation. * “We have almost all the teachers with us now. I think we’re down to about two or three teaching positions still vacant.” Lewis shared, “We’re interviewing daily to identify the very best and highly qualified teachers for the program.” – Just a couple of weeks ago, we read a report on the “Top 10 (out of 30) Elementary Schools” in our county. Ratings for various protocols were posted.. one of the most discouraging was that only 3 of the Top 10 had their teachers rated “A”. Now we see where this “K-2” program is trying to move the best teachers to this program so some kids can catch up.. hmmm.. then what happens to the other kids who will have lesser teachers instructing them? Of all the discouraging things we too often hear about our school system, learning.. knowing.. that finding GOOD teachers in the system is such an issue!


Online headline/story: “Columbus GA’s STI rates are down from last year, but the numbers are still pretty high * In 2023, Columbus reported 906 STI cases per hundred thousand people and that has dropped to 527/100,000 in the most recent findings. Findings: Here are the occurrence of STI cases in Columbus (all numbers are out of 100K)

• HIV - 61
• Chlamydia - 2,364
• Gonorrhea - 1,114
• Syphilis – 95

” – Well, looks like we have another attempted liberal cover-up of the facts.. They are using “STI” now because it’s not as obvious they are talking about “STDs” … a term that EVERYONE knows what’s happening! Oh! Double the physical numbers as we have 200,000 population

BLUE CITY voters need to understand that backing Blue Democrats instead of Blue Police Officers will not return their streets to safety...

Good grief! Hey! Washington, D.C. Mayor “Bow-wow” Bowser needs a leash and muzzle! She announced.. unconstitutionally.. that Illegal aliens will be eligible to vote .. even though it's illegal, and she will have no idea where they live nor have documentable identification, she's gonna try to get them voting. Talk about a severe case of ELECTION INTERFERENCE!!!!

Just moments after a news journalist reported that Columbia U. had shut down admittance to everyone but identity carrying Columbia students who live on campus, we saw the Palestinian terrorist trying to “pulley up” a basket of Pizzas. Excuse me, how did pizzas get delivered to the building?

A story reported said that the Palestinian Terrorists were stationed on 46 of the Top 50 Universities in the US .. Try and think.. feel even .. that the Leftist have created this Jewish hate fest.

The Republican House leadership was on TV "en masse" yesterday with the Chairs of the most powerful House Committees saying they would keep asking questions until they got the answers they want...Hmmm.. you know, the Republicans will lose more votes than it brings over... because American citizens are looking for RESULTS... not just answers to questions.

Hmmm...In her book, “For Love of Country”. Tulsi Gabbard made this statement in her message about why she joined the Democrat Party on 2002: "It was a party inspired by JFK and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., who showed us what is possible when we as Americans come together." -- JFK was not the Democrat ideal in 2002.. in fact, JFK's concept of government was abandoned by the Democratic Party in 1968. Additionally, Dr Martin Luther King was a Republican by choice and nature. In fact it was Robert F Kennedy Sr who was persecuting Dr King before both were assassinated...

The takeover of the Columbia U. building reminds us that we never have heard what happened to the antifa pair arrested in Atlanta who had skipped out on their Jan 6 Washington DC event court hearing. Wonder which campus they are on this week?


Online headline: “Tuition and fees to increase at Georgia’s public universities starting fall 2024” -- Why not... students will just take out more in loans figuring that Biden will pay'em off if they vote for him.

Hmmm... how would Black students at Columbia U. feel if Skinheads took over the campus and buildings? How would CNN feel?


Talk about Socialist takeovers, before coming to its senses last night, the Columbia U. officials shut off Fox News' 1st Amendments rights by not allowing them on campus to report on the terrorist takeover of a school building yesterday.




As sad as the Palestinian protests on college campuses have been, nothing is as sad as College/University officials selling out to liberal ideals and donors rather than teaching young minds about real life reality.

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