Monday, May 20, 2024

Online story: "Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, the country’s foreign minister and several other officials were found dead on Monday, hours after their helicopter crashed in a foggy, mountainous region of the country’s northwest, state media reported. * During Raisi's term in office, Iran enriched uranium closer than ever to weapons-grade levels, further escalating tensions with the West as Tehran also supplied bomb-carrying drones to Russia for its war in Ukraine and armed militia groups across the region. * Meanwhile, Iran has faced years of mass protests against its Shiite theocracy over its ailing economy and women’s rights — making the moment that much more sensitive for Tehran and the future of the country.” – After what Muslim Jihadists in Gaza (HamASS) did to Israel last October, I certainly wouldn’t count out something other than engine failure caused the “crash”, but a bunch of Shiites in Iran are no different than HamASS in Gaza..

If it wasn't such a typically pathetic Black Democrat response, we could all laugh about it...While personally being no fan of Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-GA, Jasmine Crockett, D-Texas, was caught flat-footed when Greene implied Crockett's "fake eyelash" was interfering with her ability to read. Well aside from her "shut the conversation down" response of calling Greene's comment about her "fake eyelashes" as “That’s RACIST!”, then, post session, Crockett produced a retaliatory T-Shirt along with an announcement there'd be "more swag" highlighting other comments Crocket had made, and it would be called the "Crocket Clapback" collection.... only she misspelled HER OWN NAME!.. She called it the "Crockrtt Clapback". Well.. this sorta…. well ACTUALLY DOES CONFIRM Greene's comment about Crockett's "fake eyelashes" affecting Crockett's ability to read...

You know.. Jasmine Crockett getting elected in Texas may be just the proof needed to show that the Democrats are getting illegal aliens registered and voting!

Online headline: “Judge Raises Doubts About Alec Baldwin ‘Rust’ Manslaughter Indictment” – Hmmm.. Hey, JUDGE, as I see it… a loaded gun… whether with "blanks" or live ammo… fired from under 3 feet could be fatal (ask John Hexum’s family). The real question is the SICKNESS of any person to even point a gun at someone much less intentionally pull the trigger ... feeling it’s an acceptable "prank".

Online headline: “Biden appears to clap after Morehouse grad calls for 'immediate and permanent cease-fire' in Gaza during commencement” -- Hmmmm....How is "clapping" for HamASS Jihadists in Gaza any different than praising Nazi Germany?

CBS's Norah O’Donnell interviewed "PooP Francis" on "60 Minutes" and asked him whether he thought a Catholic based organization in Texas should be shut down for aiding and abetting illegal aliens ...Good grief! What does PooP Francis know about illegal aliens invading Vatican City... it has 40' Walls and more guards per square acre than a drug cartel's leader!

Online headline: “Transgender high school runner in Oregon hears boos from crowd after winning girls' 200-meter state title” -- Hmmm.... what this "she-it" accomplished was proving "he" would never have qualified for the boy's competition, and "he" denied one more girl to qualify or earn a medal in the girls competition…. or possibly winning a college scholarship!

Particularly on Sundays when it takes 5,6 or 7 Columbus GA law enforcement officers to direct traffic “from a nearby church” on to River Road, the traffic lights at J.R. Allen Parkway entry/exit become functional disasters! Even with traffic controllers moving church traffic onto River Road at a fast pace, the traffic lights 100 yards north shut the flow down so more traffic controllers are need there making the lights themselves even MORE useless than they are the other 6 days of the week. I know the officers are “off duty” but they still should be more considerate to traffic NOT coming from that church.. traffic heading north on River Road sometimes get stacked up so bad that there’s a double line of cars extending back nearly a quarter mile before “being allowed” to proceed..

Online headline: “Schiff ‘flabbergasted’ at Johnson appearance outside Trump courthouse” --Hmmm..Adumb Schi**, D-CA, being "flabbergasted" shouldn't be surprising.. truth and justice will always flabbergast Adumb Schi**. Hmmm ..and talk about being “flabbergasted”, I'm flabbergasted at why California ever sent him to Washington, and at why the House Ethics Committees hasn't censured him and flushed Schi** out.

Online headline: “Maryland governor signs Biden-inspired bill establishing 'Center for Firearm Violence Prevention'” -- WHY! Why are Democrats so determined to undermine our Constitution? The only reasons are: 1 - to take away "government of the people, by the people, and for the people", and 2 - pander to splinter and single issue voters ..


Online “headLIE”: “Sen. Schumer tells Democrats he'll reintroduce bipartisan border bill” -- Yep.. another Schumer lie! Think about this... well, for lack of a better word, LIE. No bill Schumer "introduces" will ever be "bipartisan".. and if he claims it is, there's something in the bill he doesn't want to be blamed for later.

Online headline: “NC AG Josh Stein, GA Sen. Raphael Warnock call on faith leaders to rally congregations to the polls” -- Hmmm.... didn't President Obama threaten churches that preaching politics from the pulpit would get their tax exempt status removed.. guess there's a loophole excluding churches that preach the Democrat Agenda.

The Republicans have a great campaign ad opportunity for the election year... Split screen ads featuring Trump vs Biden and Republican Congresspersons vs Democrats. Ads should promote "MAGA" for both.. Trump and Republicans should be built around "Make America GREAT Again" and the Biden and Democrats ads be built around "Make America GRATE Again"!

While every vote is important to Columbus GA on Tuesday, the E-SPLOST should be voted DOWN! First, it should not be on this year's ballot.. the citizens have already met their duties to fund the last one a year early, so we should get a reprieve from starting another before the other one is technically still in it's voter approved time frame. Secondly, the amount being asked for would require $58 Million annually for 5 years, when about $40 Million is more feasible to achieve, and Third, the included $90,000,000.00 BOND ISSUE is a "community NOOSE" around our necks.. This is much worse than even the $100 Million in Bonds that the City has issued for the Synovus (formerly Kirven 's Department Store) building and the "100 Acre Scam" around Golden Park, because... none of the School System bonds will be used to create a revenue flow that COULD pay for itself..

Online headline: “Biden team consulted prominent Morehouse alumni to craft commencement speech that’s expected to praise student voices” -- You know, Blacks in America should be very aware of the history of government persecution, and have no tolerance for ours or any foreign government inflicting such on the Jewish people.

Online headline: “ McConnell, Collins on collision course with Democrats over spending parity” -- Constitutionally, our federal government's main purpose... priority... is protecting our borders and citizens from dangers... foreign or domestic... no programs… especially social ones, should exceed our defense budget!

Online headline: “White House and Democratic lawmakers plot ways to strengthen their hand on border security” -- Now he remembers he has Executive Order authority to reinstate the Trump policies he removed by Executive Order..


Online headline: “Biden makes fresh appeals to Black voters, hoping they can return him to the White House” -- Hmmm .. and if monetary bribery doesn't work, he'll probably promise to call the Presidential abode "The Black House"...of course, as usual, his promise will never be kept…

Online “headLIE”: “Biden urges Atlanta voters to stand up against Trump: ‘He’s running for revenge’” -- Good grief! When is the Democrat voter base going to realize that the Democrats just used the last four years with Biden in the White House in a revengeful way to get back at Democrat voters who were realizing how much better their lives were when Trump was in office.

Online headline/story: “South Carolina governor says illegal immigrants don’t pose risk for voter integrity in his state * Agencies are properly complying with state and federal voter registration laws, and no evidence of unlawful activity was found.” -- "no evidence of unlawful activity was found"? This "revelation" is probably sending waves of laughter through the Democrat Campaign Committee as we speak .. It concerns activity within the South Carolina Medicaid Office and just because evidence hasn't "been found" does NOT MEAN there's no evidence TO BE FOUND!

Online headline: “Joe Biden faces potentially nightmarish June swoon with his re-election hopes fading” -- Of course Resident Biden is worried about Hunter's tax charges trial . Think about it... How loyal will Hunter be to his dad when he was such a letch with his own ex-wife/children and his brother's widow and his daughter, Navy…

Online headline: “First lady Jill Biden claims Trump would ‘destroy’ public education if president in speech to teachers union “ -- Hey, Public Education has been destroyed for decades by a liberal Democrat curriculum, and by rewriting history ... and disastrous Grade level reading !

My bride and I spent Saturday with our 3 year old grandson...we went to Dinglewood and enjoyed a scrambled dog, and then took him to the newly renovated Columbus GA Museum.. My bride and I will have to go back by ourselves, because we could not tear our grandson away from the Children’s Explore area of the Museum.. it was truly fantastic! Looking forward to wandering through the rest of it!

Online headline: “Biden says landmark 1954 Supreme Court ruling on school desegregation was about more than education” -- Good grief! it was about the then Democrat controlled Southern political and education platform !

Even if you're disappointed at the "personal character" of Trump or Biden (or both!), remember that "personal character", while important, is not the main issue in this election.. This election is just the second in our history that involves two candidates with presidential policy experience we can compare! And using the policies of both, Trump is by far, the best...really only good choice.. in this election...

Online headline: “Republicans pitch Hank Aaron statue to replace white supremacist at U.S. Capitol” -- Anybody bother to look up Alexander Stephens before eviscerating him? Yes, he was a Democrat, was the VP of the Secessionists.. but... he was also a US House Representative from GA for 25 years (16 before the Civil War and 9 after GA was readmitted), and he was a Governor of GA, was born and buried in GA, actually opposed to the Secession of GA. On the other hand, Hank Aaron was born in Alabama and never served the citizens of GA .. well unless you count doughnuts.

Of course, as a Democrat politician, Stephens did endorse/support slavery.


Speaking of Hank Aaron, did you know he was a member of the Boy Scouts of America.. hmmm...this tidbit may be just the angle to push to get it's name back instead of the change to Scouting America. I vote YES!

Online headline: “5,000 Alabama third graders could be held back because they aren’t reading well enough” -- Hmmmm,,, Children not reading at a minimum standard level at the end of 3rd Grade become lost in the shuffle. Too many "parents"... school officials, too.... look at schools as day-care-centers rather than educational facilities…

Online headline: “Supreme Court petition targets ‘relic of Jim Crow’ in Georgia” -- Hmmm...the "Jim KKKrow" era... when the South had no Republican governors, Congressmen , judges or juries!

Online headline: “Scottie Scheffler arrested outside PGA Championship and charged with assault on police officer” -- Wow! Charging a guy trying to get to work to make a living while ignoring Jew Hating protesters who curse and throw things at the police.. Ain't liberalism "grand"... NOT!


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