Friday, June 6, 2014

First.. a moment of silence.. of reflection.. to honor the brave soldiers who fought.. who died this day... 70 years ago... D-Day.

Meanwhile, back at the White House... we have to endure....and in Chicagonese.. "Da-Day"... Da-day Da-Bama became da-bomb for all da-scandals he can't blame on da-Bush43.

HuffPost headline: "North Korea Detains American Citizen For Illegal Acts" -- Hmmm... who knew there were 5 North Korean terrorists in our country that Kim Jong-un wanted us to swap out? Hey, can we swap him Dennis Rodman instead?
Online story: "Rep. Raul Labrador (R-Idaho) chastised some members of his party Tuesday for their reaction to the release of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, saying they should stop acting like the prisoner swap President Barack Obama arranged was unprecedented." -- Anybody know the Democrat's name Congressman Labrador is running against in November.. I'd like to send him/her a check.
HuffPOst headline: "Senator Angus King (I-Maine).: Officials Had Reason To Believe Bergdahl May Have Been Killed Had Deal Been Leaked " -- To cite Hillary.. an "what difference does it make"? We'd still have those 5 jihadists locked up in Gitmo. Who's this clown kidding... even the Taliban knew it was getting the deal it wasn't going to jeopardize.
Online story: "A police department in Florida that lost an assault rifle given to it through a federal government program will not receive an armored assault vehicle through the same federal government program that gave it the gun." -- Good grief... this must be the domestic version of the DOJ's prototype Mexican drug dealers gun program.. guess we can call it "farce and furious".
Online story: "The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $100,000 to the University of Wollongong in Australia to develop a condom with more sensation, according to a YouTube video the school posted on June 3. * the material is "made to act and feel more like real skin." Scientists say they hope a more natural feel will nudge more guys into using protection, and thus, prevent unwanted pregnancies and the spread of STDs worldwide." -- Good grief.. Gates should maybe work on protection for his software (innuendo for you liberals out there) protection to stop world-wide viruses from spreading.
Online headline: "New trial for O.J. Simpson in the works?" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought MSNBC was going to rehash OJ's trial with a reality show...
L-E headline: "Europe flirts with negative interest rates" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought the emigration of French wealthy was making an impact.
Judas 00-Barnum has actually contributed to the widening gap between the average Joe and the wealthy. His Fed policy has kept interest so low, Joe Average cannot keep up with inflation by putting weekly deposits in a savings account that pays only 1% (or less) annually, yet can't risk buying into a bubble high stock market. Joe Average ends up spending what he would like to invest because if he saves it for something to buy later, his money won't grow as fast as the cost of that item at a later date.
L-E headline: "Study: Alabama fifth-worst state for bad drivers" -- .5th? Maybe in Alabama, but when those drivers are in Columbus, they are definitely the number 1 worst drivers.
Have you seen the report/pictures of the effect of marijuana smoke in your lungs? Guess there will soon be the Marijuana Patch, and Cannabi-gum?
L-E headline/story: "Hospital Authority OKs contract amendment that could save taxpayers $500K a year * The city entered into the contract in 1992. It requires the city to pay Columbus Regional three mills from the city’s total tax digest for indigent and inmate health care. The amendment applies the three mills only to actual taxes collected rather than the entire digest" -- This just confirms that Mayor Obamalinson actually lied to me when I asked what was the assessed value of our residential tax digest a couple of weeks ago. You read what she said both in my blog and in a letter to the editor in this weeks L-E. That must be the genetic flaw of being a Democratic Party politician. It also confirms that there's a gap in collection of taxes that needs to be closed.
Haven't updated on the shenanigans of the Democratic Party website, but this one from Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a doozy. She's shilling voter registration at, and wants me (fat chance) to give them my GA Driver's License or Social Security Number AND my party affiliation to the Democratic. Party.....and do it over the I-net/smartphone. I am do glad I am not a Kool-Aid drinking Democrat..
Online story: "The top-ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, who represents Maryland’s 2nd congressional district, called Obama’s release of five notorious Islamic terrorists a “dangerous precedent that puts all Americans at risk throughout the world.” * “Since World War Two we have not negotiated with terrorists or other groups,” Ruppersberger said, as reported by WJZ’s media partner the Baltimore Sun. “What concerns me is the future. This puts all Americans at risk throughout the world, including our men and women on the front line…for kidnapping.” -- I guess the Democratic Party is out to make sure Bleep Veep Biden won't even throw his hat in the ring for 2016. First, Judas 00-Barnum just shut down Maryland's coal business under Joe's nose, and now his own Congressman is revolting on him.
Judas 00-Barnum couldn't wait to go on tour to apologize FOR America, but certainly is not interested in apologizing TO America's soldiers for sending Taliban jihadists back out for another opportunity to kill our soldiers.
Our military should take a page out of Judas 00-Barnum's foreign policy playbook. Do a sweep of all illegal aliens from Mexico, line'em up on the border and demand our marine be let loose or we send them 12 Million more hungry mouths to feed.
You'd think that we could trade Judas 00-Barnum to some country for something of value, but it looks like the world leaders are happy for him to stay where he is...unfortunately...
Soapbox moment: The cost of education could be a lot more affordable if colleges were not allowed to charge so many "fees" for campus conveniences . My daughter goes to UGA and her "student fees' , mainly for " services" she has no interest in, run $1100.00 per school session.. Going full time and summer brings that to over $3,000.00 per year. Perhaps the state Board of Ed should invoke a "no fee" policy and if colleges want to provide special features to attract more students, make those alumni projects. For sports, let the overall revenues from the 'money sports" be the main stream for all, and special needs be alumni projects.
Online headline: "First Lady Michelle Obama says Jane Fonda is one of her role models, and that she admires her political savviness.: -- Hmmm, sounds more like Michelle revealed her LACK of political savvyiness..
Online story: "On Tuesday night’s PBS NewsHour, a panel of journalists were exploring how Democratic candidates for the Senate were going to struggle with Obama’s new crackdown on coal plants. PBS anchor Gwen Ifill even said, “why then does the White House rub salt into the wound on this issue? Why make it so hard for Democrats especially?”" -- Oh, no! First, CNN, the the AP, MSNBC and now PBS.. PBS, mind you, has opened its eyes?
Online headline/story: "Benghazi Cover Up Blowing Up; Who Throws Who Under The Bus First, Obama or Clinton? * This could seriously cripple the Obama administration and destroy Hillary Clinton’s chance to run for President. What will be interesting is to see who throws who over the bus first, Obama or Clinton?" -- My bet's on Judas 00-Barnum... he has even more experience than the Clinton's combined terms in Washington & Arkanasas.
Online headline: "DC High School Principal Tells Students He’s Gay" -- Good grief.. WHY! Secondly, can you see a heterosexual doing the same... can you see the heterosexual being tarred and feathered?
Soap box moment: New plan.. the Democrats have done a great job at recruiting voters by offering more entitlements, and it seem the more entitlements it offer attracts even more voters. The Republicans need to stop "attacking" the Democratic politicians, and start talking directly to the entitlement voters. The story to tell is that the Democratic politicians are appealing to even more voters so that the share of funds available is going to be stretched out among more recipients, and the more recipients there are means there are even less workers paying less taxes that can be diverted to entitlement programs, so if they keep electing Democrats, they are going to get less entitlements per voter. Sorta of a simple plan that will work..
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Senior senators reached agreement Thursday on the framework for a bipartisan bill expanding veterans’ ability to get health care outside the government’s scandal-beset Veterans Affairs hospitals and clinics. * The bill would allow veterans who experience waits of 30 days or more for VA appointments or who live at least 40 miles from a VA hospital or clinic to use private doctors enrolled as providers for Medicare, military TRICARE or other government health care programs." -- "waits of 30 days"? Who does the VA get mentoring from.. local emergency room check-ins?
L-E story: "Authorities say a customer at a Massachusetts restaurant became sick when an employee mistakenly sprinkled a chemical cleaner on food instead of grated cheese." -- Massachusetts has long been a sad state, but this is a sadder state than Massachusetts has ever been in.. I've got to see a picture of this cleaner... I cannot imagine cleaner looking like cheese.. but, on the other hand, cheese is a federal school lunch program staple.
L-E story: "Columbus native Cecelia Seiler died in Savannah, Ga., on Thursday, according to a news release from the University of Georgia. * Cecelia was the wife of Sonny Seiler and owner of the University of Georgia lineage of Uga Bulldog mascots for more than 50 years. * The Seilers received a wedding gift of an English Bulldog from Frank Heard of Columbus. That took place in 1956. * According to a news release from Georgia, Cecelia fit the dog with an altered children's t-shirt, which she sewed a ''G'' onto. On Sept. 19, 1956, she brought the dog to the Georgia football game against Florida State. * A short time later, the dog was named Uga I and was made the official mascot of the football team. Uga has remained the mascot since then." -- Another tidbit that would have made this story better would be to mention that a local Columbusite, William H. "Billy" Young, III is officially accredited as the person who gave "UGA" his name. Of course, it helps when the newspaper staff is acquainted with local history.
L-E story: " The Alabama NAACP is planning a march Saturday in Alexander City over the shooting death of Emerson Crayton Jr. by a police officer." -- Why, pray tell, do we never see the NAACP organize a march to protest black-on-black neighborhood shooting and killings? That would be a greater value in curbing this blight.
L-E headline: "WORLD CUP * $17 for cheeseburger; $35 for pizza * World Cup fans face sticker shock" -- Hmmm, sounds like the World Cup copied the Braves menu board.

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