Monday, June 23, 2014

HuffPost story: " An Egyptian court on Monday convicted three journalists from Al-Jazeera English and sentenced them to seven years in prison each on terrorism-related charges, bringing widespread criticism that the verdict was a blow to freedom of expression. * The three have been detained since a December raid on their Cairo hotel room, which they were using as an office as they covered protests by supporters of the ousted Islamist president. * They had pleaded innocent, saying they were simply doing their jobs as journalists. " -- Hmmm... maybe some International Law may be OK.. Hmmm, maybe we could get the Egyptian court to rule on CNN, MSNBC, ABC/NBC/CBS journalists who ignore the Mosqued Man's disassembly of our Constitutional rights....
HuffPost headline/story: "Warning issued by President Obama * President Barack Obama, in an interview with CBS' "Face the Nation" aired Sunday, warned that the Islamic State could grow in power and destabilize the region. Washington, he said, must remain "vigilant" but would not "play whack-a-mole and send U.S. troops ... wherever these organizations pop up."" -- "play whack-a-mole"? The Man of Steal is calling Muslim terrorists "moles"? Isn't this the same guy who had the US Patent Office strip a business owner of his copyright protections because his pet name for his players was "Redskins"? Hmmm, can the Patent Office strip the president of his name as well?
Online story: "Israeli warplanes bombed a series of targets inside Syria early Monday, the Israeli military said, in response to a cross-border attack that killed an Israeli teenager the previous day. * In all, Israel said it struck nine military targets inside Syria, and "direct hits were confirmed." The targets were located near the site of Sunday's violence in the Golan Heights and included a regional military command center and unspecified "launching positions." There was no immediate response from Syria." -- Hmmm, hey, Man of Steal, are you listening? This is how you respond when someone crosses the line you draw in the sand...
Online story: "The West Coast ports that are America's gateway for hundreds of billions of dollars of trade with Asia and beyond are no stranger to labor unrest and even violence. * the contract that covers nearly 20,000 dockworkers is set to expire, * The union's total control over the labor pool means huge bargaining leverage, which negotiators have parlayed into white-collar wages and perks for blue-collar work. A full-time longshoreman earns about $130,000 a year, while foremen earn about $210,000, according to employer data. Workers pay nearly nothing for health coverage that includes no premiums and $1 prescriptions. * In 2018, a 40 percent tax on the value of "Cadillac" health plans above a certain threshold kicks in under the Affordable Care Act — and the union's coverage qualifies." -- Hmmm.. how convenient.. OObamaCRAP kicks in AFTER the Man of Steal vacates the Oval Office...
From the "meanwhile, back at the ranch" department - The Panama Canal expansion project is intended to double the capacity of the Panama Canal by 2015 by creating a new lane of traffic and allowing more and larger ships to proceed directly to the East Coast ports of the US, bypassing the West Coast ports completely. Is justice poetic or what?
Ongoing L-E et al "lie": "Eight million people have signed up for coverage through new markets offering subsidized private insurance." -- That's the number thrown out by the Mosqued Man, BUT... but less than 5 million were previously uninsured.. so,, how can this be equated with the most basic goal of 7 million being enrolled who weren't covered previously?
Walmart response to a NY Times editorial... worth the read.. no, should be read ... especially by union members in the service industry..
WRBL3 story: "COLUMBUS, Ga. -City officials are planing to make some changes to the Columbus City Services Center because of the recently passed gun bill in Georgia. * House Bill 60 allows concealed carry weapons inside a government building unless there is security screening at the entrance. In an effort to keep guns out of the City Services Center, the city will screen citizens at the entrance on the parking deck side. The other entrance will be closed indefinitely. * There is currently security screening at the entrance of Council Chambers at the City Services Center, but the bill says the security checkpoint must be at the entrance of the building in order for the building to disallow concealed carry weapons" -- What kind of "service building" shuts down its entrances to law abiding citizens? Of course, with what we've seen coming out of Council, I do not blame Council for wanting no law abiding taxpayers to enter with a gun, because a jury would likely sympathize with a plea of "instant temporary insanity" as taxpayers' heads approach exploding from hearing about the wasteful spending practices Council engages.
To the above story: How about keeping the weapons gun check security at the Council doors. Let law abiding citizens wearing their Georgia "carry permits" in an ID tag, and just keep those without such ID out? Hey.. that might work on the streets, too.
Online story: "A contract dispute between Atlanta city government and Atlanta Public Schools is getting heated and threatens to slow the progress of the Atlanta Beltline. * At a June 11th Beltline board meeting, Mayor Kasim Reed had strong words for outgoing APS chief Erroll Davis, who wasn’t in attendance. * "Nobody is going to negotiate at the end of a gun so if you’re going to take hostages you better be prepared to shoot the hostages," said Reed." -- Guess neither the Atlanta Council nor School Board bans guns from meetings like our Council wants to do.
Online story: "CHICAGO (AP) - Gov. Pat Quinn is set to approve a November ballot measure asking if Illinois should boost its minimum wage to $10 an hour by 2015." -- Hmmm, wouldn't that be a cutback for buying votes?
Online story: "The Obama administration has announced that it will work to process and deport illegal immigrants quicker, and that a new detention center for families crossing the border is to be opened." -- Good grief.. a "new detention center"? What we need is existing detention centers being used more efficiently..Of course, the Man of Steal will probably try to claim the illegal aliens incarcerated as part of the "new jobs created" figures.. well, when they are full time "retainees", they do become part of the full time government employment initiative.
From above story: ""We will house them in facilities that are humane and compliant with legal requirements," Alejandro Mayorkas, deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security, told The Wall Street Journal. In 2009, the government reportedly shut down the main family detention center amid complaints about conditions there." -- Good grief... make'em feel at home.. make sure they want to come back because our "detention centers" are better than what their countries offer. Hasn't the government seen the recidivism figures for felons that they send back to the real world? Recidivism happens when the convicts realize they are pampered in jail compared to earning the same stature outside the walls.
Online headline/story: "IRS says Lerner emails lost forever, but agency had contract with file-storage company Sonasoft * Sonasoft tweeted: “The IRS uses Sonasoft to back up their servers, why wouldn’t you choose them to protect your servers?” * And a document on the company website suggests its system "archives all email content and so reduces the risk of non-compliance with legal, regulatory and other obligations to preserve critical business content." -- Hmmm, wanna bet that Sonasoft was given an ObamaLoan, and has "Crashed and Burned" itself..
Follow up to above: "this Sonasoft thing is starting to blow up: “The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractor just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerner’s computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials’ computers allegedly crashed.” * Sonasoft offered email backup services from 2005 to 2011 (Sonasoft certainly claimed that). A couple of weeks after Congress started requesting Lois Lerner’s email records from the IRS, Lerner’s computer crash – and, shortly after that, the IRS let their contract with Sonasoft lapse. Left unstated is why the IRS would decide to terminate services with the company that was providing them with backups, although I’m sure that we could all hazard a guess or two." -- Hmmm.. The tarbaby then did say something....."please don't throw me in that there briarpatch....No wonder Jay Carney left.. even he would have a hard time spinning a lie out of this.
L-E story: "Columbus is among America's most generous cities -- when it comes to online donations -- according to a new survey. * Blackbaud, a software firm which provides financial and fundraising services to nonprofits, annually analyzes total amounts donated through its services from 265 cities with a population of more than 100,000. * Cities were ranked by amounts donated per 1,000 people. In 2013, 7,578 online donations were made by Columbus residents through Blackbaud, for a total amount of $686,667. That's about $3,537 per 1,000 people." -- First, who/what is "Blackbaud"? As a foundation officer, I can safely say none of us have ever heard or used "Blackbaud", and will never use such a clearing house. Secondly, it's an insult to every tithe maker, ever donor, every local foundation to insinuate the depth of the collective pockets is so shallow, yet grand enough to be ranked as a top giving city. What's "rank" is "BlackBaud" taking the spotlight.
The latest from the Democratic Party cadging site: "Your donation will be doubled, Hal" -- What pikers! I want'em to know I am tripling or quadrupling all my past donations to the Democratic Party re-e;ectoon campaign.. of course, someone will have to send a messenger to collect my check for $0000.00 dollars.
Alan Colmes ..liberal radio talk show host that I have no idea of why a network that would continue put his idea (as opposed to "ideas" ) over the airwaves.... I have one question for many "anchor babies" have you adopted or taken responsibility for?
Online quote source: "“All the adversity I've had in my life, all my troubles and obstacles, have strengthened me... You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” - Walt Disney " -- Wow.. here's another liberal talking point that has been decimated. Put this into every middle and high school classroom.. better yet, put this in every university classroom that "prepares" teachers to work in public schools.
You know.. the saddest commentary of the current administration is that it takes longer to list the failures and scandals of the White House and Secretary of State's Office than to list the successes. even successes in liberals' minds.
You know... Phenix City really does need to examine its contract with Whitewater Express.. the Columbus office has hired Richard Bishop's daughter to 'run' it, and .....
L-E story: " The Courtyard Marriott — the first hotel to be built in the downtown Columbus-Phenix City area in decades — is cruising toward a late August or early September opening, with rates for mid-October already on the Marriott reservation site." -- Remember the old Lone Ranger/Tonto joke when they were facing an insurmountable amount of "Redskins" and death looked imminent? Remember when the Lone Ranger said, "looks like we are going to die, Tonto? and Tonto said, "what do you mean, "we", white man"? Well, I doubt seriously that Phenix City considers its new hotel a "we" project, and feel very certain that Phenix City id not planning to share the accommodation taxes on the rooms. Especially in light of what's happening with the fees from Whitewater rafters.
LIV's unsubstantiated L-E "soundoff": " Where is the La-La Land where Obama doesn’t respect the Constitution? Remember Bush’s quote: “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face, (sic) it’s just a damn piece of paper.” -- Hmm, checking it out (something no lib does with anything they spew as facts) at, and you get this: Doug Thompson, editor of "Capitol Hill Blue" which ran this as 'fact" has since retracted it - "This article was based on sources that we thought, at the time, were reliable. We have since discovered reasons to doubt their veracity. For that reason, this article has been removed from our database."
L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1972, President Richard Nixon signed Title IX, which barred discrimination on the basis of sex for “any education program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” -- Hmmm, so Lincoln ended slavery, and Nixon ended gender discrimination.. Looks like the Democratic Party has really done nothing for minorities or women.... well, except put them in welfare chains.

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