Sunday, June 15, 2014

Online story: "SAN ANTONIO (AP) — When Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl arrived back in the United States following five years of captivity by the Taliban in Afghanistan, he was not joined by his family, military officials said." -- You know... there's something just not right with the spin we are getting.. The parents show up at the Rose Garden at the White House and "praise allah", yet they are not in Texas to be with him. Who is that Mosqued Man at the White House?

L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Nearly 50,000 children have been caught crossing the border without parents since Oct. 1. * There is no time line for investigations into allegations of abuse by U.S. border authorities against unaccompanied minors because of a lack of specificity in the complaints, the head of U.S. Customs and Border Protection said Friday." -- Wait a minute... the reason kids are streaming through is because the Student Loan Ranger basically invited parents to send there kids in because he wasn't going to send them back, and the parents could join them.

Online story: "It’s not the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can’t Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too, but it’s almost as absurd. * In an interview with Diane Sawyer, everyone-knows-she-wants-to-be-presidential-candidate Hillary Clinton claimed she was “dead broke” after she and Bubba cleaned out the White House on their way out the door. * Watch Georgetown University's Campus Reform‘s Caleb Bonham take action on behalf of the former First Lady by raising money for ‘The Hillary Clinton Fund for Broke Politicians.’ --

You know, Chelsea Clinton-Whatever making $600K as a part time what ever her title is at NBC sorta reminds me of Hillary turning $1 thousand dollars into a $100K profit on options 20+ years ago. I'd also like to know how the two of them equate what they made doing nothing goes along with the minimum wage strategy of the Democratic Party.

Online story: "The South Carolina legislature has rankled liberal groups after requiring that a pair of public schools use state funds to teach the U.S. Constitution and other founding documents -- on the heels of a budget fight over gay-themed books in the curriculum." -- Does this not basically sum up how our children have been cheated out of their heritage and future?

Online headline: "Obama Orders Philadelphia Transit Workers To End Strike" -- Hmmm, guess the Mosqued Man has decided on a new ploy... in the past, he drew lines in the sand and dared people to cross them.. this time he's drawn a union line in the sand and ordered people to cross it.
Online story: "JERUSALEM (AP) -- A terror group abducted three teens, including an American, who disappeared in the West Bank, Israel's prime minister said Saturday, as soldiers searched the territory to find them." -- Hmmm, wonder how many Taliban at Gitmo will be asked for?
HuffPost headline: "What Joe Biden Gave Up To Run With Obama * As vice president, Joe Biden is arguably the second most powerful man in the country." -- Well depending on how you define/parse "arguably" and "second most powerful" makes this a trick question.
Instant repeat: "HuffPost headline: "What Joe Biden Gave Up To Run With Obama * As vice president, Joe Biden is arguably the second most powerful man in the country. * "I think people who take on this office understand that and sacrifice, they sacrifice part of their own independent political stature to be a team member," Klain said. "He understood he was giving up his own career, 30-year career, where he was the master of his own ship to be on someone else's ship." -- You know... when you get down to the definition of what public service is about, it is volunteering to be a team member for the betterment of all. Unfortunately, politics has become asking "all" to sacrifice for the egos of those few elected.
wow.. the above item is "heavy"....Think about this.... 285 people have the ultimate say-so for 300,000,000+ people. We elect 435 Congresspersons, 100 Senators, and the President, and the President/Senate apoint/confirm 9 US Supreme Court Justices. Other people shape those 545 peoples direction, but even then, of those 545, it comes down to actually getting 218 Congresspersons, 51 Senators, the President and 5 Supreme Court Justices to actually get things done which means only 285 people is all that's needed to control everyone's future. We need the team to be America's Team, not the Republican Party Team, .. not the Democratic Party Team..
Online dueling headlines: "Hagel orders US aircraft carrier to Persian Gulf" & "Obama: The US Won't Send Troops Back Into Combat In Iraq" -- Huh? Didn't the mainstream media just report that the Mosqued Man said he wasn't? Is this going to be another "he said/he said" word game like who's decision was it to release the 5 Gitmo terrorists?
Can you remember when you first heard these words, "Houston, we have a problem"? They are about to be replaced with, "Detroit, you are the problem".. the problem with personal movement of people around the country. It seems that the car industry is taking direction from cellphone companies.. When was the last time you heard an ad for a cell phone that just gave you the sales pitch on being a good dependable communication device to keep in touch with your family, friends, and work? Now it's about HD cameras (still and video), entertainment (music, movies, YouTube, selfies), and Internet. Now we are seeing car ads do the same thing... we're talking about cars that actually drive you instead of you driving cars. Cars park themselves; they are virtually soundproof music and movie screening rooms; they are more comfortable than your favorite chair at home, and cars even stop you before you run into the car in front of you which you are exchanging texts because you don't have anything else to do while driving your car. Hmmm, on the other hand, the future looks brighter for the electronics repairmen than it does for ambulance chasing lawyers.
Hmmm, seems there's a man in Chicago unofficially going about town fixing potholes using mosaic tiles. While it does bring the guy some national attention, he could get more of such if he went around repairing all the "shot holes" in Chicago. Of course, he'd have to hire a bigger work crew.
HuffPost headline: "A new study suggests there's no such thing as "Mexican." -- Hmmm ..Obviously this is a liberal's mainstream media press release to eliminate conversations on the need for immigration reform and border fencing. wonder how many Mexicans already here will be offended that their heritage has been diminished?
You know... there may be a simple solution to solve the our illegal immigration assault from our southern border.. and the process is already in place.. our Post Office. Make it illegal to send cash, money orders and checks to Mexico by mail or parcel post. When the PO gets such a missive, redirect it to the US Treasury who will then deposit the money into a fund that will be used to deport the mailers back home. Shoot, the return address gives us the right directions as well. Soon, our entitlement coffers will be refilled, and because money can't be mailed back to Mexico, there'll be no reason for illegal aliens to sneak into American to begin with.
Headline worth remembering: "IRS Says It Lost Lois Lerner's Emails In Targeting Probe" -- Hmm, now we know how to respond to the IRS the next time they ask for a past return audit.
HuffPost story: "With a $2.5 million contribution to Illinois Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner, Chicago-based hedge fund executive Ken Griffin has written the largest check to a political campaign in recent history. * Griffin, well known for saying the very wealthy have an "insufficient influence" in politics, is the richest man in Illinois and a top donor in state politics with large donations to both parties. He has made six-figure contributions to Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's campaign and funds the state Republican Party."
* Griffin's hedge fund Citadel had purchased a large amount of Marriott Corp. stock just as political leaders in Chicago and Illinois approved $55 million in city resources for building a Marriott hotel on coveted real estate" -- Once again.. there are NO Republicans in Illinois, especially in Chicago.. HuffPost assiciating Rham Emanuel as a recipient is all the confirmation necessary. In addition, the real story is the Marriott tit-for-tat.. just normal corrupt Chicago politics.
Inside Iraq update: "Our source indicates that there's more "huff" than "puff" in the Sunni uprising. Skirmishes are being reported when basically the Iraqi military outposts are basically "abandoning" their posts. Maybe they think they negotiate a swap to America for additional Gitmo terrorists. Anyway, "our guy" thinks there's zero chance there'll be any success in the Sunnis getting to (supply issues, too) the airport or Baghdad. Looks like more mainstream media reaction to the Mosqued Man's game of "Wag the dog". Oh, Happy Father's Day, friend!
Online quote source: "“Every father should remember that one day his son will follow his example instead of his advice.” - Charles F. Kettering " -- Thank goodness for small favors... the Mosqued Man has no sons.
You know what really makes the liberals argument about needing more laws to keep guns off the street sorta stupid? Meth, heroin, muggings and robberies are illegal, too.
Online story: " President Obama, appearing emboldened after his recent move to cut carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants, on Saturday ridiculed members of Congress who deny climate change or plead scientific ignorance as an alibi for avoiding an uncomfortable truth. * Speaking in gleefully sarcastic terms to a commencement ceremony at the University of California, Irvine, Mr. Obama likened those who deny climate change to people who would have told John F. Kennedy, at the dawn of the space program, that the moon “was made of cheese." -- Good grief.. how does the mainstream media give him a pass on this. the only states that produce coal that are Democratic politically are Illinois and Maryland (home states of the Student Loan Ranger & Bleep Veep Biden), and the only states he will talk about coal is in states that don't produce any.
L-E headline/story: "ANALYSIS WAITING FOR JUSTICE * As a backlog of court cases increases, authorities look for ways to resolve it * Last week the crowded 1,069-capacity Muscogee County Jail housed 1,116 inmates, and only 120 of them were guilty — meaning they’d been found guilty in court and sentenced. * Of the rest, 914 had pending felonies, and of those, 158 had outstanding charges that for more than six months had not been presented to a grand jury for indictment, nor cited in a formal accusation so the case could proceed. * In Columbus courts, concern is growing that justice too long delayed is an injustice, and in some cases the effect is punishing people for poverty rather than wrongdoing — stuffing the jail with people who spend months there not because they’ve been found guilty and sentenced, but because they simply can’t afford even minimal bonds." -- Good grief.. now the L-E wants to blame the court and law enforcement personnel for other people's bad choices!
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Under Saddam, Iraq was stable and safe for tourists and journalists. Terror groups and sectarian violence were not allowed. The Bush war changed everything. Mission accomplished." -- I have to say that this is the stupidest soundoff ever submitted, much less printed by the L-E. Under Saddam Hussein, CNN censored the happenings in Saddam's palace torture room so that their lournalist would stay on Saddam's "A-List" for parties. And the part about terror groups/sectarian violence not being allowed.. good grief.. there wasn't room for competition to Saddam's sadistic whims. One thing the write did get right (and he/she doesn't even know it) is that Bush did change everything... for the better.
Another LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Comparing Tomlinson to Obama is an insult to Tomlinson. At least she is trying to balance the budget." -- No, re-electing her was an insult added to previous injury. Even dipping into the fund balance has not created a single Obamalinson balanced budget.
Another stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " Visited several states, some with open carry gun laws. A lot of commentary: retail sales down, restaurant business down, online purchases booming. People are not having it. These laws are job “killers." -- Retail and restaurant sales are down because of the highest taxes ever inflicted on such are now in existence. Families use to be able to eat out comfortably by themselves, but now have to include an "extra placesetting" worth of sales taxes so the government can give somebody else a free dinner. And as for other retail purchases going to the Internet.. you can blame local/state sales taxes again, as many items from out-of-state are more affordable by paying the shipping charges versus paying the sales taxes and gasoline costs of driving to a retail shop.
L-E story: "Hanging out at Shirley Winston Park after midnight ended with a trip to the Muscogee County Jail for three Columbus men, police said. * (They) were all taken into custody just after midnight Friday after almost an ounce of suspected marijuana and a gun were found in their vehicle at 5025 Steam Mill Road. G**** was charged with possession of a firearm during a crime, possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, being in the park after hours and possession of drug related objects. T***** faced similar charges and both were still held Saturday at the jail on bonds totaling more than $10,000. * L******* is free on bond on similar drug and gun possession charges. * None of the occupants claimed responsibility for the illegal items, police said" -- Hmmm "none of the occupants claimed responsibility for the illegal items"? I guess we can then assume that the gun was illegal, therefore all are responsible for possessing an illegal gun, so why aren't all three charged with possession of stolen property as well?
Total 158 _________________ Blacks 121 Whites 37
Females 10 Males 148
Black females 5 Black males 116
White females 5 White males 32
Hmmm... looks like the plaintiff pleas that blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites just got impaled on a non-fact. The fact that the same number of black and white women are being held in this situation just shows that the 3.6-to-1 ratio of black to white males really just indicates that black males just commit more crimes than white males.
L-E headline: "Senate bill doubles spending on vets’ health" -- Now, let's ask the Senate "to pay for it" by reducing benefits paid out to those who haven't earned it.
From L-E report on City Attorney's Agenda of the Council meeting (second reading): " An ordinance abolishing the position of Chief Deputy Clerk/Bookkeeper in Muscogee County Probate Court; authorizing the creation of the Chief Clerk/ License Supervisor in the Muscogee County Probate Court at Pay Grade 16; and authorizing the creation of an additional Deputy Clerk for the Muscogee County Probate Court at Pay Grade 12; and for other purposes. (Budget Review Committee)" -- Hmmm.. huh? It looks like the City wants to abolish one job as a Deputy Clerk by renaming it "Chief Clerk" at a higher pay grade, then turn around and recreate the job of Deputy Clerk that was just eliminated...come on people.. work with us taxpayers!
Another item on Council's agenda is the $244K bathroom for the RiverWalk.. hasn't it already struck out 3 times? Isn't it time to get a better plan for spending money just because its available? Hey, why don't we simply convert Golden Park into one very large outdoor bathroom facility.. we should get some use out of what already exists.
L-E editorial rebut: You know, when low skills and economic ills of a state/city are mentioned as main problems, then the problem is not an economic one.. it's an educational system/government created problem.

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