Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Looking at the states that are going to get hit hard by Judas 00-Barnum's pen that's shutting down coal, there are 9 states that have Democrat Senators up for re-election this November - WV, MT, CO, NM, AR, LA, ILL, VA, and AK. Forget IL with Durbin because there are enough registered dead people to prohibit any Republican from winning, so there are 8 states up for grabs as people realize coal is "big & important bidness".
This isn't totally my thought, but a second comment nails it....remember the fake interpreter at Nelson Mandela's funeral? He was probably 'vetted' more closely than D(_*_)hlberg's dad.
Online story: "President Barack Obama pledged Tuesday to boost U.S. military deployments and exercises throughout Europe, an effort costing as much as $1 billion to demonstrate American solidarity with a continent rattled by Russia's intervention in Ukraine." -- Huh? Isn't Judas 00-Barnum the same guy that pulled our defense missiles out of Poland to show Russia he was flexible?
Good Grief! Holy Batcrap! Judas 00-Barnum says he's gonna monitor the 5 Taliban jihadists he's released from Gitmo. Aside from believing anything that escapes either set of his lips, I would like to know just how Judas 00-Barnum was even thinking..uh..feeling he could monitor them and prevent their recidivism?
You know, Judas 00-Barnum can't look back at Bush43 and blame him for D(_*_)hlberg. D(_*_)berg went AWOL in 2009, AFTER Judas 00-Barnum was already in office.
Online story: "CNN legal eagle Jeffrey Toobin said Monday that President Obama "clearly broke the law" in his efforts to free American POW Bowe Bergdahl. * Controversy has flared in the days since Bergdahl's release, with Congress saying it was not given the requisite 30 days notice it should have been given before Obama freed five prisoners from Guantanamo Bay in order to swap them for Bergdahl. * "I think he clearly broke the law," Toobin said on "The Situation Room." "The law says 30-days' notice. Give 30 days' notice. Now, it is true that he issued a signing statement, but signing statements are not law. Signing statements are the president's opinion about what the law should mean. Now, it may be that the law is unconstitutional, a violation of his power as commander in chief, but no court has held that. The law is on the books, and he didn't follow it." -- ""I think he clearly broke the law" ....This is CNN... not Fox News stepping up to the plate.
Online story: " General Motors on Tuesday apologized to families of accident victims who have been notified to bring in cars for replacement of defective ignition switches." -- "apologizes to families of victims"? That's not enough.. GM should be apologizing to every personwho has driven in one, ridden one, been strapped in a baby carrier, and shared the road with one..... and even that may not be enough.
HuffPost/AP headline/story: "White House Issues Apology Over Bowe Bergdahl POW Swap * The White House has apologized to key lawmakers for not notifying them in advance about the exchange of five Taliban detainees for Sgt. Bowe Bergd(_*_)hl ( * Sens. Dianne Feinstein of California and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, the top Democrat and Republican respectively on the Senate Select committee on Intelligence, said White House officials called them Monday to say the lack of notification had been an oversight. Feinstein said she received a call from Deputy National Security Adviser Tony Blinken." -- "Oversight"? ... but certainly not "unintentional".... Guess Judas 00-Barnum doesn't know whoich tactic to focus on to dampen coverage on Benghazi/BeingHazy... he's floated the "LGBT Pride month to distract Fox, and the Taliban swap for FOX the rest of the media.
Online story: "A family owned bakery has been ordered to make wedding cakes for gay couples and guarantee that its staff be given comprehensive training on Colorado’s anti-discrimination laws after the state’s Civil Rights Commission determined the Christian baker violated the law by refusing to bake a wedding cake for a same-sex couple." -- Wanna bet whether any "couple" would wanna eat one under this condition? Do you remember the "choclate pie" scene in "The Help"?
L-E headline: "Atlanta airport launching free Wi-Fi" -- Hmmm.. and how come 1000s of smartphone/computer users in the airport won't effect the landing/departing airplanes like the airlines claim they do by passengers IN the planes?
Don't forget this woman's name...Miriam Carey.. She was the one who was chased down by Washington police last October and killed by 5 gunshots from the rear long after she was no longer near the White House. There is more to this than mainstream media will look into.
Online story: "Hagel Hopes Terrorist Swap will Help ‘Peace Process,’ Taliban Laughs * The five high-ranking terrorists were held in Guantanamo Bay as they were “high-risk” terrorists who posed a threat to the United States. * On Sunday, Secretary of Defense, Chuck Hagel defended the decision on Meet the Press and claimed, “So maybe this will be a new opening that can produce an agreement” between the Taliban and the United States. * “Maybe, just maybe if we give the terrorists what they want, they won’t hurt us.” -- Good grief..Hey, Chuck... well, from now on you will be referred to as "UpChuck".. Maybe you and Judas 00-Barnum can have a "beer summit" with the Taliban to see if they might even admit error in their ways, and like you. Just in case something doesn't work out for ya, I might suggest you keep a large bowl of pork rinds on the table for your guests.
L-E headline: "HUNTER REINSTATED AS CITY MANAGER * Council reverses firing in 3-2 vote; Hunter will give up severance and retire in 2016" -- This is why I don't usually venture into Phenix City Council business.
L-E headline: "Br(_*_)ntley sentenced to 15 years for ‘accidental’ shooting of girlfriend * With his defense attorney calling Hardaway High sophomore K**** C*****’s 2012 death “a tragedy all the way around,” B****** D****** Br(_*_)ntley pleaded guilty Tuesday to fatally shooting his 16-year-old girlfriend with a sawed-off shotgun." -- You know... there are no "accidental " shootings with an illegal shotgun, or legal for that matter, .. triggers get "pulled", and pulling a trigger is not an accidental event.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "The Republican Party has blasted the president for swapping with the Taliban. But if one of them were a captive for many years, they’d sing a different tune and swap a thousand to get free" -- Hmmm.. not a statistical probability... a Republican would not have been captured by walking into a Taliban camp apologizing for America.
L-E story: "The Southern Anti-Racism Network will sponsor a Father’s Day Essay Contest on Saturday. Students ages 8-12 and 13-18 years of age are invited to present an essay on the topic: “What My Father Means To Me.” The essay can be about a biological father, male relative, male coach or mentor. The presentations will be made at the Columbus Public Library 1-3 p.m." -- Like I say.. none of this is about "racism".. this is about "culturism", and the black community needs to express itself to the pot-stirrers
that it is tired of people creating issues out of non-issues.
L-E headline: "GOP senators say management, not money, is the problem at VA" -- Good grief... "management, not money" is the problem in every government run department...Congress and the White House included!
L-E headline: "China cracks down on Tiananmen observances" -- Hmmm, wanna bet the same thoughts run through Judas 00-Barnum's mind concerning July 4th?
L-E "headlie": " Juvenile burglary suspects charged with gang activity" -- How can the L-E print this after the election, while supporting Mayor Obamalinson's claims that we have no gangs in Columbus?
L-E headline: "Urban League to lead ‘Prison Re-entry’ talk" -- You know.. I'm not sure from the story whether they are planning to talk about "Re-entry" into society or back into jail, but I would suggest they scrap the planned speakers and bring in Neil Richardson from The "Jail Ministry Outreach" program to lead the discussions.
From the "only in California...or the Columbus L-E" department - L-E story: " SAN FRANCISCO — A respected chemist famed for dusting off a decades-old recipe for the psychedelic drug ecstasy has died."-- Huh? "a respected chemist"? revitalizing ":a psychedelic drug makes a chemist "respected"? 

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