Thursday, June 12, 2014

Online story: "CHICAGO (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton says Majority Leader Eric Cantor "was defeated by a candidate who basically ran against immigrants." -- Oh, please... Cantor lost because his opponent put the rights of American citizens, the rights of American citizenship, the rights of American taxpayers,first, and taxpaying American citizens agreed with him.
From above story: "Cantor lost a GOP primary Tuesday to tea party-backed candidate David Brat. Clinton says Brat's argument was if Americans are unemployed, then the U.S. shouldn't allow immigrants to work.
* Clinton says the answer is to create more jobs, not to deport immigrants in the country illegally. The potential 2016 Democratic presidential candidate says many immigrants are doing jobs Americans won't do." -- Hillary is completely out of touch with mainstream America... but she's appealing to mainstream media because she's anti-"hard choices". Capitulation to testing which direction the wind is blowing at the moment is her 'style over substance' direction.
Online headline: "The Most 'Difficult To Swallow' Part Of Hillary Clinton's New Book" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought she was finally going to admit her true feelings about Monica.
HuffPost "survey/analysis":"When it comes to funding public school students, some parts of the country shell out more dough than others. * A new map compiled by research engine shows which states provide the most funding for students' educations. New York state tops the list, with average funding per student of $21,168 , while Utah comes in last, with average funding per student of $7,388. * The link between education spending and student academic achievement is debated. On a school level, some studies have shown that increased spending has a significant benefit for low-income students. While the U.S. spends more on education than most industrialized nations, America often ranks mid-pack on international achievement tests." -- Hmmm, and the same "survey/analysis" of the HuffPost discloses that ratings of schools based on (SAT, ACT, AP, and NAEP) testing shows Utah with 14% better results than New York.....hmmm... go figure... of course, that's exactly what the HuffPost liberals were doing, but didn't understand it was shooting holes in its own "facts".
Online story: "President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that he has big plans for working with young Americans after he leaves office in early 2017 - but first, he will take time to kick back. * "I'll be on a beach somewhere, drinking out of a coconut," Obama said" -- Hmmm.. who said Judas 00-Barnum wasn't in touch with his voters...that's where they will be because they won't have a job either.
Online headline: "Golfer disqualifies himself from US Open" -- Hmmm.. guess this is the difference between a golfer, and a president who plays golf.... personal integrity.
Online story: "Once a resolute supporter of sanctions, Secretary Clinton has broken with political history. Her new memoir, Hard Choices, makes public for the first time her private appeal to President Obama to lift the U.S. embargo. She elaborated on her position in an interview with NPR, saying "I would support normalizing relations which could very well lead to lifting the embargo." * She would start her campaign after having violated the received wisdom that a candidate cannot win the White House without supporting the embargo against Cuba. In the 15 presidential elections that have taken place since the Castro Revolution, no major candidate with a chance to win the White House has ever tried to do this." -- Good grief.. Hillary just wants to make sure Bill will have plenty of Cuban cigars around to satisfy his "addiction" so he won't bother her....
Online story: "Hillary Clinton may not be much at administering the State Department, but she’s certainly a pro when it comes to expressing outrage at her own persecution. For the woman who is supposedly the world’s most powerful feminist, her sense of victimhood remains surprisingly strong. That’s never been more true than in her new book, Hard Choices, which points out that she – not the four men who died in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012 – is the victim." -- Hillary has always played "the victim"... whether of right-wing conspirators, Fox News, or a philandering husband, Hillary is just a victim, and has done nothing to deserve such treatment.. yeah, right...
Online story: "Hillary Clinton’s newly released memoir leaves little doubt she was the first member of the Obama administration to publicly link an anti-Islam video to the 2012 Benghazi terror attack – though she does not explain what intelligence she relied on to make the faulty connection." -- "does not explain what intelligence she relied on"? DOH! Could it simply be that Hillary was relying on the mainstream media not to question her...
Is there anything Judas 00-Barnum accepts responsibility for? Now he claims the Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl decision was Hagel's. I do not care what any of his appointees say, it is 00-Barnum's final decision. On another aspect, at least Judas 00-Barnum is not claiming he read about it in the next day's NY Times.
Church Hagel deserves full retirement, though not with any honors, for throwing himself onto an IED under Judas 00's bus.
I can make only 1 defining assumption about Chuck Hagel's personal belittlement...he really needs his job!
Hagel has tried his best to compare Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl's swap with wartime prisoner swaps in the past. The problem is that we are not warring with Afghanistan, Pakistan, or Iraq, so what country's soldiers/leaders did he negotiate with?
I really fail to comprehend Hagel's logic that retrieving Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl frees up resources and makes the US position more flexible. On what basis? The way I see it is the Taliban will be more eager to capture one or more real combative American soldiers.
Online headline: "Hagel: Time was running out to save Bergdahl" -- What BS!! The Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl had been camped out in a Taliban compound for 5 years, and was worth a fortune to Taliban efforts!
If we are a nation of laws, no one, not even Judas 00-Barnum, under said nation's laws, can pick which ones to honor or not.
What is it with abortion activists.... haven't they thought about the fact their mothers didn't get one?
The latest from "Tea Party Republicans have taken over the GOP — and they'll stop at nothing to win complete control of Congress. * You don't want to imagine what a Congress run entirely by the Tea Party would look like." -- Hmmm, wasn't too long ago that Democrats were encouraging The Tea Party to disrupt the Republican apple cart... guess the Dems are seeing what's instore in November.
Judas 00-Barnum's immigration reform plans should be completely scrapped. The latest ploy of Mexican parents sending their minor children over the border unaccompanied just magnified why the parents should have zero chances of coming, much less getting rights in America. In fact, they should be stripped of their parental rights in Mexico as well, and Mexico needs to be responsible for all costs of rounding up & boarding & returning these erecting & guarding a fence on the Mexican side of the border.
Let's be honest..neither Mexico nor America want or need, much less deserve the people who dispatched their young children over our border unattended. Of course, they are already Mexican, so take care of it, Mexico.
WTVM9 story: "In an effort to clarify confusion over taxes, Mayor Teresa Tomlinson tells News Leader 9 that homeowners in Columbus will not have to dig deeper in their pockets to pay more in property taxes." -- Hmmmm... I think that's fair since it's not the taxpayers who are on a wasteful spending spree.
WTVM9 story: "In two weeks, city council is expected to put the garbage increase to a vote. If approved, city leaders say residents will pay 86 cents more per month compared to the existing $14.14 charge in garbage fees now." - Wait a minute! Didn't Mayor Obamalinson just announce our taxes wouldn't be going up... Oh.. these are "fees"... tell me what the difference is since to be a GA city, local government must provide police, fire, and garbage services. Now, what's the difference between a property tax and a fee......well, the short answer is that property taxes are deductible on your 1040, and garbage are not.
Instant repeat: WTVM9 story: "In two weeks, city council is expected to put the garbage increase to a vote. If approved, city leaders say residents will pay 86 cents more per month compared to the existing $14.14 charge in garbage fees now." -- Wait another minute! An .86 cent monthly fee increase for garbage. You know, that's a 72% higher rate than the .50 cent per month "savings" she said would be realized if we gave up twice a week garbage pickup service? Is there no bottom to the level of deception Mayor Obamalinson won't lower herself? Is there no bottom to the level the L-E will take a stance against her conniving?
Online headline: "MAYOR CAUGHT TOSSING DOG POOP ON NEIGHBOR'S LAWN" -- Oooops... (or should that be, "Pooooops"?), my bad... just a fleeting thought of how easily this could have been a Columbus, GA originating story...
I've about had it when new trials are requested or ordered because of prosecutorial ethics violations or incompetent defense council. If a prosecutor is intentionally unethical, or a defense attorney fails to represent competently, then remove them from continuing to represent the people or defendants in court cases. It wouldn't take that long to raise the bar of justice.
L-E headline/commentary: "O.J. Simpson case captivated, divided the nation * O.J., as we all know, was eventually acquitted. The verdict polarized the nation along racial lines." -- Wrong! The verdict polarized the nation culturally.. not racially.
L-E headline/commentary: "O.J. Simpson case captivated, divided the nation * I was among those who agreed with the verdict. We live in a country where a man is innocent until proven guilty, and the prosecution just didn’t prove its case" -- Wrong! Again,,, this is a cultural divide, not a racial one. The jury got this wrong out of fear of another Rodney King type riot.
L-E headline/commentary: "O.J. Simpson case captivated, divided the nation * Take George Zimmerman, for example. We have a flawed judicial system that’s not always fair or rational, and we’ve accepted it as just a part of life." -- Wrong! Once again.. culturism ignored the facts that people have a right to defend themselves. The jury got this one right, and a more enlightened culture knew it. This is actually a milestone in justice.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Deal’s consistent cuts in education funding mean Muscogee County cannot afford block scheduling, meaning my kids get a worse education and my wife loses her job. No way in hell I’m voting for him again." -- Good grief.. GA's expenditures for children in public schools is OVER $10,000.00 per child annually. $10,000.00 comes pretty close to what the most exclusive private school in Columbus charges for tuition/books/meals (and you'd get change back from other private schools)... $10,000.00 is more than 2 semesters of tuition and fees at our state run universities and colleges. It's not about how much Georgians pay for education, it's about how little we get in return.
L-E story: " BOSTON — Lawyers for Boston Marathon bombing suspect (Bomber Brother 2) say they plan to ask a judge to move his trial outside Boston." -- You know.. there is one condition I would accept as a way to move the trial... Sit Bomber Brother 2 on top of a pressure cooker bomb, and wherever he lands, have the trial there.
L-E's "Quotable": “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.” - Mahatma Gandhi Indian political leader (1869-1948)" -- You know.. there are too many hypocrites who will misinterpret this.. Gandhi did not mean "physically weak"... he's talking about the "spiritually weak". Liberals will argue out of "non-spiritual weakness"...
L-E editorial comment: "Once again, Columbus Council can't get it together to vote on a discount public restroom under the Frank Martin Memorial Bridge." -- Don't blame on the Councilors.. the image of a $244,000.00 "bathroom", and a utilitarian public bathroom at that, brings up public thoughts of Tammy Faye Bakker, and 5 Council thoughts on running for re-election in two years. Where is a design picture/mock-up that might sway public sentiment. As presented, such a bathroom wreaks of elitism.
L-E headline: "Three robbed at gunpoint on Hilton Avenue" -- Hmmm, doesn't look like the new school Super needed to change the cultural division borders, the thugs have.
You know.. Columbus citizens pay over $200,000,000.00 in property taxes between the City and the MCSD. Combined, the City and MCSD spend $530+ Million... that my friends is over a half-billion dollars... and 'it's never enough" for them. Revenues aren't a problem.. unbridled spending is THE problem.  

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