Friday, June 27, 2014

Online story: "WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court on Thursday struck down a 35-foot protest-free zone outside abortion clinics in Massachusetts. * The justices were unanimous in ruling that extending a buffer zone 35 feet from clinic entrances violates the First Amendment rights of protesters." -- "the Justices were unanimous"? Good grief.. have there been any other unanimous decisions on anything by this panel? You know, this panel would contradict itself on issues of whether transgenderists have the right to pick whether to use the men's or women's bathrooms.
The Supreme Court just endorsed mediocrity and squashed the entrepreneurial spirit of America. The SC ruled against a small company who had the idea of pulling free broadcast TV signals from a strong reception area, and rebroadcasting them via the I-net to people in areas that get weak or bad reception. If the Supreme Court is going to protect the major TV networks, the Supreme Court needs to order the major networks to provide good/strong reception to 100% of Americans. Another thing this ruling does is put more Americans under the thumb of cable companies. Network broadcasters have no incentive to improve their signal strength as long as cable is buying the rights to rebroadcast, and cable companies benefit because citizens in weak reception areas have no other choice.
Neal Cavuto was interviewing a Democratic Party Congressman who wants to raise the gas taxes 81% (18.4¢ to 33.4¢) to pay for more bridge & road repair. Cavuto asked if $120 Billion wasn't enough. The Congressman said, of course it's enough, but it's not meeting our needs...Cavuto flustered him by asking if he could account where the money was spent, and he had no clue. This is what's wrong with government taxes and spending.
Online story: "With his increasing visibility and political involvement, San Francisco environmentalist and mega-Democratic campaign donor Tom Steyer is making Democrats a rich target for hypocrisy, critics say.
* Steyer has pledged $100 million this year to elect Democrats who are committed to fighting global warming and the Keystone XL pipeline. * Steyer was in Washington Wednesday for private meetings at the White House and to promote his project, which attempts to get American business to adapt to climate change. * Steyer made his fortune, in part, from fossil fuels - the very energy source he now condemns - while he was a hedge fund manager at Farallon Capital Management, a firm he founded. -- Hmmm... so the Mosqued Man's mask has been removed... 'Big politics' is more about the money than "big oil'..
Oh, and the Man of Steal is going to forsake Chicago for North Carolina. Wow.. in one fell swoop, he has tossed Chicago and the unions under his bus.. North Carolina is a "right-to-work" state.
Hmmm... Barack H. Obama.... Barack HYPOCRITE Obama.
Since the Obama's are moving to North Carolina rather than return to their home in Chicago, shouldn't the Obama's repay the taxpayers for all the security "beef ups" installed at their Chicago home, and make the Obama's pay any overages for expenses that are more than what was already spent on their Chicago home?
Now the Mosqued Man's spinmeisters are claiming the rise of ISIS took the White House by the Man of Steal now saying the CUA/NSA officials now get their info from reading the newspaper, too?
Online story: "The Supreme Court delivered a blow Thursday to President Obama, ruling that he went too far in making recess appointments to the National Labor Relations Board." -- "delivered a blow"? The Court should have delivered him his walking papers!
WTVM9 headline/story: "When will the Brown Ave. Bridge be open again? * Construction on the Brown Ave. bridge began on March 15th, 2013. Now, dirt, stones, and more construction workers still litter the 65 year-old bridge, a year and a half into the project. * Last May, the project was put on hold due to birds nesting under the overpass. Officials said the birds would not affect the completion date. * "They're about 60 percent complete," (Columbus City Planning Department coordinator Felton) Grant informs " -- If a construction project is "put on hold due to birds nesting", doesn't it sound more like very little activity was going on? I mean, birds don't like human movement, much less loud noises of construction work. Hey, Cavuto.. this is why $120 Billion in gas taxes don't show much for the money.. One bridge, a two-lane one at that, has been under construction for "a year and a half" and it's only 60% finished.
Online story: "Here are the seven IRS employees that the IRS is claiming their hard drives all crashed at the same time: Loius Lerner, Nikole Flax, Michelle Eldridge, Kimberly Kitchens, Nancy Heageny, Julie Chan, and Tyler Chumny. Interesting is that Lerner, Flax, Kitchens, Heageny, Chan, and Chumny were all connected with the IRS Exempt Organizations area, and Eldrideg's job was to defend these 6. Must be something in the Cincinnati water... probably 6 hard drives.
L-E story: "The new historical marker outside the "Resting Garden" on the grounds of the city's old slave cemetery is titled: "1828 Cemetery For Internment Of Blacks." * They meant to say "interment," of course. The mistake is repeated in the first sentence of the marker." -- Sorta ironic...ironic since an umpteen-thousand dollar archeological scan showed no signs of any burials was ever done on this site. In fact, this is a Hillary-type-moment..since there is no evidence of bodies buried there... internment.. interment... "what difference does it make".. Of course, if Hillary had her choice, Monica would be buried here, and "Intern-ment" would be fitting.
From same story: ""Oh my goodness, I so appreciate you bringing that to our attention," Mayor Teresa Tomlinson said Thursday. * "We're going to have to get right on that." * Tomlinson said the cost of making it right depends on whether the present sign can be altered or if a new sign will have to be manufactured." -- Mayor Tomlinson may have said that, but Mayor Obamalinson was thinking who's head was gonna roll. Of course, after spending $244,000.00 of other people's money on a public bathroom, what's another wasted $2,000.00 of other people's money?
Hmmmm, so Hillary wants her staffer. Huma Abedin, to keep her perverted husband, A. Weiner on a leash.....isn't that a basic tenet of S&M?
Online story: "The federal government has spent nearly $5 billion to establish federal and state exchanges for ObamaCare, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service (CRS). * The funding was provided by a section of the Affordable Care Act that allowed for “indefinite” funding at the discretion of the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS). * The law enabled HHS to distribute multiple grants to states to plan and establish exchanges. Initial planning grants were valued at $1 million, though multiple rounds of “exchange establishment grants” cost much more, totaling $4.6 billion" -- Hmmm..."Initial planning grants were valued at $1 million"? Good grief... 50 states @ $1,000,000.00 each has turned $50,000,000.00 into $4.6 BILLION! Never vote for anyone running as a DEMOCRAT!
Online story: "Clinton also demurred when asked about a compliment Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently paid her during a San Francisco appearance before the Commonwealth Club of California. Perry, who is also mulling a possible repeat run for president in 2016 on the Republican side, described her as a ““very, very capable public servant, great secretary of State, first lady.” -- Hmmm...isn't it amazing how mainstream media will fawn over Perry if he's complimenting Hillary, but turning on him like a shark feeding frenzy when he talks about real issues?
L-E story: "(Phenix City's) Finance Director Steve Smith said the city’s AA credit rating is based on the amount of reserves the city has available. Reducing the reserves would affect the credit rating. * “If we spend down those reserves, we will lose part of that credit rating,” he said. “That credit rating will go down every time we borrow. We will pay higher rates.” * The city is working to get reserves to 120 days of operation. It currently has enough for 107 days. * “It is enormously valuable to the city,” Smith said of the city’s credit rating" -- Hmmm, and Mayor Obamalinson spent six days of Columbus' reserve fund on the new budget which brings our reserve down to 66 days, and our minimum is 60 days. Glad to see some government in the area looking out for their citizens' future.
L-E story follow up: "For nearly 10 minutes, officers cornered burglary suspect Taquawn P****** under a 51st Street business crawl space after a piece of plate glass nearly lopped the 40-year-old burglar's hand, according to court testimony. * P***** pleaded not guilty to his charges of second degree burglary and obstructing an officer during a Thursday morning hearing. The suspect sported a cast on his still-intact hand after a days-long stay under guard at the Midtown Medical Center." -- "spoted a cast on his still-intact hand" ... hmmm, wonder if Mayor Obamalinson will jump on Sheriff Dare over the medical costs?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " The Riverwalk restroom facility is a great idea if you can keep the drug use and the punk criminals from ruining it for everyone else." -- DOH! Well, if Mayor Obamalinson & Council hadn't spent $244K on it, they could have afforded another security shift to walk the RiverWalk during the night hours for the next 8-10 years or more years.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " It was not the entire FOP that backed Mayor Tomlin-son’s opponent. It was just a small faction, along with Robertson, who made that decision." -- Good grief.. there was a higher percent of FOP members who voted for Martin than the percent of non-FOP members who voted for Mayor Obamalinson!
L-E headline: "Obama seeks $500M to train, equip Syrian rebels" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought the Mosqued Man had released more "training officers" from Gitmo while we slept..
Order of today: Go out and buy a receipts' scanner. When IRS calls you in to explain your deductions, simply show up with a broken laptop and you receipts' scanner and tell the IRS you've gotten all on your crashed hard drive.
L-E editorial headline/content: "(CRCT Test) Scores inching upward, but far too slowly * It's good news. Nowhere near good enough, and there's too much bad news attached to it. But at the moment, and in its appropriate context, we'll take it" -- "we'll take it"? That's what "we" have been doing for years, and you see where it's gone.. I have a question to ask the L-E editorial board: "you'll take it?".. It's more of a matter of just where are you taking it!
L-E headline: "JOBLESS RATE JUMPS TO 8% IN MAY * Labor department says it’s due to surge of college, high school students looking for work" --Well aside from not many students are out of school for graduating in April, this is actually something positive to hear.. Huh? you say.. Yes, POSITIVE... even though there are no jobs out there for high school and college graduates, they are out looking for work. That's far better than a 7.2 rate which is only that low because too many unemployed who should be out looking for jobs aren't doing so, which the Labor Department uses to skew the real unemployment figures.
L-E headline: "CHATTAHOOCHEE VALLEY LIBRARIES * System is No. 1 in attendance statewide *
CVL has attracted 45,960 people to its 1,936 programs in the current fiscal year" -- Hmmm.. this is probably a double-edged sword.. with the jump in unemployment, more people are probably hanging out at the libraries to kill time and/or look for non-existent jobs.
L-E story: "Instead, Peggy (Theus) pointed me (L-E writer Alva James-Johnson) to Horace King, a bridge builder who she considered the real hero. He was born a slave in South Carolina, and became the most respected bridge builder in West Georgia, Alabama and northeast Mississippi during the 1800s. He built the original Dillingham Street Bridge across the Chattahoochee, connecting Columbus and Phenix City. He also served as an Alabama state representative after the Civil War." -- "served as an Alabama state representative"? Hey, how come bridges we Georgians built are named for an Alabama resident!.

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