Tuesday, June 10, 2014

HuffPost story: "Two days after a tractor-trailer crashed into Tracy Morgan's limousine, killing a passenger, road safety advocates hammered Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and other lawmakers on Monday for efforts to peel back recent reforms aimed at curbing trucker fatigue. * On a call with reporters Monday afternoon, Joan Claybrook, former head of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said she was "extremely disturbed" by the amendment Collins attached to a funding bill last week that would suspend mandatory rest requirements imposed on truckers last year." --"suspended" mandatory rest requirements"? How about reducing them a couple of hours for reality... Well, here we go again... as in gun laws, it doesn't matter that the driver was ignoring existing regulations by driving 24 hours straight (why wasn't a ledger produced before his being given "a load"?), mainstream media will bash Republicans in general because of a proposed change in what was a previous "overkill" environment. It's especially spurious since mainstream media "KNOWS" that there aren't any true Republicans representing any of the New England states.
Good grief... how can Hillary claim she was "broke" when Bill left office, and evoke sympathy from the mainstream media? Before Bill left office, Hillary got an $8 Million dollar "advance" on her book, and Bill quickly got a $15 Million dollar "advance". Not to mention the lifetime pension, medical, office perks, and even a paid for security system...plus...plus getting " rent" on a dormitory taxpayers paid to build for the Secret Service agents to live in.
Online story: "For all the talk of the U.S. job market having recovered to pre-recession levels, and improvements in consumer spending, one fact continues to bedevil restaurants like McDonald’s and discount retail chains: low-income Americans can’t, or don’t want to, spend on the pricier offerings those companies are trotting out. * One of those challenges is that customers have been coming in less often after McDonald’s pared the selection of items on its Dollar Menu last year." -- You know.. it's a basic premise of retail is that when you get your customers by appealing to their basic instincts of lower is better, it's hard to retrain them.. Look at retail department stores: Customers do not buy as often at sticker price, because they learned long ago that "if it's not on sale this week, it will be next week", and they'll put buying off until then.
Comment to above story: That's the way it works with entitlement programs, too. Once you get people trained to open their mouths so you can put food in for them, they'll always expect others to put food in their mouths for them. Same with feeding the bears in National Parks..
Online story: "More than 80 civil claims brought by customers alleging their vehicles lost value as a result of ignition switch recall." -- Hmmm, diminished value... and that's just in New York... there are 49 (56 if you sit in the Oval Office) other states that will follow. Still, with a total of 13 million units recalled, and at $1,000.00 each, that's "only" $13,000,000,000.00. What's that compared to the damage to American lives caused by GM?
Online headline: "Report: NY Knicks finally have their coach * As expected, new team president Phil Jackson reached into his coaching past for his candidate after his pursuit of Steve Kerr failed." -- You know... I'm surprised that anyone, in this case Derek Fisher, would agree to coach a team that has a former successful coach as the "boss". Remember how it was in Atlanta when "Captain Outrageous" Turner tried to manage the Braves?
Curious... what's with the "lace doily" Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg wears tucked into the neckline of her court robe? Does she think it makes her look feminine? Like so many of her decisions, she's wrong.
HuffPost story: "New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) overall support for 12 civil liberties issues during his first term in office, including LGBT rights, government transparency and judicial independence, received a D+ rating from the American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey, according to a report card the group released Monday. * The governor’s 2012 veto of a bill that would have required greater transparency and accountability from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, and his administration’s resistance to complying with basic open records requests, also earned him an F in transparency." -- Obviously, the ACLU is not using Judas 00-Barnum as a standard for transparency.. if it did, then grading on a "curve", Christie would get an "A+".
Online story: "The U.S. Department of Education is seriously considering granting a potentially billion-dollar, decade-long contract to a former unit of Sallie Mae, the student loan company the Justice Department last month accused of cheating U.S. soldiers." -- Well... in a sick way, it does sorta make sense...O-VAmaCare has surely cheated soldiers as OObamaCRAP is surely cheating non-soldiers.
Online story: "Mayor Bill de Blasio, responding to an outcry over the killing of a 6-year-old boy in Brooklyn, blamed “unacceptable bureaucracy” on Tuesday for delays in installing security cameras in many public housing projects, including the complex in East New York where the boy was stabbed to death on Sunday." -- "blamed 'unacceptable bureaucracy"? Does he mean the man who did this is not "to blame"? Well, guess in liberalese, the case is solved since it's been addressed and blame has been pointed out.
Online story: "California officials may be coming to regret going with the lowest bidder for repairs on the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, as reports show the Chinese company hired by the state produced spotty work that cost millions more to fix. * The state, initially hoping to save on construction costs, hired Chinese company Zhenhua Port Machinery for the massive bridge repair -- as well as construction of the bridge’s new signature tower and roadway -- back in 2006. The company, though, had never built a bridge before. * Despite lacking bridge-building and repair skills on its resume, the company came in with the lowest bid on the California project by $250 million and pledged to work faster than its competitors. * Officials at Caltrans, the California state agency responsible for highway, bridge and rail work, ended up forking over more money to the Shanghai-based company as a speed incentive despite spending hundreds of millions more to fix problems with the company’s work, the newspaper reported" -- Hmmm.. Lowest bid by $250M? Ended up paying more? Still have bridge problems?.. Hmmm, sounds a whole lot how the MCSD SPLOST projects have turned out over the years. People with out professional experience/training should not be bidding nor deciding on public construction projects.
It's more strange...that Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl has been "out" a week, but hasn't wanted to talk to his parents. Stranger still was why Judas 00-Barnum wanted to bring the Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl's parents to talk in the Rose Gardens
The only things missing from the Tali-bergd(_*/)hl exhibition in the Rose Garden was the "Mission Accomplished" banner, and the questioning by mainstream media.
Exactly what kind of repatriation jobs did Judas 00-Barnum expect the Taliban-5 to take up when sent back.. writing sympathy and Hannukah cards to sell in Israel?
How come Judas 00-Barnum thinks his Executive Orders are the law if the land, but the Constitution is not?
Online headline: "Obama to free Gitmo terrorist ‘because he took up yoga’" -- Hmmm guess it doesn't matter the Gitmo terrorist had taken up guns beforehand... guess maybe Judas 00-Barnum thinks the terrorist will be more relaxed when he pulls the trigger again.
Why are experienced Republican strategist so blind to why good conservative candidates have such difficulty in getting elected, and elected in the manner they control both Houses of Congress.? I do believe most voters agree with the financial and tax aspects the Republicans campaign on, but too many voters turn away over one moral issue or another, and the Democratic Party preys on those moral issue voters.
You know, the "Student Loan Program" has not brought diplomas nor careers to students. It had fueled the rising cost of education, fueled the constant escalation of professors' salaries , and buried graduates in debt which translated negatively to them getting career jobs and mortgages. Now it's becoming a nose loop to be yanked around by Democratic politicians.
Online headline: "LAKELAND, Fla. – Sheriff's deputies say a Lakeland man faces domestic battery charges after hitting his brother with marijuana plants from their yard." -- Hmmm, there goes the left's argument that marijuana possession is a victimless crime.
Online story: "Liberal activist Amanda Kijera traveled to Haiti on a mission to prove that the portrayal of black men as “savages” was not accurate. Kijera was brutally raped. Of course, she blamed the white man for the violence. * “The experience was almost more than I could bear,” Kijera wrote about the incident, “I pleaded with him to honor my commitment to Haiti, to him as a brother in the mutual struggle for an end to our common oppression, but to no avail. He didn't care.” * She also went on to argue that it is up to the United Nations to support people who are forced to bear the brunt of black male aggression. Kijera makes the outrageous claim that dependency on white people causes them to act out against them. She alludes that this was the reason for her attack." -- I usually don't publish women's names in sex crimes, but this is one no one should ever forget. She'll be back in our faces in the future. On the positive side, well, at least she didn't blame it on ALL males.. just the white ones. Hope she doesn't run for Senator in California.
A Texas School prohibited a student from applying a home provided sun screen ( the school did not offer one) while on an outdoor field trip. She got a severe sunburn. The school's policy was that the sun screen was a 'medicine', and the girl need a doctor's note to use it. On the other hand, the same mother can send a lunch to school for her daughter that in no way complies with school policy. Where has common sense disappeared among the educated?
Online headline/story: "Harry Reid’s head explodes: Koch brothers donate $25 million to send black students to college * Harry Reid and the Democrats would have you believe the Kochs are evil capitalists who exploit workers fore billions in profits * The Koch family has a massive charitable network that gives millions of dollars to the arts, humanities, education, and medical research, and David Koch is listed as the 24th most charitable American of 2013 * And most recently, the Kochs donated $25 million to the United Negro College Fund * The money will come from Koch Industries Inc. and the Charles Koch Foundation, which are headed by the brothers. Most of the money ($18.5 million) will go toward a scholarship program. The other $6.5 million is provided for general support to historically black colleges and universities and the UNCF, with $4 million set aside for loan assistance" -- The sad thing is that mainstream media will not expose Reid's prejudices/bigotry on his constant attack on the Koch Brothers. Looking forward, I do wish the Koch Brothers would do something like this to conservative/Christian based colleges which could recruit minority students and educate them in something other than minority culturism.
At this moment, we're waiting on a Judas 00-Barnum announcement about student loan forgiveness. Right now it's over a TRILLION dollars of poorly secured debt. "Forgiving" it would just add it straight to our National Debt and devalue our money as well.
Whatta prick Alan Colmes is..now he's criticizing the outrage over the Taliban-5 saying everyone needs to get all the info before criticizing. Hmmm, so Mr. Bash-Bush 24/7 now feels tolerance should be the rule..
Alan Colmes had the nerve to say we couldn't trust the Taliban on details they release on Tali-Bergd(_*_)hl. Huh? Is he implying he believes anything coming out of Judas 00-Barnum and his Press Agents' mouths?
With less than 1% of college recruited football players being good enough to even get drafted by the NFL, does it mean those in the 1% will be criticized by the 99%?
The Pope called for a Prayer Summit .. good luck with agreeing on a prayer format. Rumor has it Judas 00-Barnum declined to be there and cast the tie-breaker vote..guess he heard there wouldn't be any beer served.
Why is the media so concerned about speculating whether Hillary will run..it's a given.... if not for president, then the border.
Online story: "On Tuesday, CNN rose to its typical level of journalistic excellence when CNN’s Carol Costello played a 2010 clip of Michelle Obama speaking of the Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act. After the clip, Costello reminded viewer that the preceding clip was of when Michelle Obama signed into law the act." -- No wonder mainstream media doesn't challenge Judas 00-Barnum's dismantling of our Constitution.. mainstream media feels like 00-Barnum's version is an improvement, and this Costello person is an absolute Kool-Aid drinker.
Online quote site: "“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.” - Voltaire" -- Hmm, now we see the origins of the Democratic Party campaign strategies... make absurd promises, and enough voters will vote for atrocities against America's future.
With the amount of damage, the collapses, to the RiverWalk, over the years, why do people think using motorized vehicles carrying people won't end up in a/some tragic incidents. It's evident no provision was made to prevent the high pressure flow of the Chattahoochee from eroding the soil beneath the concourse, and creating sinkhole probabilities.
Online story: "While out on the circuit promoting her soon-to-be released book (which she manages to reference in this answer), Hillary Clinton weighs in on the Bergdahl prisoner swap. * Hillary dismisses all that hubbub about trading the equivalent of 5 Taliban four-star generals for an alleged deserter without consulting Congress and in defiance of it having earlier rejected the deal. Twice. * And anyway, wasn’t Hillary against this deal before she was for it?" -- On the bright side.. Diane Sawyer did blink and stare in disbelief. Of course we know that feeling (and video clip) too will pass.
Good grief... even Diane Sawyer couldn't get Hillary to name a single accomplishment/achievement she got as Secretary of State.
Hillary also said "it doesn't matter how they end up in a prisoner of war situation, we bring our people home". -- Hmmm, unless they are in drone sights?
You know, if Mayor Obamalinson runs for a third term, I have the perfect sign slogan for her, "Teresa Talks...and talks..and talks..and". Wonder if she'll take credit for it for herself.
L-E story: " Columbus Council will hold a first reading/public hearing on the proposed fiscal year 2015 city budget this morning at the City Services Center. * During weeks of budget hearings, Mayor Teresa Tomlinson’s proposed budget of $263.1 million swelled to about $263.7, an increase of about $615,000. However, of that increase, about $484,000 was offset by additional revenue, meaning the impact of the increase on the city’s reserve fund would be only about $131,000." -- "meaning the impact of the increase on the city’s reserve fund would be only about $131,000"? Whoa! That's an ADDITIONAL $131K to the already $3.9 MILLION that was being siphoned out of the "reserve fund". What about the term "reserve fund" means it should be used for planned funding? What's Council going to fall back on in an emergency/mandated situation?
On a similar thought plane... since Columbus, as a consolidated government, uses more state regulations than municipal ones, how come the state of Georgia is required to approve a revenue-to-planned-expenditures budget, and our Council is not?
I tell you what.. since the 14th Street Bridge has been named for former Mayor Martin, I might could live with Council approving the $244,000.00 toilet near the bridge if Council will go ahead and name it after the current mayor. I suggest "Teresa's Throne".
Random thought... wonder what we could get the Taliban to trade us for exchanging Judas 00-Barnum to them?
L-E story: "Mexico City has become the latest place in Mexico to ban the use of animals in circuses. The city council voted overwhelmingly for the prohibition, which carries fines of $45,000 to $60,000. * animal rights activists argue the animals are often held in confined spaces with poor conditions and are forced into performing. * The law that passed Monday does not apply to...bull fighting." -- Hmmm, guess the bulls fight because they enjoy it?
L-E's "Quotable": “Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.” - George Bernard Shaw Irish dramatist (1856-1950)" -- Who knew that GBS had already foreseen the emergence of the pseudo-erudite liberals in politics?
RE: Atlanta airport Wi-fi decision: Hmmm how come it will be OK for strong Wi-fi to be allowed when planes are landing/taking off, but my smart-phone/laptop must be shut off from Internet services when on a plane taking off or landing?
Just a random thought for Council discussion: Why is a 2,000 sq ft home/building valued at different tax rates depending on where it's erected? The value of each is more determined by its lot location, yet that isn't what the basis of property taxes are figured. The value of the building should not be determined by the personal level of luxury an individual wants in their building materials.
L-E story: "The battle to give top football and basketball players a cut of the billions of dollars flowing into college athletics began in earnest with former UCLA basketball star Ed O’Bannon taking the stand in federal court to describe how he spent long hours working on his game and as few as possible on his grades. * “I was an athlete masquerading as a student,” O’Bannon said Monday. “I was there strictly to play basketball. I did basically the minimum to make sure I kept my eligibility academically so I could continue to play.” -- This is more of a reason NOT to allow athletes to be paid... priorities. The UCLA basketball coach offered him a major building block for his entire future, and he missed the opportunity looking for a NBA job that washed out after two seasons. It wouldn't have mattered whether he was paid to play basketball vs attend classes, a person like this would still be out of basketball.  

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