Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas....if it brings out the best in you, you're on the right track. If not, you're celebrating for the wrong reason.


I just watched an incredibly scary video of a Golden Eagle swooping down and snatching a toddler off the ground (in Montreal, Canada), and attempting to fly off with it before dropping it a few feet later. Canada will probably put a bounty out for Golden Eagles, but if that had happened in the USA, liberal eco-groups would be trying to ban taking babies to our parks so our eagles wouldn't be lured into such situations.


I cannot endorse the national ASPC. It runs some high powered, soulful, tear jerker ads, but some how I cannot believe the ASPC really runs any adoption facility or boards any pets at the main headquarters. PAWS, on the other hand, does.


Well, well, well... a bicyclist is complaining about the rough condition of the brick roads in the Historic District of Downtown. Hate to tell him but those brick roads have been like that for generations (BTW, it's a great test area to check out any new car you're thinking about buying because it will reveal any squeaks etc you'll find out about later), but I guess the bicyclist didn't notice until he stopped illegally riding on the sidewalks.


Speaking of riding on the sidewalks, where are the "No Bicycle Riding on Sidewalks" signs promised for Broadway by Mayor Obamalinson?


And speaking of brick roads, when will the state ban the dump trucks from using 2nd Avenue? Asphalt has been laid over the old brick road beds, and the dump trucks tear it up as soon as it gets any attention/repairs.


You could say that gun banning laws do work....... for the criminals. Communities with the toughest gun laws make it easier for criminals to ply their trade. Criminals, by nature of their designation, do not obey the laws, and the law-abiding community is unable to defend/protect itself.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "So you want the poor to pay their “fair share,” too. How selfish can you be? What is the fair share of nothing? " -- Hmmm... don't liberals at least remember the stories in the Bible when they were young that addressed this... such as the Lord helps those who help themselves, the Lord loves a cheerful giver, and Jesus applauded and blessed the woman who gave but her two coins versus those who gave less than they could afford?


Yesterday, the Columbus L-E ran a story penned by Richard Hyatt about 'Christmas past' in Columbus, GA. The mechanical Christmas windows initiated by my dad in 1948 were the impetus of the article. I'm including a link for the BCers locally and world wide to tap into. It's personal, but think you will enjoy it.


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