Thursday, December 6, 2012

Online story: "WASHINGTON -- Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said Wednesday that President Barack Obama’s administration is “absolutely” willing to go off the so-called fiscal cliff if Republicans refuse to increase taxes on the nation’s top earners. * “Oh, absolutely," he responded. "Again, there's no prospect in an agreement that doesn't involve the rates going up on the top 2 percent of the wealthiest." -- Here we go again, like Susan Rice, Geithner is sent out as a sacrificial lamb. Why doesn't potUS Obluster ever make the same kind of certain statements mimself?


Geithner again: "To-- to go over this fiscal cliff, and because Republicans won’t raise taxes, tax rates on the wealthiest two percent of Americans, would subject the average American to big tax increase and enormous damage from the other cuts that would happen in that context," Geithner said Sunday." -- Speaker Boehner doesn't need to be playing a game of chicken with potUS Obuster's spinmeisters, Boehner needs to be on the TV Talk Show Circuit, House Bills in hand, shaking what the Republican Party has passed in Congress in front of the American people, and saying the Republicans are trying to keep every American who pays taxes from paying more.


Online story: "GUATEMALA CITY, Dec 5 (Reuters) - Guatemalan police arrested U.S. software guru John McAfee on Wednesday for illegally entering the country and said it would expel him to neighboring Belize, which he fled after being sought for questioning over his neighbor's murder. * "He entered the country illegally and we are going to seek his expulsion for this crime," Interior Minister Mauricio Lopez Bonilla said." -- Even Latin American countries consider illegal aliens to be criminals!


Online headline: "Harry Reid Questions GOP's Rationality " -- Let me get this straight... Reid makes a claim that belongs, at best, as a Saturday Night Live mock of Reid, and the mainstream media doesn't laugh at him?


WRBL3 news story: "DragonCon co-founder facing molestation charges * In September, officials found Kramer in a Connecticut motel room with a 14-year-old boy. * Authorities in Georgia will evaluate Kramer's health and determine if he is fit to stand trial." -- "fit to stand trial"? He doesn't sound 'fit' to continue living.


potUS Obluster is out blasting Republicans for fighting his tax increase plans. Does that mean he believes DUMBERat voters want higher taxes or that DUMBERats just don't think their taxes will rise?


Mayor Obamalinson re-forming the Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity seems to be in conflict with her drive to end Homelessness in 10 years...8 now.


From L-E story: A former mayor said a lot more than meets the eye when he said "he’s pleased the effort started 10 years ago when he was mayor will be renewed with a fresh vision, now that Flakes has passed away and Cavezza has retired."


L-E story: "Four Phenix City Parks and Recreation Department employees have been fired and one has been charged with theft of property after an internal investigation revealed they had been using city owned equipment for personal gain." -- Hmmm, msut be something in the Bi-City water supply...


Does anyone know if the Nike basketball program that embroiled our community is still operating elsewhere?


If you missed Bob Costas on Bill O'Reilly's show last night, all you would have seen is Costas digging himself into a deeper hole on gun issues. Costas had better be glad he works for NBC and not Fox.


Has anyone seen the CSU enrollment figures for the current semester? In the past, CSU has boaste dloudly about enrollment figures but haven't seen anything about the current number.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Republicans voted against every jobs bill since 2008. They don’t seem to understand that the fastest way to reduce the deficit is to get American back to work." -- Noooooo, smart people in Congress have voted against dumb bills that advocate putting more people on the government payroll because the tax revenues won't cover such. The writer should look at how many Republican proposed and passed job bills since regaining the House in 2010 have been even voted on by the Senate or sent to the White House?


Recommended as the "Most Astute L-E 'Soundoff'" of 2012: "If football coaches are worth millions, why aren’t they lowering the tuition for students instead of raising it?" -- No need for more words... just let this sink in.


A close second to the above: "Uncle Sam has a major problem with his checking account — too many people taking out; not enough putting in. "


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama warned Republicans on Wednesday not to use the debt ceiling as leverage on spending and tax decisions, saying he refused to engage again in the sort of brinkmanship that brought the country close to default last year and damaged its credit rating" -- Being concerned about debt is not what affects our credit rating... it's NOT being concerned about it that does. I know potUS Obluster has install a beer brewing capacity in the White House, but he must have a secret Kool-Aid making room as well.


Have you ever noticed the similarities of potUS Obluster's Press Secretaries, Carney and Gibbs? Both look rather harmless and no one takes what they have parroted very seriously, so mainstream media doesn't challenge their words.


potUS Obluster has successfully created a large divide between the Latino population and the Republican Party, but that's fixable, but the main problem for Republicans is the inflexible stand on abortions. You can legislate a path to immigrant citizenship, but you cannot legislate morality or sensitivity to private issues.


L-E story: "the Social Security Administration is expanding a program that fast-tracks disability claims by people who get serious illnesses such as cancer, early-onset Alzheimer’s and Lou Gehrig’s disease — claims that could take months or years to approve in the past" -- Unlike most forms of cancer, diagnosing Lou Gehrig's disease (ALS) and early Alzheimer's is not an easy thing, so it does take months to diagnose them. Spending more money on such will not alter the facts as they stand. The Social Security Administration needs to shed itself of all endeavors other than managing Social Security Pensions that workers pay into so people who have made the contributions are not made to feel/think they are on a government welfare program when they retire.


Partial repeat: The Social Security Administration needs to shed itself of all endeavors other than managing Social Security Pensions that workers pay into so people who have made the contributions are not made to feel/think they are on a government welfare program when they retire. Once done, making cuts to the other program aspects would be much clearer as to where the waste is...


Why has mainstream media allowed itself to be manipulated by potUS Obluster that the tax rates Bush43 made are bad for the American people? More earned money in the American people's pockets is the missing part of the formula to economic recovery. Can you imagine where we'd be if potUS Obluster had his way in 2009 -2012?


The economy has had little effect on the shortage of MCSD SPLOST revenue. The figures used to sell the SPLOST were bogus to begin with, but the reality is that the first three years have brought in even less than the average yearly revenue before this SPLOST went into effect. The now proclaimed shortage of $40 million will more than likely be north of $50 million, maybe even $55 million when the time line for collecting it expire.


Before anything else.. let's look at the track record of our local government projections of recent.: Increased population projected by BRAC; SPLOST and LOST revenues for school and City services and projects; need for high speed rail service to Atlanta; growth in public school attendance, growth in housing needs; ending Homelessnes in 10 years; money spent on what was thought to be an old cemetary but results denied it and Council still went with spending money to make it so. The list is filled with 'good intentions' but the results just don't justify putting much faith in accepting government reports as factual and doable.... or evenly likely to get the results they want.


Why aren't crimes committed using guns that aren't registered to the user treated harsher than they are now? Once the gun used is determined not to be registered to a user (or spouse of), the user should immediately be held without bail until a trial is completed, and an additional, harsher crime charge be given with a certain, non-pardonable jail term to be added on to any other charges and sentence. Even if the user gets off on one or more of the other charges, the charge and sentence of using a gun not registered to the criminal (or spouse of), the user will still be off the streets.


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