Monday, December 17, 2012

Online headline: "Dianne Feinstein To Introduce Assault Weapons Ban On First Day Of Congress" -- Brilliant.... NOT! as automatic assault weapons are ALREADY banned! Guess she didn't read that law either before she voted on it. What we need to ban is anti-profiling laws!


Online headline/story: "V__ I. M____ Arrested: Indiana School Threatened By Man Owning 47 Guns * M____, who was arrested Saturday on seven felony charges, then told his wife he would kill her "at the school" and "would kill as many people as he could before police could stop him police," (Interim Cedar Lake Police Chief Jerry) Smith said. -- AAAAAIIIIIIIYYYYY! I'm not even going to put his full name in this blog because what he seeks is media attention....him and every other budding psycho watching network and cable news/opinion shows! Just the sight and sounds of multiple anchors trying to out-grieve each other on air 24/7 following such tragedies has got to be reined in.


Online headline: "Obama To Visit Town Where Shooting Occurred" -- Boy, that'll bring the media out (as well as the psychos who'll watch and take notes). All the nation will find out is that when pot-US Obluster shows up at a disaster site, it's a media mega-photo-op, and, like Hurricane Sandy, nothing gets done.


Online headline: "Hillary Clinton Recovery: Secretary Of State At Home After Concussion" -- Well, let's make sure she doesn't represent our country again until she well enough to testify at the Benghazi hearings, first. We wouldn't want her answering the phone at 3:00 AM, would we?


It sure has been nice not to have to jump for the remote and mute the volume spikes for a TV ad like we use to.


The more I hear about what Boehner is offering, the more adamant I'm becoming that the Republicans need, repeat NEED, to do is replace him with Paul Ryan thus week!

Conversations about the multitude of school shootings should be stopped until all political correctness regarding profiling has been eliminated so police can operate efficiently and with pre-emptive actions.

Sunday morning TV show liberal spinmeisters are out saying the tax increases are needed to help pay for Social Security and Medicare. You know, if pot-US Obluster would put all the revenue from increased taxes into those two "lockboxes", I could listen to that.


Twenty 6 & 7 year olds were massacred, slaughtered. We pray for their families, but perhaps the greatest comfort is that we know there is a special place in heaven for the children et al, and a special place in Hell for the psycho. On the other hand, what comfort is there for atheists and agnostics?


Why is it that when states pass laws strengthening federal positions on voting and immigration, the DOJ jumps through the White House hoops to quash them, but when states legal illegal substances, the DOJ just yawns?


Liberal's repeat L-E "soundoff": "The average income of Georgians making above $250,000 is $635,630. Their Bush tax cut is $28,550. Those making less than $250,000 average $51,370, and their tax cut is $1,140. Do the math. " -- Like balloons, libs float figures into the air for other libs to marvel at. Unfortunately, libs like floating figures, and learned nothing in math or ethics classes.


L-E story: "ROME, Ga. — The state of Georgia said it is meeting federal requirements for new citizen identification cards. * States have until Jan. 15 to fulfill requirements for issuing a national ID. Requirements for individuals to actually carry the IDs don’t start phasing in until December 2014. * Susan Sport of the Department of Driver Services said the state is in compliance with the law, according to a story published Sunday in The Rome New-Tribune . * “And as long as the state is in compliance, our citizens’ licenses are still good on Jan. 15,” she said. * The Real ID Act was passed in 2005. Only people with verified identification will be able to fly, enter federal buildings or otherwise conduct business with the government." -- Doh? Then why the hell has the DOJ/White House declared war on states wanting to use photo-ID to vote? Isn't voting 'conducting business with the government"?


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