Saturday, December 15, 2012

Online headline: "School Shooting Suspect May Have Had Illness * The brother of the man who killed 26 kids and teachers at a Conn. school says the gunman may have had a 'personality disorder.' -- "may have had personality disorder"? Does the 'brilliant' media person get paid for this tripe? Of course the murderer had a 'personality disorder', as does the reporter.


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called on President Barack Obama to take “immediate action” following Friday’s mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., which reportedly left at least 27 dead, including 20 children." -- Bloombergh...whatta grandstanding (_@_)! Now Bloomberg is one of those even I'd have no sympathy for if potUS Obluster confiscated all his money, but potUS Obluster doesn't know how to command immediate action, much less attain it.


Online story: "President Barack Obama said prosecuting pot users in states that have legalized the drug won't be a top priority for his administration. * "We've got bigger fish to fry," Obama told ABC News' Barbara Walters. "It would not make sense for us to see a top priority as going after recreational users in states that have determined that it's legal." -- DOH? Since when has pot-US Obluster been worried about states' rights? He hasn't let states that want voters to have photo-ID's or stricter controls over illegal aliens do what they want, so why this and why now?


Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal (R), whose name is often mentioned as a potential 2016 presidential candidate, penned an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday that calls for contraception to be made available over-the-counter. * If women could buy birth control without a prescription, he argues, employers would not have to pay for it against their moral objections, and Democrats could no longer accuse Republicans of being anti-birth control." -- Key point here, "if women could buy birth control without a prescription" is what's wrong with this thinking. Obviously his own daughter is not a teenager...yet.


Non-union security workers (though fully supported by unions) at JFK Airport are threatening a strike just before Christmas. Well, I hope the NY Airport Authority fires and replaces them today (the National Guard should be willing and available to step into the job until more are qualified) .---

Can't you see the handwriting on the wall? The Garmin GPS is an inevitable corpse or the smartphone. Remember sliderules? Even the best sliderule fell prey to the hand calculator.


There's a new military handbook outlining how our soldiers should act as not to offend Afghanistan. Included are directives for our soldiers not to criticize the Taliban nor defend women's rights. Must be potUS Obluster executive orders, because surely no experienced military mind would endorse such.

Sesame Street is now teaching toddlers about "divorces". What Sesame Street needs to be 'divorcing' itself from "Elmo".


What do these dates have in common: Dec 14, 2012, Jul 20, 2012, Aug. 3, 2010, Nov 5, 2009, Apr 3. 2009, April 20 1999? These are the dates of the last 6 mass killings within the USA. For whatit's worth, note all occurred during DUMBERat administrations.


L-E headline: "With Rice, Obama saw a battle not worth fighting" -- Well, well, well... looks like it's OK with mainstream media for pot-US Obluster to throw women under the bus again since the election is over.

This never made it to the pages of the L-E, but I think even the L-E would actually have trouble printing what Robert F. Kennedy says. I originally ran it December 9, 2012, and will periodically to remind BCers worldwide how the DUMBERat Party thrives/survives on division:

Online headline: "RFK Jr: Fox News Has Divided Country In A Way Not Seen Since Civil War" -- Fox News? This coming from a DUMBERat who's party has given us affirmative action, political correctness, racist taxes on indoor tanning, the Congressional Black Caucus, historic black colleges with charity status, still allows black segregated beauty pageants and athletic events, and deems racism as a one way street. Fox News is the only TV network that discusses the such dividing factors, and from both sides.
Missed one or just want to review past editions?

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