Wednesday, December 19, 2012

HuffPost story: "White House spokesman Jay Carney says Obama would also support legislation to close the gun show "loophole," which allows people to buy guns from private dealers without background checks." -- Yeah! I'm for background checks for private dealers, too!


The Republican stance on abortion and other personal issues scare women voters away who prefer the conservative stance on tax and economic issues. Republicans can express/share their personal views even while defending the rights of others, but the Republican Party has got to rid itself of the 'we're gonna take away your choices by legislation' policy. Let God handle individuals in his inimitable manner.


Leon Panetta says Afghanistan is on the verge of forever ridding al Qaida from coming back in control...That will last until our troops are pulled, so until then, he's still offering the Brooklyn Bridge at a bargain price.


How does the media let pot-US Obluster tell the middle class workers that the bill being discussed is not a tax cut, but an extension of what has existed since 2003? If pot-US Obluster DOESN'T sign a bill before the end of December, pot-US Obluster will being getting the tax increase he really wants.
Did you hear that Russia & Venezuela have entered into an agreement to manufacture the Russian's AK-47 automatic weapons. pot-US Obluster, is this what you meant by being more flexible with Russia AFTER the election?
Guess we'll probably get a new tax to make up for Mexico buying AK-47s from Venezuela rather than the White House.
Boehner needs to be replaced now! What does he think he's gaining by challenging potUS Obluster to a game of chicken? Just pass a bill, make a very public display of delivering it to Reid in the Senate.
pot-US Obluster says raising the group he wants to tax more from $250K to $1M will cause too much hardship on the middle class... Huh? Wouldn't raising the taxes on incomes below $250K by NOT extending the Bush taxcuts cause "too much hardship" on the middle class regardless of raising the high end level of income?
Does it strike you funny that if the paper money supply was about to tank, then why are the gold sellers selling rather than buying it back. Why would the gold companies trade metal for paper at this stage if it's as urgent as they advertise?
Looks like Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy had one special common denominator..flooded yellow vehicles no one bothered to drive to a safe desitination.
An NBC reporter captured in Syria had been released unharmed. Guess the Syrians decided that it wasn't advantageous to have a media ally locked up.
Connecticut authorities are projecting it will take months to investigate the tragic crime committed in Newtown, Connecticut. "Months" to investigate an open and shut case of insanity of a dead guy? Looks more like typical government waste.
Even Fox News anchors are falling to the "compromise' figure countered by pot-US Obluster. What Fox News should be doing is challenging the ACLU to challenge the tax laws as being unconstitutional to differentiate tax rates based solely on income.
Another Fox News anchor called on all Marines to rally for the Marine held captive in a Mexican jail by calling/contacting their Congressperson. BS, Marines should rally and extricate their fellow Marine from Mexican terrorists.
David Axelrod sent a heart tugging message concerning the Sandy Hook school massacre. It moved me for a moment....until.... until I saw it was tagged to a pot-US Obluster political donation link. The dastards!
From my soapbox: Banning, even confiscating guns will not preclude another massacre from happening again. We have to work on media to stop being over-occupied with the bizarre/macabre events, and from glamorizing morbidity. We have to stop covering up tale-tell signs of mental-instabilities of students in.public institutions. We must not continue forcing under abilitied-students to migrate into normal society. We must insist death penalties be administered quickly when such events occur, regardless of mental capacity of the killer. Political correctness must be discontinued.
From a fellow BCer - the perfect gift for liberals.
Don't you love the support the mainstream media has given for the appointment of Tim Scott to fill the term opened by Senator Jim DeMint? Scott becomes the first black Senator from the South since the post-Civil War era. Guess being a conservative and a Republican means he's not black-enough for the media to get excited about.
L-E story: "The Muscogee County School District on Tuesday released information that provides further details about the employee who allegedly was driving a school district pickup truck that killed a pedestrian and sent another to the hospital Saturday. * According to authorities, Alfie Remone Johnson, 45, of Hilyer Drive, was driving a 2012 white Ford F-150 westbound on Steam Mill Road, near Peters Chapel AME Church, at 6:35 a.m. when the vehicle drifted onto the sidewalk and fatally struck Loretta Williams, 50, of Coronet Drive and injured Lin-da Estell, 63, of Kennedy Street. * Muscogee County School District communications director Valerie Fuller said Johnson has been a part-time security officer for the system since June 14 and was working a scheduled shift from midnight to 8 a.m. at the time of the accident, but his departure point and destination are unclear." -- What's not unclear is why the driver of the MCSD truck was out&about at 6:30 AM on a Saturday; what's truly clear is that when the Council spent money building sidewalks, Council did not install curbs along the routes that probably would have saved the woman's life from a vehicle 'drifting' onto the sidewalk.
If you want to see the most offensive sidewalk installation in the City, go look at the one installed on the north side of Mobley Road starting from Whitesville Road. Again, no curbs were built, so all the sidewalk has become is a traffic lane for the mail delivery trucks.
L-E headline: "ALABAMA FOOTBALL * Saban planning to stay at Alabama * Refutes speculation of NFL possibilities " -- Hmmm, of course if the Browns move and become the Birmingham Browns... Saban wouldn't technically be lying.
Today is Wednesday... Why do we spell it this way, or while I'm at it, why do we pronounce it this way? It reminds me of 'new math' and social promotions in school. where close, well, somewhat close, is "OK".

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