Friday, December 7, 2012

Pray that the memory of December 7, 1941 will not be contrived in school textbooks as Japan defending its rights of sovereignty sometime in the future.


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- A move to embarrass Democrats backfired on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Thursday as the Kentucky Republican proposed a vote on raising the nation's debt ceiling -- then filibustered it when the Democrats tried to take him up on the offer." -- There needs to be change in the Republican Party leadership. The Republican Party could strengthen it's image and presence by choosing Paul Ryan as the new Speaker of the House and Marco Rubio as the Senate Minority leader. And to make them more attractive to women, take a page out of the play book of many women's service clubs, and announce that they will run as "co-presidential candidates" in 2016.


Online headline: "Disney World Unveils New Fantasy Land" -- Oooops, my bad. Thought Disney had opened up a new facility to indoctrinate DUMBERat candidates and voters.


Online story: "George Zimmerman is suing NBC over its editing of a 911 tape, claiming that the network made him sound like a "racist and predatory villain." -- Unfortunately, NBC is licking its chops at being in the limelight over anything, just as it is th=o having Bob Costas thrust into the 'hot spot' for his comments on Belcher and his 'fiance'.


Why is the mainstream media not questioning its persecution of George Zimmerman after the release of the picture taken of his pummeled face the night he stood his ground with Trayvon Martin?


Online headline: "Ken Fisher, Billionaire Forbes Writer, Attempts To Argue That The U.S. Needs Fewer Jobs" -- Obviously a DUMBERat strategist that potUS Obluster actually listened to in his first term.


Online story: " grim New York Post cover photo showing the final moments of a Queens man who authorities say was pushed onto subway tracks has sparked outrage among readers. * New York Post freelance photographer R. Umar Abbasi (a.k.a. Abb(_@_)i)photographed 58-year-old Ki Suk Han as he struggled yesterday to escape an oncoming train after being pushed onto the tracks by an unidentified man at the Times Square Station." -- So much for NYC's image! Here's a guy who should be vilified for taking a picture of a man rather than rushing to his aid and helping hin out of the train's way, and then a news source publishing the photo rather than permanently dismissing the photographer.


Neither Boehner nor McConnell should ever talk with the mainstream media without a stack of bills, proposed and or passed, concerning jobs, government budget, and the economy on the podium with them.


Bill Clinton says that the political banter over the 'fiscal cliff' is merely like two dogs sniffing each other out over a found piece of meat. Well, Bill Clinton is surely qualified to speak about sniffing a piece of meat.

One thing we know for sure in investigations involving the DOJ and The White House, no one will question Bleep VeeP Biden as to what and when did he know anything because he probably had no clue.


Four DOJ officials have been recommended to be fired over their part in "Fast n' Furious". Not actually fired, but recommended to be. Guess no one person is willing to take one for both Eric Holder and potUS Obluster.

Though experience has shown us CNN and MSNBC cannot, will not, stay neutral during a US presidential debate, but either would be a good place to debate whether potUS Obluster learned his presidential style and charm from Egypt's Morsi, or vice versa.


After his failure to respond quickly and effectively to the assault and death of American's in Benghazi, do you really think the Syrian government is shaking in its boots about about potUS Obluster's ultimatum?


Do you think China knows that potUS Obluster is spending the money China "loans" him on remodeling 1000 year old Muslim Mosques in the mid-East?

In spite of the avalanche of green energy companies that have gone bankrupt with tax dollar backed Obamaloans, we have just gotten news that another $150 million tax dollars are being committed to a " National Battery Research Center" to develop new batteries for cars.


There's heightened concern about North Korea developing missiles that could theoretically reach Hawaii and Alaska. Of course potUS Obluster wouldn't mind if a missile hit the Hawaii Birth Certificate Building or Sarah Palin's front porch.

It's becoming obvious that Hillary will make a bid to run in 2016 in spite of early statements claiming that if Obluster won re-election, she wouldn't challenge Bleep-VeeP Biden. How can you tell? Her wardrobe, hair 'style' give her away... They are straight out of the Communist dress code book for comrades.


It's obvious the Republicans cannot reverse the national debt for the next for years, but the Republican plan should be to be adamant about putting the brakes on making if bigger.


On Fox & Friends, Mike Tyson responded to a question as to whether he thought he had lived up to the expectations heaped on him as 19 year old by saying people still remember his name so he guesses he could be considered ' great'. Me, when I hear his name, I think about the ears he bit on his opponents. Not so great a memory, is it.


Seems like the voters of Detroit have a different concept of Obamacare than most people who work. Most of Detroit already has free healthcare, so now the Detroit politicos think their share should be paid in bailout money to reward them for voting for Obluster.


Where's the media on Hurricane Sandy? We understand why the mainstream media ignores potUS Obluster's mishandling of the economy and debt, but the mainstream media still holds Bush43 responsible for Hurricane Katrina 7 years ago. Guess the media is trying to find a link to add Sandy onto Bush's administration.


L-E headline/story: "New Georgia Power drive-thru projected to alleviate traffic * (also) Move the employee parking spaces so they don’t have to walk across the drive-thru lanes to enter the building." -- Hmmm, sound suspiciously like GA Power is basically giving their employees the parking spaces closest to the building so GA Power customers will have to dodge the drive through lines to go inside the building.


McClatchy investigative series: "WASHINGTON — She was one of the brightest students at a leading university when the Central Intelligence Agency offered her a job as a counter-terrorism analyst. But first, the 19-year-old was warned, she had to undergo a polygraph test to determine whether she could be trusted. * Instead of scrutinizing her ability to guard government secrets, polygraphers asked about her reported rape and miscarriage, the woman recalled." -- Wait a minute... The CIA is recruiting college a college freshman? Sounds more like some TV reality scam like "Punk'd".


Obviously a liberal's L-E 'soundoff': "I sell shovels for a living. Since Obama was elected the first time until now, my sales have dropped by 99 percent." -- This guy needs a new marketing plan. He must have focused on selling shovel for DUMBERat voters who want one of the shovel ready jobs claimed by potUS Obluster. He should have been marketing to conservative business folks who are needing shovels to get through potUS Obluster's trail of BS.


Another liberal's L-E 'soundoff': "The unions did not put 18,000 people on the streets. People who did not want to see 18,000 people make a good living wage put them on the street. The brass ran home with millions. " -- Yeah, investors lost $100' of millions of dollars just to get back at unions.... Now, the displaced union workers will continue paying their union dues out of their unemployment checks to keep their salaries flowing. Ron White is right.. "you can't fix stupid".


L-E story: "CAIRO — Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi offered nothing concrete to defuse the country’s worst political crisis in nearly two years in a nationally televised speech late Thursday, refusing to rescind a disputed constitution drafted by his allies or his decrees giving him near absolute powers." -- Hmmm, looks like Morsi is copying potUS Obluster rather than vice versa. Substitute "Obama" for "Morsi" in the story line, and you could be writing about Washington crises. -- "Washington — US President Barack Obama offered nothing concrete to defuse the country’s worst political crisis in nearly two years in a nationally televised speech late Thursday, refusing to rescind a disputed constitution drafted by his allies or his decrees giving him near absolute powers. -- See?


I'm curious... After blistering Bush43 for replacing US Attorney Generals at his pleasure (which was the normal practice), the mainstream media hasn't even brought up the subject since potUS Obluster took office.


What the "Arts Academy Advocates" miss is that only 500 students would qualify for admission (the first year, then only 125 or so anually in the future) and arts programs in the rest of the system would be decimated of funds and teachers. A new law was passed allowing for parent/business groups to get a charter school without the local school board's permission, and entrepreneurs/arts advocates can start a private school for such. Either would be a better choice than the school system specializing into such a small educational aspect.


Breakfast Club accolades for the new Chief Judge!


L-E headline/story: "New Muscogee Manor being built on northside * The facility, which is expected to open in spring 2014, will be broken into five “neighborhoods,” Morast said. Each neighborhood will have its own kitchen, living room, dining room and private rooms. Meals will be made to order and served restaurant style. * “There has been a major shift in the long-term care industry,” Morast said. “It’s a shift that has changed the model we use from an institutional hospital-like care model to a model that is more resident-based and social.” -- Yep, there has been "a major shift" in the medical industry.. with HELL-thScare emerging, there's no longer any interest at keeping short or long term healthcare expenses in check. Since 'everybody' will have insurance, med businesses will just have that many more to choose from.


L-E story: "The oddly unsatisfying big screen career of Gerard Butler takes another unfortunate turn with “Playing for Keeps,” a sexualized romantic comedy built around kids’ soccer. It makes its way into theaters as Butler’s last effort, “Chasing Mavericks,” beats a hasty retreat to home video." -- A "sexualized romantic comedy built around kid's soccer" is probably why parents didn't take their children to the movie theaters, so why do the producers hope/think/feel parents will want to bring such trash into their homes for children to watch. Hollywood is sick and getting sicker.


L-E story: "The Muscogee County School District middle school football playoffs move into semifinals todsay at Kinnett Stadium. * Harris County plays Rothschild at 5:15 p.m., to be followed by Eddy vs. Richards at 7:15 p.m. " -- Pop test! What's wrong with this story? Why is the MCSD spending its too stretched resources on schools from another school district?


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — Republican senators are pressing the U.S. government’s housing official to take steps to shore up the federal agency that insures mortgages for millions of borrowers. An audit shows the agency faces $16.3 billion in losses and might require a taxpayer bailout. " -- Hmmmm, and the DUMBERats involved are still out there. Some retired, but none have been sent to prison.


L-E headline: "APPLE TO PRODUCE LINE OF MACS IN THE U.S. NEXT YEAR " -- Hmmm, can't wait to see the new size of the tax enlarged bite-out-of-the-apple in Apple's logo.


Why is the L-E advertising that you can get a copy 'on your computer, on your doorstep, on your phone"? I stopped my print copy because of late deliveries and finding it out on my lawn during rainy mornings. Guess this is why we see the L-E ads wanting a new Advertising Executive.


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