Tuesday, December 18, 2012

If Diane Feinstein wants to propose more anti-assault legislation, why doesn't she put up a law that bans government assault of taxpayer's wallets?

The day before the Connecticut school massacre, the Michigan legislature passed a "conceal carry" law for certain school personnel. Now the governor is wavering on signing it. Just think of the possibilities of outcome had a Sandy Hook teacher, trained and armed, could have made in keeping the psycho from getting off more than 100 shots and killing all those children and teachers.....


"Anonymous", a hacker group, has hacked into the personal computer records of the Westboro baptist church protesters after the hate-mongering, quasi-religious group announced plans to protest a Sunday night vigil for the children and teachers killed at Sandy Hook school. Personally, if that group needs to be 'hacked into", I sorta wish it would be by 'Jason', and 'Freddie Krueger'..... and a lawsuit by the national Baptist organizations for a cease and desist order for calling themselves a Baptist church and hiding behind God


A Fox contributor nailed it yesterday. He was adamant about the Hollywood lnfluence on death.. Hollywood should stop glamourising death and violence


Online headline: "Obama Makes Major 'Cliff' Concession" -- A concession that would work for me would be for him to jump off that cliff like a lemming so all the other DUMBERats would follow suit.


Online tidbit: Jeff Zucker, will take over CNN as its new CEO in January. Zucker said that he will "continue to broaden the definition of what news is" as the ailing cable network's new chief. -- "continue to broaden the definition of what news is"? The only definition media should follow regarding the 'news' is that it's 'truthful and honest'. Any other aspect is opinion or fiction.


Well, well, well... today we learn that in the last year, there have been marriage proposals made in the White House by a transgendered man and by a gay Marine captain. Sure would be nice if the only White House proposals were by the president on how to help America.


Online story: "WASHINGTON — For the first time, the Census Bureau is giving U.S. households a chance to respond to government surveys over the Internet, part of a bid to save costs and boost sagging response rates in a digital age." -- Question: Since everyone is required to have a social security number assigned at birth, wouldn't just simply canvassing computer files on hospital births, school registrations, W-2 and tax forms, government benefit checks, prison records, and death records give us a pretty accurate count of 'legal' residents?


HuffPost headline: "Haley Appoints Tea Party Favorite To Replace DeMint In Senate" -- Hmm, just because new Senator Tim Scott is not a DUMBERat, the HuffPost calls Tim Scott a 'Tea Party Favorite' instead of an black American. Just confirms my thought that pot-US Obluster could not have won if he was a Republican candidate.


Online story: PARIS — Gerard Depardieu, one of France's best-known actors, has chastised his country's Socialist prime minister for insulting remarks over his decision to move to tax-friendly Belgium and said in an open letter published Sunday that he's turning in his passport. * The letter, which the weekly Le Journal du Dimanche said was penned by Depardieu, quickly propelled him into the spotlight, not for his acclaimed acting skills but for raising the sensitive issue of tax exiles as France looks to fill state coffers with a stiff tax on the rich. * "We no longer have the same country. I'm a true European, a citizen of the world," Depardieu wrote in the letter. He said his 2012 tax bill – 85 percent of his revenue – is fully paid. * Depardieu, who turns 64 this month, said he has worked since the age of 14, first as a printer, and that in last 45 years he has paid (EURO)145 million ($190 million) in taxes." -- What's scary is who among the DUMBERat Party doesn't feel that Depardieu is being selfish about paying his "fair 85% share"? Are you 'listening' Buffet and Gates et al?


The Sandy Hook School massacre of children really has the liberals pulling their hair out. Usually they can point to something they can associate with a right wing conspiracy, but this time the shooter was a Goth son of liberal female gun-owning teacher, and there is just nothing they can point their fingers at Bush-Cheney about.


Let me get this straight...pot-US Obluster says we should ban something that's already banned (automatic weapons), yet sending automatic weapons to Mexico was OK.


Disgusted with the Sandy Hook massacre conversations on all the talk shows Sunday AM, I went to C-Span and found Mat Kibbe of FreedomWorks answering question about taxes and government spending. Kibbe wore the mind out of the moderator, and she was flustered because she was actually becoming won over by his answers.

On C-Span yesterday morning,the rep for the American Federation of Government Employees actually said the federal employees who have had their wages frozen for the past two years are the only group who have made sacrifices during the recession. What arrogance! Federal wages may have been frozen but so were their jobs!


Here we go again... Bills passed to fund Hurricane Sandy clean-up have money earmarks going to Alaska, Gitmo, Homeland Security, the Smithsonian, et al. We don't have a revenue problem, "they" have a spending addiction.

A US Marine is being held in a Mexican jail, and threats of killing him unless the family pays a ransom. Where the hell is our White House/Ambassador, DOJ, and Mexican government?


With Susan Rice thrown under the bus, so now Sen. John "I was for it before I was against it" Kerry, the guy that offered us John Edwards as a VP candidate is next in line as Secretary of State. Can you imagine how he will testify when the next Benghazi erupts?


L-E story: "A Muscogee school district worker in a district pickup truck traveled onto the sidewalk to fatally strike Loretta Williams and injure a second woman as they walked Saturday morning along Steam Mill Road, Columbus police reported Monday. * Investigators said the accident happened about 6:30 a.m." -- First, my prayers go out to the families of those run down. but I have three questions: Why was a MCSD employee up and about at 6:30 AM on a Saturday, why weren't the walkers walking facing traffic, and why is it Tuesday before the L-E reports it?


Examining the picture of the death scene above, it's obvious that if the sidewalks had been raised and a curb installed, the driver of the truck would have been alerted in time to steer back onto the road.


Obvious liberal's L-E "soundoff": "If the 48,000 people gunned down last year could speak to us, they would tell us we have too many guns." -- Here 'he' goes again... pulling undocumented figures out of the air to make his ignorance seem important.


the local DUMBERat Party chairman writes in the L-E: "If the Ledger-Enquirer feels it appropriate to regularly publish full-page editorials from self-serving interests, like Mr. Harper’s “blog,” then, in the name of fairness, how about a few words that represent the views of the vast majority of Americans, and, in the case of fiscal policy, common sense?" -- Obviously, 51% of presidential voters do not make a 'vast majority of Americans, but that's beside the point. The local DUMBERat Party has an oft published writer, Judy F Brouillette, and if what sees spews is good for America, then we have a bigger problem than the Washington DUMBERats. Additionally, Karl Douglass, a paid member of the Sanford Bishop re-election staff, is oft published as well.


Tougher ethics laws... you know, that is not the cure-all now or in the future... what we need is politicians with ethics, and voters that recognize them.


The Electoral College cast its vote yesterday and officially elected pot-US Obluster to a second term. With what has happened since the first of November, do you wonder if there were some voter regrets ?


Hmmm, did note this past Saturday that Carmike bought the old Rialto Theater property. I had suggested that Carmike consider buying the old Bradley to run art/cult movies aimed at the college crowd, and midnight openings for major biggie hits. The Rialto may/must be a better fit.

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