Tuesday, December 4, 2012

From the 'only in California' department - Online story: "A residence in Chino Hills, Calif., is suspected of operating as a maternity hotel, where expectant Chinese mothers can allegedly pay thousands of dollars to give birth so that their children qualify as American citizens. * According to ABC News, the seven-bedroom home is associated with the website AsiamChild.com, which reportedly sells the opportunity for women to have a baby in the U.S. for an estimated $5,000 to $15,000." -- Maybe it's time for all true Americans to forgo our citizenship, become squatters, stop paying taxes, have another baby to anchor us, and regain our majority status, and get proper attention and services from the government!


Why is the DOJ prosecuting this man:


This was taken at the scene but only a grainy version was released so the injuries, no the results on a vicious assault by Trayvon Martin were blurred when shown earlier. Looks like there's no doubt George Zimmerman should have 'stood his ground'.


Online story: "Last week, the White House delivered to Capitol Hill its opening proposal: $1.6 trillion in higher taxes over a decade, a possible extension of the temporary Social Security payroll tax cut and heightened presidential power to raise the national debt limit." -- Hmmm. potUS Obluster thinks increasing tax revenues by $160 billion annually for 10 years will reduce the national debt by 1/4th of the $5 Trillion he has added in 4 years is a start... then how come his current plan calls for a $250 Billion spending-over-revenues for this year alone?


Online headline: "China Discovers Ancient Ruins Of Subterranean Palace" -- Shoot, that's nothing compared to the real time ruins of Detroit.


Online headline: "Credit Union Lending Bill Would Help Small Firms" -- Current regulation cap credit union lending to small businesses to 12.25% of their assets. That's the reason credit unions have stayed financially healthy. Raising such could easily bring the credit unions to their knees as forcing mortgage banks to ease their requirements on housing loans.


Online headline: "'Hey Guys - This Is Barack': Obama Holds Chillaxed Fiscal Cliff Twitter Q&A" -- Political campaigns in sound bites has been potUS Obluster's style, and now he thinks running the government in 140 or less characters at a time is viable? Just proof positive that even he thinks he is America's "Chief Twit".


potUS Obluster's plan for raising our taxes is to spend it on programs, not paying,down the National Debt.


Online headline: "Defense Execs Say Deeper DoD Budget Cuts, Higher Taxes OK" -- Whatta crock! Most defense companies will come out ahead on such a deal just by paying attention to the wasteful spending/charges they have built into their system. What company couldn't cut a 10-to-20% out of the costs of a $500.00 hammer?


WRBL3 news story: "A Muscogee County man facing a murder trial claims insanity as his defense, but prosecutors dismiss his statement and say he was on drugs. * (Robert) Cantelli's attorney, Raymond Lakes, of the public defender's office, disputed introducing evidence that Cantelli told police he used methamphetamine before the shooting." -- Good grief! Don't tell us there were no blood tests taken to confirm such evidence, and if there were a known blood test showing this, why is the public defender lawyer on the public dole?


WRBL3 news story: "The Muscogee County School District is holding several public forums this week regarding Georgia's new english and math curriculum." -- Good grief, again! We elected a school board to curtail wasteful and unnecessary expenses of the school system, and this is the attention the Board pays to an obvious wasteful and unnecessary expense?


WRBL3 news story: "A new initiative in LaGrange is raising awareness to prevent thieves from taking gifts and other goods from your car. * LaGrange police have a new tool in their arsenal, the GOTCHA ticket. In just one month's time, the number of car break-ins has been slashed in half. * Officers monitor hot spots like parking lots on foot and search for unlocked doors, open windows and keys left in the car. When they see one of these, they administer a GOTCHA slip. Sgt. Kirby says some citizens are concerned that the tags will draw attention to the cars, but he says it's better to be proactive." -- Oh... it's the "GOTCHA" ticket that's cutting the crime rate... Hmmm, my guess is that it's the active monitoring by police walking around parking lots that's responsible for the reduction in the crime rate, but what do I know?


How long will the mainstream media allow DUMBERat spinmeisters to claim going deeper in debt "is good for the American people"?


How can any working person or family think they will be in the 98% the DUMBERats claim will not have their taxes raised?


Why are liberals so anti-Christian? They have seemed to have adopted the idea that Jesus wouldn't have fulfilled His legacy without the help of a donkey.---

The federal government spent $1.65 for every $1.00 it received in revenues in October. That basically means you shared about 25% of your earnings from work so the government could spend that, PLUS an additional 65% he prints up on government programs.


After all these trips to the altar, could it be that Mark Richt will eventually be looked at as the Bobby Cox of football?


When you think about it, how, why would any taxpayer support any tax rate increase? Wait a minute, I think I can safely say no taxpayer does want a tax rate increase. No matter what Buffet says, Buffet doesn't take a salary, so no tax increase on wages will affect him. Romney underestimated the millions he said he had no chance of reach. There weren't 47 million, there were nearly 62 million who voted for Obluster's tax rate increase plan because they think it doesn't affect them, either.

L-E headline: "City to ask for leeway in property assessments * Council polishes up legislative agenda today " -- Why doesn't Council 'just take' the leeway. Council has demonstrated it already 'takes leeway' in buying property at prices way above the tax assessment value. Two excellent examples were the prices paid for the property occupied by the Homeless Resouces building on 2nd Avenue, and the Woodcrest Apartments on Victory Drive.


From L-E story: Council wants to "Establish a technology fee to be added to fines in Columbus Recorder’s Court. " -- Wouldn't it be fairer to actually incorporate new technology in the courts BEFORE imposing a fee that will not be collected from indigent criminals?


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "The owners will soon find out it was the 18,000 unemployed Hostess workers who made them rich. " -- "workers who made them rich"? Are there any liberals who got an education in anything but Law or Arts? The union collapsed 18,000 workers' jobs, but on top of that the owners/shareholders of Interstate Bakery have lost all their investments (100's of millions) they made to create jobs and hopefully, wealth.


The union bosses are not as dumb as you think they are. They have put 18,000 plus people on 'unemployment' for the next 99 weeks or so, so those who lost their jobs will still have a 'pay' check from which to pay their union dues to keep the union bosses' full salaries coming.


L-E story: " WASHINGTON — Schoolteachers should have to pass a stringent exam — much like the bar exam for lawyers — before being allowed to enter the profession, one of the nation’s largest teachers unions said Monday. * The American Federation of Teachers called for a tough new written test to be complimented by stricter entrance requirements for teacher training programs, such as a minimum grade point average." -- On the surface, this sounds very encouraging...but when you look at it closely, what I can visualize is the opportunity for online diploma mills and brick & mortar schools to ease up on grading standards to appeal to students, masters and doctoral candidates to spend their tuition money on loans with them. Let's face it, the S.A.T's were compromised to appeal to more students, and in Georgia, the high school grading system has been affected by the pursuit of making more students eligible for HOPE Scholarships.


From what I can see is that the new liquor laws for selling on Sunday will basically give robbers an additional weekend day to work.


L-E story: "SOUTH BEND, Ind. — An anonymous alumnus has donated enough money to cut the price of BCS championship game tickets to Notre Dame students for the game between the top-ranked Fighting Irish and No. 2 Alabama in half, dropping the price from $300 to $150." -- Wow! Imagine a college student having $300.00 for a pair of tickets (who goes alone) plus the not-discounted airplane tickets and the inflated rack rack hotel/motel room, and plus food and beverages... Guess there's room to waggle in those student loans.


L-E headline/story: "Builders boost spending 1.4 percent in October * WASHINGTON — U.S. builders increased their spending on construction projects in October by the largest amount in five months." -- Well, by the time you figure in the real inflation rate, construction spending actually below what it was, not higher.


L-E headline: "News Corp. to split publishing from entertainment" -- Hmmm, that would be a good road for the L-E to take as well. Media has forgotten there's a real difference between 'news' and a 'story'.


L-E headline: "Stern returning to America’s Got Talent’ -- I don't watch it so I didn't even know Howard Stern was a judge on the show, but how does someone without real talent judge talent in others?


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