Friday, December 14, 2012

Online headline: "John McAfee Makes 'Crazy' Admission" -- Hmmm, McAfee finally admits he can't stop all virus intrusions.


"WASHINGTON -- U.S. Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ) employed as an unpaid intern in his Senate office an undocumented immigrant who was a registered sex offender, now under arrest by immigration authorities, The Associated Press has learned. The Homeland Security Department instructed federal agents not to arrest him until after Election Day, a U.S. official involved in the case told the AP." -- This sounds an awful lot like a huge DUMBERat cover-up which had to start with the White House advising the proceedings. NJ voters should initiate a recall election on Menendez, and a special prosecutor be installed to circumvent White House/DOJ interference.

One media source reported that potUS Obluster wasn't meeting Republicans half-way... "Half-way"? potUS Obluster won't even meet most Republicans at the door.

The Oregon shooting... "authorities"say they are investigating what the shooter's 'motive' was. Who really cares. The SOB is dead (and we should thank him for that so we don't pay for a lifetime of lawyer fees)!

HuffPost headline: "Time Readers Choose Their Person Of The Year" -- Kim Jong Un and picked himself and the other reader voted for none of the above.


Online story: "Former Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-Neb.) is likely to be nominated as the Secretary of Defense, Bloomberg reports. * If nominated and confirmed, Hagel would be Obama's second Republican defense secretary. The first, Bob Gates, stayed on with Obama after serving as President George W. Bush's Defense Secretary." -- Hagel would be smart to decline... potUS Obluster would only name a Republican if he knows he's going to need a whipping boy before he leaves office.


HuffPost headline: "Edward Orenchuk III, Boy Scout Leader In Long Island, Arrested On Child Porn Charges" -- Oh, does that mean MERCK and UPS will start sending checks again?


Let's pray for Kyle Carter... he's been arrested twice, doesn't won't to accept the consequences so he's taking his 'bawl' to a junior college until the next MLB draft, but I want to know why he doesn't just market himself to MLB today; with 2 arrests before he's 21, he's proved he's already ready for MLB baseball.


WRBL3 news story: "Soon Auburn citizens may have to vote on a property tax increase. The school board is proposing the hike, saying it's necessary to avoid over-crowding in the schools. * Superintendent DeLaneo is asking for support from everyone in the community, including people without children. "We all depend on an educated citizenry. You know, Thomas Jefferson said that the key to democracy was an educated populous." -- Maybe we oughta hire Superintendent DeLaneo... I think Thomas Jefferson quotes have been banned in our school district... either that or the school system is purposely educating our students on socialism rather than democracy.


Now we learn that potUS Obluster signed orders to make every dealing with the government by a citizen available to DOJ. Where's the mainstream media's indignation like they had for Bush's "Patriot Act'?


Baba Wawa just named David Petraeus her "most fascinating person"... again. The first time for his military prowess; this year for his CIA undercover prowess of camouflaging as a faithful husband.


Susan Rice withdrew her name as Secretary of State. Huh? When was she nominated? Floating a balloon is not a nomination.

Voters who note for for new taxes don't fully understand how it effects them. They obviously must think the new taxes will be distributed directly to them as politically promised.

Government could save a lot of money by declaring all death sentence appeals to be moot, and carry out the sentences at once. The residual effects of ridding taxpayers of unnecessary boarding expenses would be multiplied by the number of future death sentence crimes that wouldn't happen.


The "right-to-work" laws are not anti-union, the "r-t-w" laws just say that a company can have union and non-union members, but workers can choose whether to pay union dues or not. That is the reason union management gets upset.


So Hillary has "agreed" to testify at the Benghazi-gate investigation. Hmmm, bet we get the same answers she gave at the "Whitewater" investigation, "I don't recall" or "I was baking cookies".

It's an absolute shame the local Whitewater powers-that-be brought in two outside equipment companies when we already had a capable company already invested in the community, but, at this point, what's another bad decision...


The music industry gathered to raise funds for Hurricane Sandy relief. I hope two things will be followed up on: 1 is that the funds raised will be closely scrutinized as to how, when, where they are spent/distributed, and 2, none of the celebrity performers will try to deduct their personal travel expenses from their taxes. It should be their donation, not one other taxpayers supplement as the performers were certainly receiving major PR exposure.


Online headline: "Hillary Clinton: 'I Really Don't Believe' I'll Run For President Again" -- Don't you believe it! Unless some other issue, like health, rears its ugly head, the Clintons were running for 2016 as they pushed for potUS Obluster's re-election. If Romney had won, he'd have won re-election in 2016, Ryan would have won in 2020 and 2024, and Rubio would have won in 2028 and 2032.
L-E headline/story: "Local kid buys paver in honor of fallen Marine * Gabe (Jones) learned that each paver costs $250, he began saving his $5-a-week allowance. When he reached $100, he thought it would take too long to save up the $150 he needed to buy a paver. “I talked to my parents about it, and I made an appointment to talk to my principal,” Gabe said. He’s a sixth grader at Calvary Christian School, and Darlene Turner is the principal. * She agreed to let him sell snacks during a break every day." -- Thank goodness young Mr. Jones was going to a private Christian school and not a public school! Standing "O" for Gabe Jones, his family and his school!
Liberal's L-E "soundoff": " This is just getting pathetic now. If Obama had been at the Army-Navy game, you’d have complained that he was ignoring the fiscal cliff crisis. " -- Hey, usually libs claim potUS Obluster can do both of those at the same time while tying his shoelaces with one-hand.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.” — Stanislaw J. Lec, Polish author (1909-1966). -- What a great epitaph for potUS Obluster!
Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts) has changed her mind about the total acceptance of Obamacare.. guess we can call her a 1/64th Indian-giver.

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