Tuesday, February 12, 2013

According to various news services, the 85 year old Pope is going to resign for health reasons. "Resign"? At 85, isn't it OK to "retire" at 85?


In spite pot-US Double-Obama's fumbling of his script, the Congressional Medal of Honor ceremony for Sgt Romashe was incredibly haunting. Even the carefully selected wordage describing Sgt Romesha's actions that day in Afghanistan in 2009 were overwhelming to the degree of danger, self-sacrifice, and loyalty each of our soldiers in combat zones is ready to give for our country and each other. If only our politicians behaved that way about the country's future....


Online story: "A high school in western Colorado may soon have an armed principal and district superintendent after a unanimous vote by the school board last week. * The Cortez Journal reports that the Dolores County school board voted to have the Dove Creek High School principal and district superintendent double as security officers with a pay raise of $1 apiece." -- Guess the school board is getting the jump on legalized marijuana activity.


Online headline: "Controversy Erupts As DC Comics Hires Anti-Gay Author To Pen Superman Comic" -- Hmmm, so now it's gotten to be that if you aren't gay, you're Anti-Gay, and it's a crime to be straight in the entertainment business?


Online story: "WASHINGTON — Emails between Sen. Robert Menendez's office and the Homeland Security Department describe efforts by his staff in January to thwart U.S. donations of cargo-screening equipment to the government of the Dominican Republic. Donated equipment could have jeopardized a port security contract benefiting a close Menendez associate and fundraiser. * (This and other) events have engulfed Menendez, 59, just as he assumed the chairmanship of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee" -- I guess will see when Menendez evokes the Clinton defense of 'it depends on how you define "foreign relations".


WRBL3 news headline: "Muscogee County: School board stresses importance of transparency" -- Yeah, the same version that pot-US Double-Obama uses. The MCSD board is still not "transparent" about the SPLOST revenue shortages.


That recently in-effect-law to keep TV stations from spiking ad volume ain't working.


Just on general principles I am not going to watch it, but there's a new series on TNT. It's called "Monday Mornings" and it's aired on Monday nights.


It's time.... No.... way past time our legislators and judges get on the same page as how to make criminals think twice before carrying, much less, firing a gun while committing a second crime. Mandatory extended sentences for having a stolen gun in your possession, and mandatory death sentences for discharging a gun while committing a crime would be a good start.


What part of pot-US Double-Obama's lack of job creating skills can't you understand with the unemployment being higher now than the day he took office?


As far as his new "license to kill", it's apparent that use of drones is just the third part of pot-US Double-Obama's skills. he's already shown that he is adept at killing jobs and motivation to succeed.


I can usually ignore most of radio talk show person John Tesh's 'helpful commentaries' but yesterday he really got strange by insisting caveman era parents were better than modern parents because their children were less obese and better supervised because the children went outside and played while the caveman community supervised them. I guess he was knocking today's soccer moms, and the plethora of electronic games that entice our children to stay inside. Guess he will co-author a sequel book with Hillary 'entitled' "It's always taken a Village government".


Columbus voters should take note at what is happening in NY/NJ. Seems homes damaged/destroyed by Hurricane Sandy are being raised in value and in tax rates. Let Mayor Obamalinson know how you feel about giving up the tax freeze!


A college in Michigan is offering incoming freshmen students loans that the college will pay off their loans if they don't make "enough" money in a job after they graduate. What a societal ripoff! Their own college has zero incentive to fail or extend the students for more than 4 years, and students have no incentive, after 4 party years and a worthless degree, to get a decent job. All the public will get is another young adult going back to live with parents and participating in "Occupy" protests.


It gets worse... Tesh also ranted about the ease of hacking into most people e-mail accounts by 'identity thieves', and goes on a preventive care diatribe of facts and numbers concerning reconstructing your passwords. After comparisons of what length, combinations of capital & lower case letters do to make it harder, he then suggested using keyboard "characters" intermixed with letter & numbers. Mr Tesh... a great many sites will not allow a password with a keyboard "character" in it. Get you some new, non-low-info DUMBERat voters on your staff.


Lyrica ... another of those TV advertised drug spiels with a dubious side effects contraindication. The ad warns against use by people with alcohol problems. Get real, how many people not enrolled in a 12-Step program will admit to an alcohol problem.


The speech by Dr. Benjamin Carson at the National Day of Prayer, while pot-US Double-Obama and Bleep Veep Biden sit by helplessly must be seen by every American. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2013/02/07/dr_benjamin_carson_addresses_national_prayer_breakfast_criticizes_obamacare.html
This had to be the longest 27 minutes in pot-US Double-Obama's life.


From a fellow BCer:


Participating in a gun buyback is like having yourself castrated because you believe that the neighbors have too many kids. -- No further comment needed.
In a McClatchy headline: "1 in 3 Illinois residents live in poverty" -- Wasn't Illinois pot-US Double-Obama's community organizer project?
McClatchy headline: "Washington sees record apple crop" -- Hmmm, I guess pot-US Double-Obama's new jobs program is gearing up to make selling apples on street corners his solution to the jobs crisis.
L-E headline: "Stats show city's crime rate continues to drop" -- Hmmm, wonder if Mayor Obamalinson or the L-E checked with the new coroner before floating this lead balloon?
L-E story on school board business: "The administration recommends the low bidders on two projects: $604,000 from Strack Inc. of Fairburn, Ga., to replace the deteriorated storm water pipe under the football field at Kinnett Stadium. $426,734 from River City Construction of Columbus for an addition at the Lorenzo Road facility to consolidate record storage. " -- I'm curious as to what were the specifications for the storm water pipes under the field at Kinnett Stadium when the contract was originally let out? 30 +/- years seems short for an item like underground storm water pipe. Also, why is the school board putting more money into the Lorenzo Road bus maintenance/parking facility? A number of years ago, property in that area was valued more than $500K per acre and there's close to 44 prime retail acres involved. Why doesn't the school board market that land and at the same time shift the bus maintenance/parking to the former Brown Avenue school grounds? This sounds like a win-win for the school system AND local taxpayers. On another thought plain... why is $426K needed for consolidating and storing records at that facility? In this day and time, records could be stored on a dedicated RAID computer system at the Macon Road facility combined with an Internet (off site) back up service.
Meritous L-E "soundoff": "If the tax freeze destroyed the real estate market in Columbus, how did it spread to the state and the nation? " -- Some one make sure this gets to Mayor Obamalinson today.
After reading Chuck Williams' column on the Judicial Qualifications Commission, Glad we have a bulldog investigator, but where does this procedurally fit in with transparency and open government and the Freedom of Information Act?Glad we have a bulldog investigator, but where does this procedurally fit in with transparency and open government and the Freedom of Information Act? A 'backseat conversation" followed by a resignations seems awfully familiar to blackmail.
The L-E remembrance of Lawrence Smith's pictorial history of Cuzzin Jimmy reminded me of my most favorite campaign slogan ever penned: Carter-Mondale - "Fritz and Gritz give me the S---Z"
If a local hospital can find a local candidate to fill it's key CFO position, why does the MCSD continually ignore in house talent being considered for the Superintendent position?
From the comics... sometimes the best source of wisdom in the L-E:

-- Some liberal must have devised this theory after seeing the Super Bowl ad on "Cat Herding"
There's an ad running on the online L-E site that advertises degrees in Mental Health Counseling, Educational Leadership and Management, and General Psychology (among others) all from the comfort of your bedroom or smart phone. Run if you see a degree from Capella University on a resume of health workers diploma.

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