Thursday, February 14, 2013

Just as sequestration has caught Columbus business entities off guard as to what to expect, the current flood is doing the same for the Whitewater Project. Question one raised is the lack of control promoters will have of water flow when heavy rains appears just prior to or during events. The second question involves the danger created by the construction of the pedestrian bridge that links the River Walk to the spectator island. Yesterday. it was almost completely underwater, so the bridge also becomes a threat to adventurous (and less than smart) kayakers/rafters who think higher flood waters are more exciting.


Let's pray we don't have to untangle kayakers from the railing on the UnderRiverWalk.

Online headline: "White House: Green Energy Fund Should Be Created By Congress" -- Hmmm, how about reopening the western states' coal reserves. Afterall, coal comes from plant matter. How much greener can you get?
What the DUMBERats and mainstream media do not want the budget issues to be compared to is older US budgets. In the 50s, Eisenhower trimmed the military budget to where it dropped from 70% to 60% of the federal budget. Today's military expenditures are only 20% . It's non-military expenses that have escalated out of control.
At a time when jobs are scarce, and small businesses are uncertain about whether they can afford the new Hell-thScare challenges, why would anyone, especially the president, think raising the minimum nearly 25%? Besides being close to $19,000 a year for a full time add-on employee (actually more when the employer adds training costs, benefits, and its share of FICA), it still doesn't get the employee out of poverty.
What is Carnival Cruise Lines trying to do... bankrupt itself? Why didn't Carnival immediately send how many alternative ships as necessary to get the passengers off on day 1?
Latest update on the Carnival Cruise PR disaster: Now Carnival is saying it hasn't sent a ship out to transfer passengers because choppy water presents too much danger. Let me get this straight... it's too choppy to transfer, but it's not too choppy to let 4000 passengers plus the crew to Bob like apples in a powerless, non-controllable & listing cesspool. Carnival needs some new legal advice & a new PR manager.
Why isn't the crime rate in Columbus one of the lowest in the country? Our Public Safety interests have a primary budget plus additional revenues from a near dedicated LOST.
What could be more discouraging than listening to a focus group of low-info pot-US Double-Obama voters commenting on Double-Obama's State of the Union speech. They were all disappointed in pot-US Double-Obama's results so far, but they were enthused about his plans to correct things. It's like they thought Bush43 was in charge is the last 4 years.
Has anyone seen the enrollment figures for CSU for the Fall & Spring semesters? When there was an influx in such in past years, CSU was out boasting loud & proudly.
Those lawyer ads about if you took antidepressant Zoloft while you were pregnant and your baby has birth defects... Excuse me, but why is Zoloft being the sole heavy in this purge? What about the doctor who prescribed it, the pharmacist who filled it if he knew the woman was pregnant, and the woman who took it knowing she was pregnant?
From a fellow BCer:
The Quote of the Decade:

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is
a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot
pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial
assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless
fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and
internationally. Leadership means that, 'the buck stops here.' Instead,
Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of
our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure
of leadership. Americans deserve better.

~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006
Latest from "If you missed President Obama's State of the Union address -- or even if you heard every word -- you should check out the White House's interactive version of the speech with facts, charts, graphics, and more:" -- Even pot-US Double-Obama knows how 'low-info' his voters are... They still don't know what he said, and now he has to bring them back into the fold and explain what they heard.
L-E story: "Ridiculous. Crazy. Insane. Dangerous. * Those are among the words Russell County Sheriff Heath Taylor used to describe the proposed Alabama legislation that would expand the number of places where guns can be carried and narrow law enforcement’s authority to use discretion when issuing permits. " -- Hey, this is the same guy that thinks a tobacco can with pellets but know explosive substances or fuse in it is a certified 'bomb'. We'd probably be safer if Russell County requires him to keep a single bullet in his shirt pocket.
L-E story: "Local attorney Frank Myers has been appointed to the Citizen Review Panel that will oversee spending of Transportation Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax proceeds, Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle announced this week. * Myers joins Sanders Griffith, senior executive vice president of TSYS, as a Columbus representative. Griffith was one of three members appointed two weeks ago by House Speaker Da-vid Ralston. The panel is charged with making sure TSPLOST funds are spent on projects for which the funds were designated." -- Hey, weren't the projects spelled out on the ballot? Adding attorneys on a per diem basis is like paying foxes to guard the hen house.
Speaking of the TSPLOST projects.... those projects based on a growing Ft Benning.. are they still relevant or should they be withdrawn and the tax be sunsetted before the 10 years are up?
Picture from L-E:'

Hmmm, why would geese seek refuge FROM the water? Do they know something DNR, the EPA, and the CWW is not telling us?
Low-info liberal's L-E "soundoff": "It’s amazing to me how many people call themselves Christians but still vote Republican, clearly ignoring the teachings of Jesus." -- Hmmm, tell where you read in the Bible that Jesus charged the government, not us as individuals, to aid of our poor?
L-E headline: "Dorner may have been hiding in plain sight " -- Hmmm, why would that seem strange or novel? Baby killers have been hiding out in plain sight for years disguised as DUMBERat Congresspersons.
L-E story: "A Ledger-Enquirer employee went to purchase a bottle of white wine around 11 a.m. Sun-day from Publix on Ma-con Road. The clerk apologized and said they couldn’t sell alcohol until “church got out.” * Hmmm … After questioning the clerk about the different times churches finish, she clarified her statement, saying they are not allowed to sell alcohol until 12:30 p.m. * Across town another employee witnessed a man try to order a beer at Logan’s Roadhouse about 10 minutes before time. * Not so fast, my friend. * It’s only lawful to order your Bloody Marys after you’ve sat through two hours of church." -- How ignorant of the writer. As bad as the law is, it does give church goers a fighting chance to get to their homes before having to dodge the crowd driving around with their liquor purchases.
L-E headline: "Obama puts Georgia’s pre-K program in spotlight" -- Hmmm, obviously pot-US Double-Obama or his staff didn't do the homework to know that it's funded by the lottery nor that it hasn't elevated GA students to higher testing scores as they move up through the grades.
Good luck to all the wrestlers heading off to state competition.... too bad that they will not have making the USA 2020 Olympic Competition team as a goal.
Just curious, but seeing a baseball game scheduled between CVCC & West Georgia at Golden Park makes me wonder how much rent Columbus is collecting for the use of OUR facility...
L-E picture:
Is this the rebirth of the Edsel? Looks like a "fish kiss" to me.
Looks like Government Motors has been shut out... didn't take long for government involvement to take down GM or Chrysler. Ford, on the other hand...

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