Saturday, May 31, 2014

Before any more discussion about immigration reform be started, Mexico's policies involving American citizens should the first issue addressed and corrected. Secondly, Mexico should have to round up and return every weapon associated with Pric Holder's "fast&furious" program, and every weapon recipient should be incarcerated in Mexican jails.
I tell you what, before another politician blasts his/her opinion on what a minimum wage should be, said politician should be required to take a business plan used by an existing business and plug in the new wage numbers to existing and future employees, and demonstrate that the said politician can make the existing business to remain profitable with the new wage levels.
O-VAmaCare.... Let's get the media and politicians out of the "solution" business. Vouchers to civilian facilities for war-related treatments are not going to work. Civilian hospitals and their staffs are not equipped to handle the unique battlefield caused conditions nor necessarily even be able to identify such. Let's keep cool heads, and focus on restructuring the treatment timelines. Perhaps all VA facilities should have triage qualified personnel in the reception areas to determine and prioritize the urgency of each Veterans medical needs at the time.
Online story: "Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki resigned Friday in a personal meeting with President Barack Obama, shortly after publicly apologizing for deep problems plaguing the agency's health care system that Obama called "totally unacceptable." * Obama said he accepted the retired four-star general's resignation "with considerable regret" during an Oval Office meeting." -- Yep... "with considerable regret".. mainly because one of his appointees is no longer under his thumb ..
Not only did Judas 00-Barnum have to axe Shinseki, but Jay Carney is gone as well. Hmmm, but can we believe the White House Press Agent who told us Carney is gone.
I'm surprised that Judas 00-Barnum let Jay Carney leave without having him give one more Press Conference. 00-Barnum could come clean via Carney, but since no one would believe Carney was telling the truth, then no one would believe 00-Barnum knew anything.
I'm curious... how could Jay Carney announce his resignation and anybody believe him. That's one book soon to hit the market that I'll not bother reading.

Did you see the relief on Jay Carney's face knowing he can wake up in the morning and his wife may believe him when he says he loves her and their children.
Judas 00-Barnum "jokingly" said "the flak jacket is officially passed to a new generation,Mr. Josh Earnest". You know, if 00-Barnum's spokespersons actually spoke the truth, they wouldn't need a "flak jacket". Of course, they would be long on the job, either.

HuffPost headline: "Pelosi Will Hit The Road To Rally Single Women Voters" -- Huh? What pray tell, does she think she has that appeals to single women? On the other hand, whenever she does hit the road out of Washington, America's working people will have something to rally behind.
HuffPost headline: "Hillary Clinton Refuses To Take Part In 'Political Slugfest' Over Benghazi: Report" --Well, at least she's consistent with her actually reaction when it happened.
I finally figured out what she meant when she said, "What difference does it make?" She realized at that time, that as long as she dodged responsibility, come November 2016, Democrats are going to vote for her anyway.
Online story: "Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants." -- Hmmm.. Wouldn't restaurants be better off just saying that you are welcome to dine with your gun if you show a valid carry permit at the door?
Instant replay: "Chili’s and Sonic became the latest national chains to wade into the gun debate on Friday, announcing in apparently coordinated statements that firearms are no longer welcome in their restaurants." -- While Chili's edict is asinine, Sonic's is actually pretty stupid. Sonic is a drive-in, order-from-your-car business, and carry permits for legal guns owned by non-felons are not even necessary. Good luck with enforcing this one. Me? Just wrote off two more choices to spend money.
Online headline: "Banned Clippers owner Donald Sterling to sue NBA for $1 billion in damages" -- You know, Sterling has a valid shot at getting that amount (or more) based on the inconsistencies the NBA has demonstrated in meting out selective penalties. Question: "Do I like Sterling.. no, but I do like his chances.
If the NFL and the Players Union want to cut down on concussions, new helmets are not the answer. How about eliminating helmets and watch head butts & spearing disappear.
Blob Beckel avowed that he was no longer going to talk about Benghazi. To him, Hillary's new book is the last word on the subject. I disagree, but there sure will be more civil talk about it with Blob Beckel out of the conversation.
Now political correctness has gone to far...way to far. Two teens of India ancestry were referred to as Indian-Americans. How confusing to those of us who still have to think about who Native-Americans are.. We'll just have to start referring to our selves as Conservative-Americans. On a local level, I think we need to refer to ourselves as Georgia-Americans as not to be confused with those Alabama-Americans.
Why do liberals have more concern, more passion for animals than try do for their fellow man? Liberals will get in your face for enslaving animals in confined environments, and for altering their natural instincts for acquiring food, but campaign and rejoice in public housing and entitlement food programs for people.
Online story: "Georgia gun owners can’t take their weapons onto the grounds of public schools or public college campuses when two new laws take effect July 1, Attorney General Sam Olens said Thursday. * A day after gun rights group Georgia Carry publicly said one of two new weapons laws allows people with permits to carry weapons in school zones, Olens released a three-page document that rejected the idea. Locally, school superintendents are applauding Olens’ decision." -- Well, what did you expect? If you were a school superintendent of a failing public school system, would you want parents armed when they ask you what you are going to do to get better scores?
Hmmm, Steve Ballmer, former Microsoft CEO has bought the LA Crippers.....How convenient for the Cripper players.. now when they crash in the 4th quarter, they can blame it on the owner's software.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — A White House report on its energy policy Thursday stressed good news but omitted any discussion of controversial issues such as lifting a ban on oil exports, the long-delayed Keystone pipeline or growing concern about crude oil in railroad tank cars" -- Hmmm, so if he closes his eyes, Judas 00-Barnum thinks no one else can see it either?
There's a report out showing a drop in ratings for Fox News Channel. I know I've cut back on watching because of Fox's increase in the amount of dedicated White House spinmeisters allowed into discussions. Alan Colmes, Blob Beckel, Jehmu Greene et al do not bring insight or another viewpoint into the mix. They are there to keep discussions disrupted.
L-E headline: "REPORT: CLINTON DEFENDS RESPONSE TO BENGHAZI" -- Good grief... and Nixon claimed he wasn't "a crook".. What difference does it make?
L-E story: "SAN FRANCISCO — Medicare can no longer automatically deny coverage requests for sex reassignment surgeries, a federal board ruled Friday in a groundbreaking decision that recognizes the procedures are medically necessary for some people who don't identify with their biological sex." -- Good grief.. does that mean any female without satisfying breast measurements can get a "boob job" because without one, she doesn't feel she can identify with other biological women? Wait a minute... why would Medicare be doing any kind of "sex reassignment" surgeries for 65 and over people?
I'm curious... Once a chemical death sentence has been decreed, and a death sentence date has been set, what concern is it of the convicted, his.\/her family or his/her attorney what's in the drug cocktail mixture? Are they afraid the convict might be allergic to something and die. That's the purpose. I still don't know why prisons don't just use cyanide capsules and stop worrying about having to find a good vein to inject stuff.
According to the L-E, there was a "grill off" on Broadway in which donations "benefitted St. Francis Hospital Trinity Center for Women. The center works to reduce infant mortality and low birth rate among low-income mothers." Excuse me but isn't this some sort of mixed message? Reducing infant mortality rates is a humane and worthy project, but wouldn't reducing birthrates to low-income mothers be something to work for? All children are gifts from God, but educating people to wait for a stable relationship before getting pregnant would definitely help both causes listed here.
L-E story: "The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that overhead wires that provide electricity to the cars are being turned on and will remain energized as tests proceed over the next few weeks. * Officials are warning the public to use caution around the system’s wires and poles, which carry a potentially deadly 750-volt current. * Atlanta Streetcar spokeswoman Sharon Gavin says the power system poses no danger to the average person on the street, but utility workers and movie crews will need to be wary if they use lifts or elevated equipment to do any sort of work." -- Say, didn't Cities rejoice when such street cars (other than San Francisco) rejoice were removed last century? Just the current proliferation of overhead wires (phone/electric/cable) are an eyesore as well as a hindrance during ice and wind storms, so why would Atlanta want more wires in the air? Surely, if some sort of electric street cars could be an improvement, engineers could design some sort of battery run vehicles that recharged via buried cables which are not susceptible to nature's intervention. PS, will somebody go steal the newspaper out of Mayor Obamalinson's front yard before she reads about this?
L-E headline/story: "Zuckerberg, wife gift $120M to Calif. schools * The gift comes at a time when critics are still questioning what became of Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to Newark, New Jersey’s public school system. Four years ago, he announced the donation flanked by then-mayor Cory Booker and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie * While well-intentioned, the money has so far failed to fix the city’s ailing school system. The process lacked meaningful community input and much of the money has been spent on high-paid contractors and consultants. Four years later, the money is nearly gone and a lot of people are angry. The story’s most poignant quote is from Vivian Cox Fraser, president of the Urban League of Essex County, who said “Everybody’s getting paid, but Raheem still can’t read" -- "Raheem still can't read"? Why would liberals/mainstream media think.. er.. "feel" there would be "good results" when it was a given that the gift had "good intentions", and that qualifies as a "success" in liberalese? All in all, I do love iot when libs eat their own. This does go hand-in-hand with the Google announcement yesterday that it was going to work on its "diversity" issue by resorting to "style over substance".
L-E story: "“A Devil’s Daily Devotional,” sounds wicked, but the book is certainly not that. * The 17-year-old author Alex Jones has just finished four years as a Columbus High School Blue Devil and said he wrote the nonfiction book to help himself and readers grow in a spiritual relationship with God. * Alex said the book is a reminder that God can do whatever He wants through whomever He wants." -- Hmmm... you don't suppose that the MCSD is gonna jump in and claim any profits since Alex was attending public school when he wrote it, and the MCSD doesn't allow God to do also? 

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