Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Online story: "The CIA’s top officer in Kabul was exposed Saturday by the White House when his name was inadvertently included on a list provided to news organizations of senior U.S. officials participating in President Obama’s surprise visit with U.S. troops." -- Guess Judas 00-Barnum was trying to make a statement to Putin that he didn't need Edward Snowden to get American secrets, so extradite Snowden back.
Instant replay: "The CIA’s top officer in Kabul was exposed Saturday by the White House when his name was inadvertently included on a list provided to news organizations of senior U.S. officials participating in President Obama’s surprise visit with U.S. troops." -- Hmmm, now Judas 00-Barnum decides to be 'transparent'....
Another instant replay: "The CIA’s top officer in Kabul was exposed Saturday by the White House when his name was inadvertently included on a list provided to news organizations of senior U.S. officials participating in President Obama’s surprise visit with U.S. troops." -- Hmmm, how did Judas 00-Barnum even know... the NY TImes isn't even available for Afghanistan delivery
Online headline: "CNN: Dems Have Been Privately Uttering 'Scathing' Criticisms of President Obama For Some Time" -- Hmmm, too bad it was on CNN... not even liberals tune in to watch CNN to see what other liberals are feeling...
Well, Judas 00-Barnum did make an appearance at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Did have to wonder whether he was there trying to get voter registration info.
It was strange enough watching Judas 00-Barnum using the civilian salute during the National Anyem, but it was terrible to watch him use tat salute during "Taps" honoring the soldiers after laying the wreath. You know, since the president is the Commander in Chief of out entire military, shouldn't he use the military salute?
Judas OO-Barnum showing up at Arlington was bad enough, but under current circumstances, did Gen Shinseki really need to be openly there?
You know..while watching the service at Arlington National Cemetery, I wondered why it was necessary for there to be an announcer on the PA system to announce the arrival of Judas 00-Barnum. Where did 00-Barnum think he was, teeing off at Augusta?
Curiosity makes me wonder why Chuck Hagel had to introduce Judas 00-Barnum at the Memorial Day observances at Arlington National. If he simply held regular meeting with the military leaders, they would know him by sight.
You know..Judas 00-Barnum's speech writers put some good words upnonhis TelePrompTers yesterday. Too bad they don't do so when he's talking about the children's lives that have been ruined by government entitlement programs
What a wonderful prayer was offered following Judas 00-Barnum's speech. Wonder if next year he will have an atheist chaplain give the benediction but to whom would the chaplain offer praise?
HuffPost headline: "Why are mass killers so hard to predict?" -- Hmmm, probably because most have been coddled by liberalism to the point they feel they are victims and are not responsible for their actions? Hey.. this is a lot closer to a truism than what mainstream media will try to convince themselves otherwise.
Listening to the parents of those killed in the latest California shooting outburst was sad. Now, if we could just persuade them to vote for politicians and judges and DAs that will push hard for death sentences and the quick execution of those instead of Democrats.....
Online story: "Chocolate maker Cadbury Malaysia, a part of Mondelez International Inc , on Monday recalled two chocolate products after they tested positive for traces of pork DNA, the Nikkei Asian Review website reported." -- Hmmm, Cadbury might as well close shop. Now our liberal elite will focus on Cadbury being responsible for the actions of Muslim terrorism, and that the ones at Gitmo were not responsible for their actions.
HuffPost headline: "Calif. Mass Murder Suspect Convinced Cops He Was Not A Threat" -- Yeah... probably more like the police figured some judge would release the (_*_) anyway so why bother....
Online story: "Abercrombie & Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries said because of a 77 percent drop in profits, the company will introduce a number of radical changes to win back teens. He said, "Abercrombie and Fitch is targeted to its customer, its customer is changing, and we're ready to change with her and him." -- Stop! the A&F CEO has found his problem and solution... like Judas 00-Barnum, he's leading from behind.. no store can survive if it doesn't lead its customers rather than wait for others to come up with new ideas to try to copy.
You know... the current A&F scavenged the name of the old A&F which lost its way as well.
Online story: "DAYTONA BEACH —€” In letters from jail, a central Florida man, a former member of the Latin Kings gang, accused of killing his wife and her two children writes cryptically about sending three boxes to Texas and asks his mother-in-law for pictures of the missing family." -- Good grief... why is this man still alive to harass his in-laws? The death penalty need new teeth... new focus... if its going to be effective in being a deterrent to future criminals and for easing overcrowding in jails.
Online quote source: " “No one is useless in this world who lightens the burdens of another.” _ Charles Dickens" -- Here's another bit of wisdom that shall never be repeated in a Democratic campaign speech or by an entitlement office employee.
Soapbox moment: "Building "fluff" rather than "tough" is how liberals destroy from within..look at Detroit, St Paul-Minnapolis, for that matter any large metro city... when the elitist are offered beautiful arenas and enteratinment facilitiesthat fulfill their personal interests at public expense, their eyes gloss over for seeing how it effects what's really important to society. Such extravagance has always brought down civilzations.. look at Rome, look at Egypt, look the Ottoman and Russian Empires. Government cannot build such if the users don't bear the weight of paying for the ongoing maintenance and expenses. Let's revist the Whitewater project. No taxes are collected, the "fee" for those using the retailers equipment will never generate revenue to get back "our investment", and the project would never have gotten past the original restoration plan if the retailer had to "build out" his "store". Now, do you think the Atlanta investor will ever feel guilt to reinvest in Columbus' infrastructure? Whitewater is nothing more than a liberal welfare project. Look at out Natatorium and bike trail. Neither will collect the expenses from the users that the users themselves generate. If you had a store, and didn't make a profit , you'd have to close., but not government when it can find another way to generate more revenue by taking it out of the pockets of even those who don't need/want to use such facilities.
L-E headline: "PUBLIC LOOKS FOR ANSWERS AFTER PHENIX CITY FIRINGS" -- Hmmm, wouldn't that be even sweeter if it said "Columbus Firings" or "DOJ Firings" or "VA Firings" or "IRS Firings", or School Administration Firings"?
L-E story: "The short stretch of County Line Road near Central Church Road remains closed due to a failed culvert running beneath it, but some drivers are apparently not respecting that status, according to city Pubic Works Director Pat Biegler. * Biegler said some drivers are apparently moving barricades aside to avoid taking the 10-mile detour. They’re doing it at great risk to themselves, she said. * “We closed the road for good reason,” Biegler said. “That road is going to collapse at some point, and we’re worried someone is going to get hurt.” -- Excuse me, but if the road is so vital, why isn't it the number 1 priority to have already have been repaired? Surely a "temporary bypass road" around the would be a better solution than sending people an extra 10 miles out of their way?
Naive L-E "soundoff": "When front page news is a story about gossip at the barber shop and a water problem behind a house, there is something wrong. There are newsworthy things happening outside the barber shop in Mayberry." -- Hey.. it's was election week, and the L-E didn't want to put crime news on the front page since Mayor Obamalinson says we don't have a crime problem..
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " I agree — without guns there would be no United States. Why, every American should be allowed to have a gun. As long as it’s an exact replica of the guns that existed during the Revolution." -- OK.. then let's go back to the exact entitlement programs that existed during the Revolution as well..
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " The NRA is nothing but a front for laundering the billion-dollar gun and drug trafficking trade and for deregulating any criminal deterring legislation" -- Hmm... close, by liberal standards, but the writer was dyslexic and used the acronym "NRA" instead of "DOJ".
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " How do you know that our Founding Fathers began every meeting with a public Christian prayer? Are you a vampire?" -- Hmmm... let me see.. it was recorded and passed along by historians until the last 30 or so years when school systems kicked God out of the schools. Either that or the writer wasn't taught how to read to begin with.
L-E's " Thought for Today": “Sixty years ago I knew everything; now I know nothing; education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.” — Will Durant, American historian (1885-1981)." -- Hmm.. "progressive discovery of our own ignorance"? Maybe then, but now it's more like a "discovery of Progressive's ignorance"..
Wow! 10 SEC teams are invited to the NCAA Div 1 baseball tournament.. 10 out of 12! Here's the list.. on second thought, just naming UGA and Auburn as to only ones not going will save time and costs.

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