Thursday, May 1, 2014

Online headline: "Troubled Toronto mayor seeking help * Rob Ford said he will take a leave of absence after reports that yet another illicit video of the embattled lawmaker has surfaced." -- Ooops, my bad.. thought maybe he'd heard there was a job opening with the LA Crippers.
I'm already at odds, very justified "at odds" (IMHO) with the guy allowed to sit in the papal throne at the Vatican, but I may not be the only one. A 98' crucifix statue in Cervo, Italy collapsed 2 days before the canonization of Pope John Paul II, crushing a man.
HuffPost headline: "Obama Thinks NBA 'Has Done The Right Thing' By Banning Donald Sterling, Says WH Spokesman" -- Judas 00-Barnum doesn't KNOW what "doing the right thing" involves! One thing for sure is it doesn't involve the president of this country stirring up an act of stupidity and ignorance and making it a federal racism purge.
Online headline: "U.S. Government Lost $11.2 billion on GM Bailout" -- Good grief.. can't Judas 00-Barnum or his spinmeisters ever be truthful.. when Judas 00-Barnum announced the sale of the last GM stock. he said the taxpayers lost :only: $10 Billion... There is no reason, actually, no way he didn't know the exact dollar loss of the transaction.
After hearing Jay Carney flat out lie that the new e-mail wasn't about Benghazi, you have to wonder if Carney will set a new Guiness Record for the number of "Pinnochios" the Washington Post will award him tomorrow.
Online story: "California lawmakers, in a bid to let dads play a bigger parenting role in public, are pushing for baby-changing tables to be installed in men's restrooms." -- What is it with liberals? They fought so hard to keep government out of the bedroom (and with which I agreed then and now, but for 4th Amendment rights), but now they want government to take over bathrooms. It's not just this issue, but also wanting no limitations as to whether transexual and transgender students can use the girls' or boys' bathrooms in public schools.
WTVM9 story: "TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) - Heisman Trophy winner Jameis Winston was issued a civil citation after sheriff's deputies said he walked out of a supermarket without paying for $32 worth of crab legs and crawfish." -- Whew.. just glad he wasn't stealing fried chicken or Publix would be charged with beiong racist!
L-E story: "The Heisman-winning Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston is now also a cited shoplifter, according to reports * "He got an adult civil citation," Tallahassee Police told Tomahawk Nation, an arm of sports site SB Nation. "If he completes the sanctions it will never show up on his record. They commonly give them to juveniles on first criminal offenses. They are now doing it for minor misdemeanors for adults to lower crime rate." -- Hmmm, wonder what defense did he use.. the UCONN basketball players ploy "that he went hungry at bedtime sometimes"? And as ridiculous as it is for a 20 year old's decision to be treated as a juvenile, there's no way Winston will erase this from the minds of the public. On the other hand, Publix is glad he wasn't stealing its fried chicken... the NBA would be bashing Publix for being racist!
L-E story: "U.S. News & World Report has again ranked Columbus High School among the best in the state and nation. * And for the first time, the magazine “recognized nationally” Carver High School, Early College Academy of Columbus and Kendrick High School." -- Good grief.. While Columbus High and the Early College Academy can both post positive educational gains/excellence.. why would we want .. in fact... why would US News and World Report want to highlight Kendrick and Carver? On what basis.. Schools that couldn't qualify a student to be a S.T.A.R. candidate, or schools that hold the rest of the community's school averages under water? Maybe Carver was mentioned to show how throwing cajillions of dollars at a school does not guarantee any good results. Another question... why would the MCSD allow US News and World Report to include Kendrick and Carver? Hey, don't go there.. these are facts.. plain and certain facts... painful but real facts. It's something the taxpayers should demand this and subsequent boards direct the School Administration "to fix".
So... the "millenials" have become disillusioned with Judas 00-Barnum. I guess so.. they voted for him because he promised them college educations and healthcare.. Now they are discovering he meant for them to pay for. Of course, being able to get a job ain't happening, either..
Online headline: "2014 College Grads Get Diplomas, Not Jobs" -- Hey, let's not forget their student loan debts get put on the schedule, too! And mainstream media can't figure out why the "millennials" have reversed their opinion of Judas 00-Barnum....
Online story: "Despite the fact that the Republicans, the party of Lincoln, fought the Democrats to abolish slavery, despite the fact that the Republicans fought Democrat efforts to preserve discriminatory laws throughout the South, Democrat Charlie Rangel had some strong, slanderous words for the conservatives who make up the heart and soul of the Republican Party. * On the House floor on Monday, Rangel claimed that the Tea Party was not only racist, but believed that the Union did not win the Civil War." -- Hmmm, now where is the NBA when it has a real racist (versus demented and stupid octogenarian) that needs to be bashed and hung out to dry?
Mitch Daniels, Republican Governor of Indiana just took the state educational department to task. He ordered there be no more tuition hikes this year at Perdue U. That's a take charge move to stop the teachers' union from running up more student & taxpayer debt.
You know.. no amount of spin from the Judas 00-Barnum spinmeisters nor "collaborative" support by mainstream media will demonstrate that our economy is recovering... it's not. What is happening is that smart businesses, and smart individuals are making this work for them. They are "capitalizing" on opportunity in ways Rahm Emanuel should be just as proud of his own penchant for "capitalizing" on political and economic chaos. Trouble is.. when the smoke clears, Judas 00-Barnum and the papal throne guy will castigate these stars as evil.
If there was any other way for the NAACP could embarrass itself further over being in bed with Don(_*_) Sterling is for the NAACP to kick him out of bed without returning his money... all of it. Righteous indignation that starts "tomorrow" is procrastination at its worst. Don't even get me started on the level of hypocrisy!
U S lawyers must be pulling their hair at the Oklahoma death boo boo. You know they are wanting to file a "wrongful death" suit, but on what precedence..he was sentenced to death already.
If there's any message sent by the boo boo in the Oklahoma executions is that more simple, more tried and true methods should be re-instated.. electrify, bullets, and rope worked well enough for so long.
Fox News would have more positive effect on the November elections if Fox would lead Karl Rove, Michelle Bachman, and Rick Santorum into the broadcast "Green Room", lock the doors and not open them near a microphone until the morning after the election.
Why does Fox still allow Alan Colmes "air time"? He adds nothing to an ongoing discussion, puffs up like a peacock with indignation when someone wants to correct his " data", and constantly "snickers" when others make their points. "Fair and Balanced"? More like " Baloney Fare".
Until now (the new White House"Benghazi" emails), Hillary had a built in campaign theme to run on in 2016. " could have elected me in 2008/2012 instead of Judas 00-Barnum, but now you can elect me and I'll clean up his mess, and restore your faith". Now, the millennials may hold her just as responsible .
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Transportation on Tuesday asked Congress to end the prohibition on tolling existing interstate highways as a way of paying for their reconstruction, marking a major shift away from how the system has been funded for decades." -- You know, and just when would this tax "end"? Like every other " toll" project.. the project gets paid for, but politicians just can't give up the revenue stream.Just say, "NO WAY!"
L-E story: "Two and a half years after his real estate closing practice was shut down and more than $2 million was found missing from his trust account, Columbus attorney Michael Eddings faced a State Bar of Georgia evidentiary hearing Wednesday to answer charges that could cost him his law license. * Throughout the six-hour hearing, Eddings presented evidence and contended that he had no knowledge of issues in the trust account and placed the blame on his then-wife and office manager Sonya Eddings, who took full responsibility for the misappropriation of funds." -- You know... even if Eddings could convince the State Bar of his naivety and his lack of business presence, he'd still lose. Who's gonna hire a lawyer who has taken 6 billing hours of "court time" to convince a panel he has no idea what's going on in his office or marriage?
L-E headline: "The Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr. returns to Columbus" -- Hey... will somebody please notify the NBA.... it needs to be on standby to take care of a real racist outburst!
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Georgia leads the idiot parade with our “Guns Everywhere” law, while progressive, intelligent Vermonters have protected their citizens with mandatory labeling of GMO foods. Where would you be safer? -- Well, maybe GA leads the idiot parade when outsiders see some idiocy proclamations like this being printed.. you know, this idiot would probably be happy if guns and bullets were advertised as being made of 100% organic materials.. and you know.. that would be pretty accurate in most cases.
Just thinking... do edible marijuana products in Colorado have the nutritional and fat content labels on their packages? Dare I ask about "best sale date"?
In the L-E's "Looking Back | Fifty years ago today" feature, a name from the past was revived.. Charles Black.. ex-marine who joined the L-E and was a wartime reporter on the Vietnam (excuse me, then it was the Viet Nam) War, uh, "police action". A reminder when journalism excellence was the rule at the Ledger & Enquirer.
L-E headline: "FOP endorses Martin for Columbus mayor" -- You know.. this wasn't even close.. better than 2 of 3 members of our law enforcement fraternity have dismissed the leadership, have revealed their lack of confidence in Mayor Obamalinson.. To boot, those 2 of 3 members support the candidate running against her.. that's the solution they think will help Columbus. me, too!
It's not enough that the US has been financially downgraded by credit-risk companies under Judas 00-Barnum's reign, but it looks like China.. CHINA will soon displace the US as the world's number 1 economy. You know... I can only describe this as the socialist version of "unintelligent design".
L-E headline: "Wal-Mart brings one-stop shopping to car insurance" -- I can hear it now.."Clean up in Aisle 9.. dead gecko on floor"

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