Saturday, May 3, 2014

HuffPost story: "GENEVA (AP) — The United Nations human rights office says U.S. death row inmate Cl(_*_)yton L*******'s suffering during his botched Oklahoma execution this week may amount to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment under international human rights law." -- Good grief... the UN is concerned about this but not sharia law? Is there really any reason the US needs to support the UN anymore?
You know, if the UN had any power.. for that matter any relevance, it would cite Great Britain, India and other countries for driving on the wrong side of the road.
HuffPost headline: "Fox news cuts off Obama" -- Well, Fox does claim to be "Fair and Balanced" and after 20 minutes of listening to Judas 00-Barnum, it takes Fox about 40 minutes ours of truth to balance 00-Barnum's side of the story. After all, he does lie out of both sides of his mouth at the same time.
You know, when historians look back at Judas 00-Barnum's reign, not only will they have a hard time figuring out what he's actually done, they'll have a hard time telling whether he ever told the truth.
Online story: "The NBA has suspended Memphis forward Zach Randolph for Game 7 of a first-round playoff series between the Grizzlies and Thunder on Saturday after determining that he “punched” Oklahoma City center Steven Adams “in the jaw” during Game 6 on Thursday." -- Huh? The NBA took a baseball bat to the Crippers owner, a demented octogenarian, yet slap the wrist of a flagrant display of racism by one of its players. Me thinks the NBA has given itself the biggest "black eye" of the past week of so.
Online story: "Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), who would become Congress' longest-serving member if he is reelected this year, may not even qualify for the Democratic primary ballot. * Wayne County Clerk Cathy Garrett told WDIV Local 4 News on Friday that two of Conyers' petition circulators were not registered voters when they collected signatures to get him on the Aug. 5 ballot. * Michigan law requires that petition gatherers be registered voters." -- Huh? How'd they know? Besides, most of the petition signers were probably registered in local cemeteries. Now, is this not another good reason for photo-IDs for voters?
You know, the above situation "smells". No, it stinks.. stinks of internal Democrat politics. How easy would it be for someone's opponent to send out a couple of "unregistered" flunkies to get names on a petition for the other candidate, then "leak" this to the board of elections.. especially in a primary?
HuffPost headline: "Teen Stowaway Leads Congressman To Call For Improved Airport Security" -- Whoa... the Congressperson wasn't either of the flaky California Senators! It was a Democrat and a Californian, though. This is so typical.. it doesn't matter how many laws we have on the books, some Democrat is going to propose a new one, even though the problem it addresses could have been solved by firing the personnel who failed to do his/her job.
HuffPost headline: "Obama: There Have Been 'Significant' Problems With The Death Penalty" - You know.. I actually agree with this.. but my idea of a significant problem with the death penalty is that it's not used quickly or often enough to be a deterrent to criminals.
You know, since the 70's the only thing more inflation ridden than our dollar is the number of prisoners we house at public expense.
First time unemployment rates jumped yet the unemployment percent dropped. Hmm, what could this mean..that Judas 00-Barnum considers collecting an unemployment check qualifies as "a job"? The unemployment claims is based on real facts..the unemployment % is based on what Judas 00-Barnum says. What it also means is more people who have signed up for OObamaCRAP believed 00-Barnum, Reid, and Pelosi that they no longer need to work (or look for work) to get OObamaCRAP
HuffPost headline: "NBC News announces a bit of a shakeup" -- Huh? This was the first I'd heard of this.. guess that's why NBC is making some changes. Maybe one day I'll actually check this out, but don't hold your breath.
When you think about it, Jay Carney, White House Prevaricator, is in more danger than the Secret Service.. He takes more shots aimed for Judas 00-Barnum.
Online quote source: "“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” - Vince Lombardi " -- Here's another one.. another adage to model one's life by that will never be seen at an entitlement office or Democratic Party voter registration site.
L-E story: "HONOLULU — Do you want to get fertility treatments in Hawaii? If you're married, there's a good chance that the treatments will be covered by insurance. * But if you're not married, you're probably out of luck." -- Huh? You mean Hawaii hasn't adopted OObamaCRAP? Wouldn't "unpregnant" be a 'pre-existing condition"? Shoot, according to OObamaCRAP, men could are just as eligible for "in vitro" treatments.
Online headline: "The Five’s Beckel Goes Ballistic over Benghazi: ‘So What?! Who Cares?!" -- Would someone remind Blob Beckel that "he's not Hillary"?
From above story: "“Who cares? Who cares?” Beckel continued. “Average Americans today, they are not sitting there today and saying, ‘Gee, I wonder what happened with Benghazi.’” As the other hosts started to push back, he said, “We’ve overkilled this. The Republicans are using this purely and simply for political reasons.” -- Doh! As if Judas 00-Barnum didn't use covering it up 6 weeks ahead of the elections "simply for political reasons". And for the record, American's do care what happened in Benghazi.. if they didn't Judas 00-Barnum and mainstream media would not have covered it up>
Online story: "Even folks at MSNBC aren’t buying the latest bit of preposterous spin emanating from the White House. On Thursday, “Morning Joe” host Joe Scarborough unleashed on Obama defenders who continued to maintain that the Benghazi emails weren’t really about Benghazi." -- Guess Blob Beckel won't be sharing coffee with Joe anytime soon.
You know, that "smoking gun" unredacted memo will redefine what even mainstream media will write about Judas 00-Barnum. Mainstream media will slowly digest that the NSA invasion into mainstream media sources was not accidental.
I'm not a daily Rush listener, but when I do , I'm generally rewarded. Yesterday's reward was Rush's analogy of the hohum attitude of mainstream media to the latest Benghazi report compares to Woodward & Bernstien helping Nixon cover up the Watergate scandal.
On the other hand, what can you expect from mainstream media coverage of Benghazi.. To MSM, any story over two weeks old is "old news". Shoot, MSM has already relegated the Putin assaults on Ukraine to the inner pages of the news, and when did you last read about the Clintons becoming grandparents?
Boehner ... Boehner..Boehner.. Now is not the time to create a mainstream media circus on Benghazi.. It's so early in the Hillary pre-2016 set up that all the steam will be gone. Judas 00-Barnum is toast as long as the Republicans just keep him under leash control.
Online headline: "LA NAACP head resigns over move to honor Sterling" -- Funny, I didn't read where he tried to send all of St(_*_)rling's money back as well.
Online story: "Sterling Allegedly Speaks Out: ‘I Wish I Had Just Paid Her Off’ -- Hmmm, like he did the NAACP and NBA?
On a local note, I plan to expand, but there's been something rotten going on in "Feeding the Valley". Internal politics have eased out the ED, and replaced her with a good old boy.
You know..we could be irritated at liberals in our midst, but remember, as long as there are liberals out here, it makes holding onto your Kool-Aid stock a great long term investment.
Soapbox moment: Yesterday, I threw out the idea that GA legislators need a new distribution plan for distributing dollars to individual schools. It's staring us in the face.. vouchers..give the parents of students, actually let middle and high school students pick where they want to attend. No less money would be involved, but schools would concentrate on providing better environments for the students who actually want to go to school to learn rather than waste time. Worst case scenario would be for gangs to be in one school, but then again, taxpayers would benefit (as well as the rest of students) at being able to concentrate fewer police officers at that school rather than spread out over the whole system.
As promised, I've made a decision concerning the at-large District 9 race for the MCSD board. We have excellent candidates but two of them come from overly active political backgrounds and political activism is not what we need on the school board. We need board members who will digest info on its merit rather than political expediency. Owen Ditchfield is the best option for a school board that needs a steadying influence.
Palmer's Skin Saver Oil gets my vote as the most truthful ad ever run on TV...including exposes' on Kerry, the Clintons, and Judas 00-Barnum. It states that women are their own worst critics of their "flaws" when looking into a mirror. Shoot, guys look at a mirror, and no matter what they see, think only "who wouldn't want a piece of this".
Did you see the videos of Bush43 meandering comfortably amid the Wounded Warrior bicycle trek? No Secret Service, no TelePrompTers, no lies. Make sure Jay Carney gets a copy.
Online headline/story: "Suit alleges city illegally charged water customers * The city of Atlanta has collected almost $59 million in illegal taxes and fees from its own water department, which then passed on those costs to water and sewer customers, a lawsuit contends." -- Oooops, my bad.. thought this was going to be about Columbus, but it does parallel two problems we are being hit with right now.. the new
public-public" partnership plans on recycling with Ft Benning, and the fees for garbage being collected by the Water Works. GA requires garbage pick up, police and fire service to be a "city". Those costs should be collected only via property taxes so we taxpayers can deduct them on our tax forms. We cannot deduct the garbage fee from our taxes.
From the L-E's "Looking back | 50 years ago today" feature: " A Negro civil rights attorney and the grand dragon of the Georgia Ku Klux Klan joined the parade of candidates qualifying ahead of the deadline Saturday to run in Georgia’s Democratic primary Sept. 9. Donald L. Hollowell, a Negro attorney from Atlanta, qualified to run for judge of Fulton County Superior Court." -- Did you catch that? Negro... now, please explain why a 1961 birth certificate would list the race of a father as "African"?
The MCSD is advertising a millage rate increase for public discussion.. personally, I think the MCSD board should wait until after the elections and let the new members have a say so.

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