Thursday, May 22, 2014

Follow up to online story from yesterday: "FBI Director James Comey said he was only trying to be funny when he said the agency would consider hiring those who've smoked pot." -- Funny "ha-ha" NOT! Guess Comey is looking into buying a vacation spot in Colorado and was throwing up a 'trial balloon".
From the "huh" department - Online story: "Millions of Americans would no longer get mail delivered to their door but would have to go to communal or curbside boxes instead under a proposal advancing through Congress" -- Why is it that for centuries, the mail got delivered on time, to porch mail boxes/door slots by walking mail carriers? Now, after spending all that money on specially made right-hand drive vehicles, and the conversion to mainly roadside mail boxes, mail delivery is slower and takes longer for carriers to make their rounds?
Online quote source: "“If you raise your children to feel that they can accomplish any goal or task they decide upon, you will have succeeded as a parent and you will have given your children the greatest of all blessings.” - Brian Tracy " -- You know, since LBJ started "the Great Society", the "War of Poverty" government has tried to become the "parent" of poverty children and the education system has made every effort to be come the "parent" of poverty students. Government entitlement programs compete with each other to provide "parental services" to low income children. Government seeks to provide money, food, transportation, healthcare, and homes for the impoverished. Government has failed.. pridefully failed, and in doing so, has become a bully to everyone else. What's evident is that the government has become the slavemaster to the poor, and the government is trying to get more into its program.
A new name has crept onto the scene with the new medical scandal at the VA Hospitals... O-VAmaCare.
L-E story: "The U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday halted the execution of a Missouri inmate with a rare medical condition * B******, 46, suffers from a rare congenital condition — cavernous hemangioma — that causes weakened and malformed blood vessels, as well as tumors in his nose and throat. His attorneys say this and the secrecy surrounding the state's lethal injection drug combine to make for an unacceptably high chance of something going wrong during his execution. He told The Associated Press last week that he was scared of what might happen during the process." -- Good grief.. he's sentenced and scheduled to die! Where's Hillary? This is the time for her to say, "What difference does it make?"
Tuesday's election results really brought something to light.. it showed a really ugly side to politics. Nate Sanderson, who resigned as president of the local NAACP to run for a seat on the school board with Republican support revealed that being a successful black leader is not enough for black voters to accept black leaders of the Republican Party. Next time, maybe Nate Sanderson should seek office as a Democrat, and if successful, work to change the Democrat Party from within. The whole community would benefit.
Online story: "WASHINGTON – Local officials in New Mexico warn a move by the Obama administration to designate nearly a half-million acres as a national monument could open up a crime corridor making it easier for illegal immigrants to cross the border and for drug cartels to operate undetected. * President Obama made the announcement Wednesday afternoon, setting aside 498,815 acres of land as the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks National Monument. Unlike national parks which must be approved by Congress, the president has the power to designate national monuments." -- Well, there he goes again.. wielding his "phone and pen" to circumvent the Constitution by parsing "national monument". 500,000 acres is a "national park" and should require Congress to designate it as such. As it stands neither Congress nor Judas 00-Barnum should do anything that hampers state law enforcement from have access to monitor/capture illegal aliens who cross the border which the administration has not secured.
Online story: "Long after his death, Che Guevara, who some regard as a ruthless killer and others adore as an icon of revolution, is teaching a new generation of students about the failure of communism. * University of California-San Diego students have run the “Che Café Collective” for 34 years, a vegan co-op and concert venue boasting “exorbitantly low” prices and volunteer staffing. But it’s consistently in the red, costing the student body nearly $1 million over the years, and isn’t kept up to fire or safety codes. School officials are threatening to cut off funding, which would shut down the campus fixture, but a band of students is fighting back. * The university’s student-run newspaper, The Guardian, characterized the venue as a “money pit consistently plagued with safety issues” in a recent editorial, urging its principals to start utilizing better fiscal management of nearly $1 million of student fees are used for renovations. * “Many students also don’t realize that the money being spent on the café’s renovation comes directly from student fees; in other words, we are collectively pouring almost one million dollars of our money into repairing a cooperative that the vast majority of us don’t even use.” -- Hallelujah! Amen! After years of California Communism, current students are revolting against socialism as they realize the error of government ways! The pendulum is swinging back!
L-E story: "United Way of the Chattahoochee Valley will allocate $5.2 million raised during the 2013 campaign to 50 local programs administered by 26 agencies in the community, the organization announced this week." -- Something is wrong when raising over $7 Million is ballyhooed yet only $5.2Million gets distributed. Too few pledges fulfilled or to much in house expenses?
I tell you what. John Wells needs to concede and call off the run off. After 28 years, he couldn't get 3 of 10 voters to agree with him returning to the school board, so John, retire gracefully while you can. In fact, how about just "run off" into the sunset...
L-E story: "Newly re-elected Mayor Teresa Tomlinson said there was at least one “civics lesson” that could be taken from her victory Tuesday over challenger Colin Martin. That is, she said, that a positive campaign can prevail over a negative one. * “Unfortunately, the way their campaign was run, we had five months of tearing the city down. We’re a miserable city. We can’t open our front doors." -- You know, the only thing negative said in the campaign were because facts were being presented and those facts were negative towards Mayor Obamalinson. Have the number of crimes ceased since Wednesday morning? Has the budget been balance since Wednesday morning? Have City revenues increased since Wednesday morning? Have relationships with law enforcement become better since Wednesday morning? No... and we have 4 more years of this ahead of us.
WTVM9 headline: " Jimmy Carter National Historic Site receives 2014 America’s Best Idea Grant" -- Good grief ..there must have been a real drought of ideas so far this year and not much hope for the second half.
Once again.. government has reached into your pocket to pat itself on the back. The government can write checks, print more to cover those checks (remember the "House Bank"?), but the truth is, the government has no money.. all payments come from the pocket of the taxpayers, and if the taxpayers don't send enough, government makes up more money which dilutes the money you were able to save.
Online story: "A shocking investigation resulted in the arrests of 71 “twisted individuals” who swapped thousands of sick kiddie porn images on the Internet like baseball cards, officials said Wednesday. * Nabbed in the crackdown were an NYPD officer, a Westchester County police chief, a Brooklyn rabbi, two registered nurses, a paramedic and an au pair. One suspect was both a Boy Scout den leader and a Little League baseball coach. * The arrests also included High Bridge, N.J., mother Lori Bauer, 38, who was charged with producing and distributing pornography involving her own child." -- Now you know why it's important for organizations to be able to screen their volunteers.Now you know why Democrats fight such's part of the Democratic Party voter base.. And don't think this situation is isolated to NY, there are two local molestation stories in today's L-E.
Online headline: "President Obama has fun with Richard Sherman at White House" -- Well, whoop-de-doo!.. Wonder when a veteran last had fun at a VA Hospital waiting room?
Online story: "House Democrats on Wednesday outlined plans to focus on economic issues and job opportunities while portraying Republicans as beholden to corporate interests, saying the message could help the party connect with voters in the 2014 elections." -- Huh? Excuse me, but why didn't they start looking in January 2009 when the Democrats had super majorities in both houses?
Online story: " President Barack Obama vowed on Wednesday to get to the bottom of allegations that veterans suffered long delays in getting healthcare " -- Yeah, only he'll have to dig upwards to get there.
Judas 00-Barnum says no on is no more concerned with veterans than Shinseki..Huh? Judas 00-Barnum himself should be the absolute most concerned person concerning veterans' medical care!
Online story: "House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday reluctantly picked her team for a GOP-led Benghazi investigative committee, saying that Democrats’ participation was the only way to assure Americans of a “fair process.” -- Yeah... Pelosi "picked" 5 of the most disruptive Democrats she could. None will add one thing but aggravation to the Benghazi investigation.
With so much going on that Judas 00-Barnum is so busy he doesn't know anything until he reads the paper..when does he have time to read the paper.
You know, if Judas 00-Barnum gets his information from the TIMES, how accurately could he be informed?
Hmmm, now we find out a hacker has found his/her way into a Califormia electric "grid". He/she didn't wreak havoc, but could have, and probably plans to at a later date.
Will the Democrat Party ever stop disappointing us? Hank "Guam will tip over if we move all our military equipment to one area" Johnson just got renominated (thus reelected unopposed in November) in Tuesday's primary. Is there ant=yway the rest of GA can vote District 4 "off the island"?
The reverend Richard Jessie, after declaring that Claflin School, circa 1958, 1958 mind you, was built by slaves, still got shown unchallenged by TV media last night, and the Columbus L-E this AM. Are all the reporters simply "talking heads"?
What was even more sad about seeing the Claflin School pictures is that we know the MCSD doesn't maintain the buildings actually in use much better. The board/school administration does not allocate enough maintenance dollars to do so.
You know.. why is there such a flap by the DOJ against photo-IDs being required for voting? Each state has a right to insure that only citizens control the ballot boxes, and all such ID's are free (since a charge would be considered a "poll tax" which has long been barred) if someone doesn't have a drivers license. How about this.. make all citizens get a specific Voter's Photo-ID separate from their driver's license. If everyone is required to have a separate Voter's ID, then no one could complain about it being a specific hardship. Let me tell you, I still vote on election day and make whatever effort is necessary to get my vote counted. It's my civic responsibility to be active in our government, and no obstacles will stop my getting to vote. That's what patriotism brings out.
L-E story: "Massachusetts police say a Springfield man blew through a stop sign and also blew a cloud of marijuana smoke when he was pulled over. * The 30-year-old driver was scheduled for arraignment Wednesday on charges of operating under the influence of drugs, failure to obey a stop sign, and failure to wear a seat belt" -- And who says smoking marijuana is safer than drinking alcohol? Wanna know what's really sad.. some federal judge will rule that if this driver claims he bought the marijuana legally in Colorado, that Massachusetts cannot arrest him for possession. What's the difference in a state being mandated to accept another state's recognition of same sex marriages as being legal everywhere?
You know.. why does Michelle Nunn run under her maiden name. She's married, but chooses not to run as Michelle Nunn Martin. The obvious reason is Michelle Nunn Martin does not have a platform of her own, so she's simply trying to get elected by her connection to her father. Wow, that really speaks highly of how she feels about herself and her husband... NOT!
You know.. the students who made the effort in the classroom get the last laugh on graduation day.. Think about how others who are standing/sitting in their cap & gowns as the students who applied themselves to their course work are adorned in honors braid/ribbons/capelets or other designations for academic achievement. It's the last thing they see as they close high school.
Hmmm, maybe high schools should make all incoming freshmen watch the previous year's graduation video, and point out what's really going to be important in their next 4 years. 

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