Saturday, May 24, 2014

HuffPost headline: "Kerry makes waffling decision on whether to testify on Benghazi" -- And whats new?

HuffPost headline: "McDonald's Workers Protesting For Better Pay" -- You know.. if McDonald's workers worked as hard on the job as they do on the picket line, better pay wouldn't be an issue.
Online story: "Taxpayers paid more than $5 million to create climate change games, including voicemails from the future warning that “neo-luddites” will kill global warming enthusiasts by 2035. * Columbia University’s Climate Center has received $5.7 million from the National Science Foundation for the university’s “PoLAR Climate Change Education Partnership,” to “engage adult learners and inform public understanding and response to climate change.” -- Hmmm.. Columbia University is the recipient of a nearly $6 Million dollar earmark. Columbia U.. where Judas 00-Barnum purportedly went to undergraduate school. Columbia U.. where no release of Judas 00-Barnum's transcripts or application will be made... Columbia U... where no one seems to remember attending classes with him... perhaps a little palm-greasing just took place.
Online story: "A judge on Friday ordered that a serial rapist be released to live in a Los Angeles County community in spite of a host of vocal protests. * Hubbart has acknowledged raping and assaulting about 40 women between 1971 and 1982, when he was sentenced to 16 years in prison. He was paroled in 1990, but arrested in a new attack just two months later and returned to prison until 1996. * When his term ended, he was deemed a sexually violent predator and confined to a state mental hospital. Doctors at the hospital recently concluded he was fit for release" -- Good grief.. how can any court or, for that matter, a doctor at a mental hospital feel a twice convicted recidivist serial rapist has any right to be released back into society? Before there was OObamaCRAP, there was CaliforniaCRAP.
Judicial activism in the lower courts has gotten out of hand. With the latest rush to some states to accept same sex marriages performed in other states, it's become apparent that most of theses judges are appointees of eith Judas 00-Barnum or Bill Clinton and are not so much interested in teaching law as in preaching it. Why doesn't the ACLU take the issue of this to the US Supreme Court.. and the issue being that no state be forced to accept another states legislation unless a majority of states' voters have adopted such a law. Until then, the majority of states/voters are being discriminated against by the minority and the courts.
Hitler would flourish today in this atmosphere of political correctness and alternative lifestyle tolerances. He would probably be granted "victim" status. Wonder if federal judges would make other states accept his doctrines if 1 or two states voters passed laws protecting genocide?
Online story: "SPRINGFIELD, IL --- A House panel today advanced a proposal backed by House Speaker Michael Madigan that would ask voters this fall whether they support the idea of an extra 3-percentage-point tax on those earning more than $1 million a year. * The question would appear on the Nov. 4 statewide ballot, but would be advisory only and not have the force of law." -- What is it with Democrats? Just like this past week's GA Democratic Primary ballot carrying non-binding referenda to stir up class warfare, Illinois Democrats are doing the same but in the General Election. Asking voters if they its OK to tax the successful more is like 10 wolves and 2 sheep to vote on "what's for dinner, roadkill or mutton chops"?
Soapbox moment: "Your past consists either of building blocks or stumbling blocks.. your choice"
Online quote source: "“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A world of optimism and hope. A 'you can do it' when things are tough.” - Richard M. DeVos" -- "You can do it".. words the poverty stricken will never hear at an entitlement office or a Democrat's campaign speech.
Dr Ben Carson.. hmmm, after watching Nate Sanders, former local NAACP president, go down in flames trying to be an good role model as a conservative black leader running for political office as a Republican, I surmise that the black voters will shun Dr. Carson as well should he campaign as a Republican. Dr Carson does have a great message and is a sparkling role model for impoverished students of today, but he will have a better chance to cause effect if he works within the Democratic Party.
No wonder Democrats like unions. Unions are the most communistic entities we have in the US. Members get paid a equal collective wage that doesn't reward individuals who surpass the average...and some members, such as organizers, are more equal than others, and get more for bargaining than the actual workers get for working. Hardly fair, is it?
Sam's Club gets the "Truth in Signage" Award this month. Went to the restroom, and there was a "Caution - Wet Floor" sign in the doorway. Sure enough, the floor around the urinals was soaking wet.
From an online story about the self-censure pf mainstream media concerning Judas 00-Barnum's usurping our Constitution: "Allen Drury’s bleak and dystopian 1973 Cold War novel Come Nineveh, Come Tyre envisioned a weak, wishful thinking-driven, fondly Leftist U.S. President, Ted Jason, as given to fantasy-based policymaking as the present incumbent, presiding over the bloodless surrender of the United States to the Soviet Union. The media adores President Jason, cheerleads for him energetically, defames and denigrates his foes relentlessly, and does everything it can to make him look good, right up until the point when a few of them realize that the freedom of speech is gone, and they have outlived their usefulness." -- Who would have thought that Drury's "Come Nineveh, Come Tyre" and Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged" two non-fiction blockbusters of their era, would become such accurate predictions of today? What's the next surprise..Damon Knight's "To Serve Man" will become a reality show on The Food Network?
Someone has donated a $1,000,000.00 to the University of GA to educate students about alcohol. From what I hear, the students have pretty well mastered that one, so why not get ahead of the curve and re-direct the money towards educating students about the myth of marijuana being safer than alcohol.
Online headline/story: "Detroit motorists under siege in 'Carjack City' * When they pull up to a gas station these days, Detroit drivers are looking beyond the price per gallon at a far more threatening concern: carjackers. * The armed auto thieves have become so common here that parts of the bankrupt metropolis are referred to as "Carjack City," and many motorists fear getting out of their vehicles even for a few moments to fill a tank. * So gas stations are taking steps to protect customers, and the city has formed a special police team to go after suspects" -- Hmm, maybe I was too quick in getting my daughter's 2006 Saturn fixed. Should have just taken it to Detroit for a fill-up, and collect the insurance when it got stolen.
Online story: "In Miami, a hub of Cuban and Venezuelan exiles, about the most politically lethal thing a lawmaker can do is to speak about Communism in a positive way. * But that is what U.S. Rep. Joe Garcia, a Democrat, did Tuesday night during a Google Hangout about immigration and crimes along the U.S.-Mexico border. * In a discussion about the issue, the Cuban-American noted that El Paso, Texas, known as being one of the country’s safest cities, is directly across from Juarez, Mexico, one of the most dangerous in the hemisphere. * And then he added: “It happens to be across the border from the most dangerous city in the Americas, which is Juarez, right? And two of the safest cities in America, two of them are on the border with Mexico. And of course, the reason is we’ve proved that Communism works.” *“If you give everybody a good, government job, there’s no crime,” Garcia said" -- Good grief...Florida has actually elected a liberal who feels that the only reason communism fails is that the right people haven't been in charge yet.
Speaking of Democrats.. we have one here in Columbus who claims that in 1958, slaves built a school that's now abandoned. He also claims using prisoners to work on the back of garbage trucks is slavery. What we need to do is get him talking about all the slaves the Democrat entitlement programs have created.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Yes, a few vets died awaiting VA medical care, but don’t blame Obama. You are old enough to know you needed insurance before Obamacare was even started." -- How can anybody vote for a Democrat politician who values slothfulness over patriotism, or self-service versus service to our country and sacrificing veterans needs to buy entitlement voters?
L-E headline/story: "JURY FINDS ‘BULLY’ GUILTY IN 1999 COLD CASE MURDER * The jury believed it, deliberating only about an hour Friday before finding M***** guilty of murder, using a firearm to commit a crime and two counts of threatening a witness.* In his closing argument Friday, defense attorney Robert Wadkins Jr. decried the prosecution’s case for having “not one piece of credible evidence, not one credible witness.” -- Hmmm.. looks like the jury found the witnesses more credible than either the criminal OR his attorney.
L-E headline: "Former foe endorses incumbent John Wells in school board runoff" -- Aside from why anyone would run against an incumbent then endorse him later is a mystery, but.. even when you combine Wells' and Morales' combined votes, less than 4 of 10 voters wanted anything to do with either one. Now we know why..
L-E story: "The city has temporarily closed a short section of the Fall Line Trace walking/biking trail where it intersects with Miller Road. * The closure started Monday and is expected to last until the second week in June. The project is intended to realign the way the trail crosses Millerfor safety reasons, said Donna Newman, the city’s director of engineering." -- You know.. all the re-alignments in the world will not making bicycling any safer if bicycle riders do not learn and observe the laws and rules of the road. This is just spending good tax dollars on a bad idea.
L-E headline: "Sec. Hagel : Accountability needed in VA system" -- Well, golly gee... We could use some accountability in the White House, the IRS, the DOJand the offices of the Secretaries of Homeland Security, Education, Defense, State et al as well.
Excuse me, but why would Michelle Nunn marry and not take her husbands surname... at least with a hyphen. It's not like she had a professional degree and career where changing her name might effect her identity.
I think it's hysterical that Donald Sterling has given his wife his interest in the LA Crippers. They're still married, but in doing so, he's dodged a bullet with IRS on long term capital gains, and put the NBA in a battle of civil rights with a woman owner who has never been accused or cited for any racial outbursts. Checkmate!

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