Sunday, May 11, 2014

Online headline/story: "Biden Dings Clinton At Closed-Door Fundraiser * CNN reported Saturday that Biden spoke for more than a half hour at a VIP Capital City Club event in Columbia, S.C. The focus was the middle class, and among Biden's more notable remarks was one where he allegedly took a shot at the latter half of Clinton's tenure. * the CNN report claims Biden said the middle class' struggle began during the "later years of the Clinton administration," and not the George W. Bush years." -- "Faux pas"...or "Foe pass"? Even when a Democrat tells the truth, the mainstream media will ignore it.
Online story: "Nancy Pelosi claimed Friday that two of the families of four Americans killed in Benghazi called “us” and asked that the House not convene the special committee to investigate the attack and its aftermath." -- Yeah .. Right..Two questions: 1 - Why Queen Pelosi and not John Boehner?, and 2 - Why didn't Judas 00-Barnum have them sitting next to Michelle in the Gallery at the State of the Union speech so he could mention this?
L-E story: "Lacey Morrison, an administrative assistant in Mayor Teresa Tomlinson’s office, is facing a driving under the influence charge just three days after the mayor’s executive assistant was directed to take two days leave for asking for her opponent’s campaign sign. * The mayor said she spoke with Morrison and has recommended that she take two days off before returning to work, just as she suggested for her executive assistant." -- Hmmm..Mayor Obamalinson "suggested" they take a couple of days off? Oh, I didn't detect two other words that I "suggest" she add... WITHOUT PAY!
Conversational exchanges with a father-son (_*_)ttorney family has evoked the question of the year.. With the big politically motivated Democratic Party push to buy votes with the bi-annual "minimum wage" debate, and since most of these pols are attorneys, why haven't they started with their own world? Why aren't jurors paid the minimum wage? While we're at it, why aren't lawyers in court action required to pay the jury and security costs of operating the courts they do business in. Seems like a natural expense like other businesses have for doing business. Seems to me, such responsibility would drastically reduce the taxpayers' portion of funding other people's businesses. Trials would be shorter and clients wouldn't get stuck with excessive billable court hours. Oh, and frivolous suits would be minimized by upfront court costs.
Online quote source: "“Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained.” -Marie Curie." -- Hmmm.. how do these really appropriate citing miss being seen and repeated by Democratic Party people?
L-E headline: "NEXT MAYOR MAY FACE BUDGET BATTLE" -- Hmm.. that'll be a change for sure.. The current mayor hasn't grasped that the flow of revenues matters in how much she spends on non-necessary projects. Guess Mayor Obamalinson is a pretty good, accurate name for her. Just look how she handles her staff.. she "suggests" they take a couple of days off, but she didn't say "without pay".
From above story: "“We’re speaking with the revenue commissioner in Atlanta about being able to have our own sales tax information so we can see why our sales taxes have declined and been so stagnant,” Tomlinson said." -- Hmm... could it be that 8% is a detriment for encouraging people to buy things? You know, at one time 8% was close to a good tip at a restaurant? Now we pay 8% tax that makes it seem that the Mayor is an extra uninvited plate at the table.
You know.. Mayor Obamalinson takes a little too much credit and pride in projects such as Whitewater and the Bike trail.. neither venture will produce revenue to make them at least revenue neutral for the ongoing maintenance necessary to keep them open.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Mr. Bundy says he doesn’t recognize the United States government, yet he flies the American flag. Get your own flag, Mr. Bundy." -- As Lincoln so nobly, so succinctly, and so correctly noted that America's government is "of the people, by the people, for the people". When was the last time you felt this way under Judas 00-Barnum?
Hmmm, Abe Lincoln took a pen and recorded one of the finest (and shortest) memorials to America and it's freedoms. Judas 00-Barnum took a pen and started editing/rewriting our Constitution.
Hmmm, as 2016 approaches, wonder if Hillary thinks the above has made a difference.
L-E headline: "RiverFest events draw thousands" -- Hmmm, and a certain proprietor at a drinking establishment on the 1100 block of Broadway tried to cordon off two parking spaces for themselves as Market and Riverfest patrons drove by looking for parking. B.I.D. or the Metra Parking Patrol should have been out and writing up such actions.
L-E story: " WASHINGTON — Michelle Obama on Saturday decried the kidnapping of scores of Nigerian schoolgirls who have been missing for nearly a month and used their plight to speak out for the rights of girls everywhere to get an education." -- "rights of girls everywhere to get an education"? Whatta hypocrite! She's from Chicago, the Secretary of Education is from Chicago, yet Chicago'\s education system is no better than Nigeria's. Patrician, heal thyself..
L-E feature: Columbus Council Agenda:
Introduction of CAPRA Accreditation Visiting Team
CRIME PREVENTION GRANT, Columbus Police Department, DARE Program: Approval is requested to extend the contract with the Columbus Police Department “DARE to be GREAT” summer program through June 30, 2014." -- Doesn't this just reek of waste! Why does a local program have to have an "Accreditation Team" visit Columbus? All this means is that tax dollars are going to pay visitors to come to Columbus and say keep on funding us.
From above: " A resolution concerning the issuance of revenue bonds by the Downtown Development Authority of Columbus for the Benefit of CGC LLC. (Councilor C.E. “Red” McDaniel)" -- Whoa! Who exactly is "CGC LLC"? How about a little transparency here..
From above: " A resolution approving the honorary designation of Citizens Way as Carson McCullers Way." -- Whoa! Enough's enough! Carson McCuller's was a personal friend of my Aunt Ella and my Dad growing up, and she certainly has brought attention to the City of Columbus, but in no way has she ever contributed to City Services. Renaming a street at the detriment of clarity is wasting resources. If a street naming is burning a fire in someone's craw, then name that section of Stark Avenue where she grew up for her.
L-E headline: "Isaiah Crowell signs free-agent deal" -- OK boys and girls.. can you say, "o-v-e-r-i-n-f-l-a-t-e-d e-g--o"?

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