Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Good grief..Sec of Treasury, Jack Lew spoke at his schools commencement and said big things can be accomplished by bipartisan support...then referenced OObamaCRAP. Huh? Not one Republican voted for it. In fact, not one Republican had input into it. In fact, as I recall, not one Republican was even given a copy of it to read until after the Democrats had illegally passed it. Yes, illegal because the US Supreme Court only approved it because Congress had the right to invoke taxes. Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court failed to take in consideration that the bill passed originated in the Senate, and the Constitution says all revenue bills SHALL originate in the House.
On a local basis.. get out and vote today if you haven't already voted early.
Jesse Jackson, Jr is about to pay back an additional $550,000.00 to the US Marshals as restitution for misuse of campaign account funds. He's already paid back $200,000.00. He and his wife own a house in Chicago and Washington, DC. The DC home is worth about $2,500,000.00. Question what other income do the Jackson's have to afford such homes? If they mortgaged $2,000,000.00 of a $2,500,000.00 home, the mortgage payments alone would be about $11,000 per month ($132,000.00 annually) and a Congressman's gross annual salary is $174,000.00 with a probable income tax of about $35,000.00 (which means his "net" would be about $140,000.00). I'm sure his wife works, but we haven't even seen what he owes on the Chicago home and ordinary household expenses for two homes. The IRS ought to dive back in.. especially for 2014 since his income has been sliced to $100,000.00 worth of "disability pay" . I'm confused on how he affords to be a Congressperson. I'm also clear on why .. and how Congress has gotten us into so much debt...

HuffPost headline: "Rubio Claims There's 'No Responsible Way To Recreationally Use Marijuana' -- And he's right... just as there's no responsible way to drink responsibly if you're binging "shots" or funneling in beer/alcohol in a short time span.
HuffPost headline: "Man Who Sent Poisoned Letters To Obama Gets 25 Years In Prison" -- And Lois Lerner got a pension.
You know.. even though the AFLAC chairman defends the popularity of "the Duck", this latest ad of "the Duck" cheating on the golf course is a horrible impression to give old and potential customers alike. It's really bad in America, but in Japan, which has a stronger cultural sense of honor, this ad could be devastating.
L-E story: "LANSING, MICH. — The Michigan Senate is poised to consider if it's time to spend significantly more maintaining deteriorating roads." -- Hmmm.. so Michigan has some of the worst roads in the nation... hmm, this sorta shoots holes in any GM claims not to know how bad their cars are. After all, the GM executives should hit enough potholes to know their cars can't take real life road conditions.
Online quote source: "“A negative outlook is more of a handicap than any physical injury.” - Christopher Paolini " -- Sounds like this guy would be a good motivational speaker to talk with families that have been drawn into the Democratic Party mantra that they can't succeed in life without government being in control.
Online story: "Federal employees and a contractor diverted more than $1 million of charitable contributions to spending on themselves for in-office massages, meals at every meeting and other luxuries and unnecessary expenses, a government audit found. * They called themselves "volunteers" and said they needed "motivation" to help the less fortunate, even though some 41 federal workers were being paid full-time salaries to administer just one local chapter of the government's annual workplace charity drive, the Combined Federal Campaign." -- What is it about federal employees that they think that there's no accountability for how they spend other people's money? Do they honestly think Judas 00-Bama is a good role model?
Online story: "On his way to a Democratic party fundraiser on Monday night, President Obama stopped at Washington’s Friendship Park and tossed a baseball with Little Leaguers warming up for their evening games" -- Hmmm, guess he hoped he could get a pitch all the way to the catcher from 46' rather than 60' 6".
Online story: "President Barack Obama first learned of the scandal involving Department of Veterans Affairs hospital administrators concealing the true wait times vets faced in the press, according to a claim made by White House Press Sec. Jay Carney on Monday." -- Good grief... with Jay Carney speaking, right off the bat we know he's lying for Judas 00-Barnum, so why does he still do it? For a man who has access to the absolute latest ine;ectronic technology and communications, why does Judas 00-Barnum lie about "knowing nothing" until he reads about it in a newspaper? Well, we know we'll catch him in another lie when he tries to convince us he didn't know Congress was investigating impeachment possibilities because he has already "lawyered up" for the possibility.
Judas 00-Barnum is giving a lot of lip service to the dismal actions of the VA. Unfortunately, we've heard a lot if his lip service before.. the only problem is know which side of his face do you listen as his lips move?
Pric Holder just 'indicted' 5 members of the Chinese Liberation Army for cyber-spying. Whatta joke.. There's no extradition agreement between China and the US, but more frivolous is that 5 spies is a drop in the bucket . Besides, China holds 4 Aces up their sleeves in the negotiation field..the Chinese hold over $1.2 TRILLION in US debt, and could collapse our economy on a short time basis if they demanded the US to redeem it all at once. And you notice, Pric Holder hasn't indicted anyone who has been involved in 00-Barnum's scandals, and those are under his jurisdiction
Why are liberals so quick to blame the gun when a person shoots someone. When have you heard a liberal want to ban wine when someone drives intoxicated, or recreational drugs when someone overdoses?
Online headline/story: "Illinois spending $1,166 per bird to bring in prairie chickens * The cash-strapped Illinois government has found a new use for its fleet of aircraft – flying birds into Illinois. * And at a time state lawmakers are looking at raising the state income tax, Illinois state employees have been hiking across Kansas trapping these chickens. * State pilots have flown between Illinois and Kansas not once, not twice but 14 times this yea" -- You know.. Illinois taxpayers are getting shafted. Shoot, the cost of each bird flown in costs as much as GM is being fined for covering up the defects on 466 cars owned by Illinoisans.
Online story: An effort to name a Lake Tahoe cove after American literacy icon Mark Twain has been scuttled for the second time in three years, citing opposition from a tribe that says he held racist views of Native Americans." -- Is there no limit to the hatred of white people by liberals?
Online story: "Speaking at commencement exercises for historically-black Morgan State University in Baltimore, Holder alluded to high-profile controversies over racial comments by figures like rancher Clive Bundy and L.A. Clippers owner Donald Sterling, but said that it’s a mistake to think that America’s most serious racial problems stem from repugnant public statements. The attorney general argued that it’s more important to end policies that perpetuate racial differences than to dwell on occasional spurts of racist rhetoric." -- "it’s more important to end policies that perpetuate racial differences than to dwell on occasional spurts of racist rhetoric"? This is exactly what Holder is doing! The hypocrite... the ultimate racist!
Leftist extremist Jill Abramson , recently fired from the New York Times, got a gig at Wake Forest for a commencement speech..to me, that was a lot worse choice for Wake Forest to expose to students , than Condoleezza Rice would have been for Rutgers' students. Rice would have encouraged students to think for themselves.
Nepotism in government offices.. is it legal when the head of the Public defenders' office has his son as a co-defense attorney? Well, it oughta be.
From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: " In 1961, a white mob attacked a busload of Freedom Riders in Montgomery, Alabama, prompting the federal government to send in U.S. marshals to restore order." -- What's the difference in a mob and a white mob? Wanna bet as to whether April 29 has been noted for "black mobs attacked whites in LA" or June 15 when"black mobs looted Chicago following Bulls' NBA Championship win"? No...
L-E's "Quotable" -- “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” _ John C. Maxwell American clergyman (1947- )" -- Can anyone show any connection with these attributes and Judas 00-Barnum? The only "way" he knows is "my way".. we just need him to "go a-way"
L-E story: " ATLANTA — Georgia’s highest court ruled in an opinion published Monday that a state law that makes the identity of an execution drug supplier a “confidential state secret” is constitutional. * In a 5-to-2 decision Monday, the Georgia Supreme Court reversed a lower court ruling that granted a stay of execution to death row inmate Warren Lee Hill. The stay was issued after Hill’s lawyers challenged the constitutionality of the 2013 law" -- You know.. the only question about execution methods that needs to be asked is: By what right do convicted felons sentenced to death get to know what's in the drugs? -- Did their victims know they were going to die, or even how, when they left their homes? No.. and convicted murderers should have no others rights than to accept the judge and jury's decision. In fact, the lower court that was over ruled should be either disbanded or the judges who favored the convicts position be replaced. And so should the two GA Supreme Court Justices who agreed with those.

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