Saturday, May 10, 2014

Juan Williams was on Fox saying the new Benghazi investigation was the umphteenth one, and that he already knew all the facts. If Williams knew all the new facts coming to light , then shame on his lack of patriotism for not revealing them sooner!

Minimum wage... it has always been a tool of the Democratic Party as diversion from the real issues as election dates appear on the horizon. Democrats aren't really for
raises, but enjoy the mainstream media opportunity to bash the Republicans as being "cold hearted". Such are really unnecessary, perhaps even a detriment for job creation. The real issues that effect realistic working wages is education. Better skills and attitudes in applicants create better interest in them being hired, trained and retained. Better skills and attitude make employers eager to attract and keep employees. It's really that simple.

Taking a memory lane excursion.. when I was in retail, maybe once every 3 months I would go to personnel and review applications that had come in during the last few weeks. Sometimes I looked because I had an idea for something that would need an additional employee to make it work; other times it was just to get a feel for the market. I still remember one particular application that really shook me up. It was in June of 1975. We were in the process of opening a new store, and decisions were being made as to which employees we were going to transfer from downtown to Columbus Square, and how many more employees we would have to add to staff departments in both units. I was going through a large stack and evaluating applications as to 'best fit' status for various departments under my responsibility, and making my preliminary lists for 'call back' interviews. There was a stack of experienced applicants and another for first time job seekers. I pulled out one application from the latter stack, read the basic info but when I got to the "Previous Job Experiences" area, I just stared at what was written... no, scrawled in a rather crude form: "non I just don ben grajuated". I just sat there in disbelief. This young man had just completed high school in the MCSD system. Minimum wage had recently risen for $2.00 to $2.10. We were offering $2.35 for good entry level prospects. I just could not see how I could hire him to represent our business to our customers at any wage in any capacity. Such is reality.

Online story: "WASHINGTON (AP) — The federal agency responsible for making sure states effectively oversee the safety of natural gas and other pipelines is failing to do its job, a government watchdog said in a report released Friday. * The federal effort is so riddled with weaknesses that it's not possible to ensure states are enforcing pipeline safety, the report by the Transportation Department's Office of Inspector General said. The federal Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, or PHMSA, isn't ensuring key state inspectors are properly trained, inspections are being conducted frequently enough and inspections target the most risky pipelines, it said." -- Hmmm... "The federal agency responsible for making sure states effectively oversee the safety of natural gas and other pipelines is failing to do its job, a government watchdog said in a report released Friday." Did you "catch" that? One fed department says another fed department is a fiasco. Good grief.. they are both fed departments so why would you expect either one to be less than a fiasco!
Thursday was bad enough, but yesterday must have been excruciating for Aaron Murray and AJ McCarron. Do you think either has a "back up plan" for a real job this summer?
Online story: "CINCINNATI (AP) — Ohio officials have appealed a federal judge's order to recognize the marriages of gay couples who wed in other states" -- Federal judge "activism" has got to be reigned in.. This judge could just as easily say the someone could buy marijuana in Colorado and Ohio could not arrest the buyer for possession or smoking it in Ohio.
Online headline/story: "Issa: 'Ignorant' Remarks Make Donnelly Unfit To Be California Governor * Rep. Darrell Issa sharply criticized a California gubernatorial candidate from the Republican tea party who erroneously suggested a rival of Indian descent was supportive of Islamic Sharia law." -- Good grief.. Ignorant.. sure. Embarrassing.. you betcha! Worse than Biden's gaffes as VP.. not even close...
L-E story: "SAN JOSE, CALIF. — President Barack Obama is showcasing Wal-Mart, often a target of labor groups and other Democratic constituencies, to promote advances in energy efficiency in his broader campaign to confront climate change * Obama triggered a backlash from labor unions and pay equity advocates who say Wal-Mart pays low wages and who archly noted that Obama has made pay equity a central issue of his presidency." -- Typical Judas 00-Barnum politics.. the unions will clamor disappointedly for a few days, but they will still vote Democr(_*_)t, so why would Judas 00-Barnum risk alienating hard working people?
HuffPost story: "Former Labor Secretary Robert Reich trashed the White House on Thursday for using Walmart, an enemy of unions and fair-pay advocates, as a poster company for a new climate-change campaign. * Reich, who served under President Bill Clinton, called Walmart one of the country’s “worst employers,” with “low wages, unreliable hours, few benefits, discrimination against women and anti-union” offenses. * “What numbskull in the White House arranged this?” wrote Reich, now a professor at the University of California at Berkeley" -- Good grief.. we know what "numbskull" in the White House "arranged this", but we don't know anybody to whom Robert Reich has ever provided a job, salary, or benefits. People who haven't been in private business should not be allowed to make regulations over companies, and certainly should not be considered "qualified" to teach college students about RealWorld 101.
Liberals just kill me in the ways they can amuse themselves. Now there's a list of the "11 Happiest Counties in the World". The USA did not make this list, but Mexico did. Hmmm, when was the last time a group of Americans illegally crossed the Rio Grande searching for jobs and benefits in Mexico?
Hey, there's also a list of "the 9 Countries that Hate America the Most" in descending order: Tunisia, Iran. Slovenia, Egypt, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon, Pakistan, and Palestinian Territories. You know.. somebody probably got paid for this list that I could have accumulated in 2 minutes by a show of hands at a "happy hour" at any local bar & grill. Well, Tunisia, Iraq, and Slovenia probably would be replaced by Afghanistan, Libya, Somalia and France to make it a real "Top 10" list.
Online headline: "CNN sounds off on critics" -- Huh? CNN is the 21st Century's anecdote for "if a tree falls in the woods, and no one hears it, does it still make a sound?"
Hey, anybody know whether CNN is still covering MH370 24/7? I can't remember the last time I watched anything on CNN, and the plane hasn't been found... yet.
Online story: "It turns out that the sun has a long-lost brother -- and now astronomers are racing to map a solar family tree. * A new study from researchers at the University of Texas provides clues as to how our sun was formed, whether there are other “solar siblings” in our universe and, perhaps, a better understanding of how life in the universe was formed billions of years ago * "We want to know where we were born," University of Texas at Austin astronomer Ivan Ramirez said in a news release from McDonald Observatory. “If we can figure out in what part of the galaxy the sun formed, we can constrain conditions on the early solar system. That could help us understand why we are here.”" -- Good grief.. Tax dollars are paying this guy to teach our children that Climate Change is real and God's not?
Online story: "In a recent issue of Inspire Magazine, regarded as the Vanity Fair of Al Qaeda, Al Qaeda calls for Jihad car bomb attacks on certain American cities – including Los Angeles, Chicago, Washington D.C., New York and northern Virginia where the CIA is headquartered" -- Hmmm, Sounds like this could be a new Al Jazeera reality show about urban renewal, but I'll bet Republicans will get blamed by mainstream media for suppressing inner city voters' rights?
Online headline/story: "Professors decry Disney’s ‘Jungle Book’ as racist, demand a less ‘offensive’ remake * Professors say that King Louie, an ape who sings he wants to be like Mowgli, the human child, represents African-Americans wanting to be white" -- Now the truth: "Critics have stated that the scene where the ape character, King Louie, sings "I want to be like you” to the human character, Mowgli, he is not just a cartoon animal wishing to be human. Rather, Louie represents an African-American stating that he wants to be a member of the white race, which is represented by Mowgli. * The Mowgli character is not white, and the King Louie character was voiced by Italian-American Louis Prima, not an African-American. Am including the URL so you can read the entire BS. Sad thing is that the liberal elite already have destroyed epics like Uncle Remus' Tales/Br'er Rabbit books/movies because Joel Chandler Harris did not write the dialect in King's English.
As to the above, if you're thinking about a legacy endowment while you're estate planning, pl;ease omit to the adversely affected universities.
Online headline/story: "‘You are screwing up my speech’: Obama loses his cool with angry heckler at $32,400 a ticket Democrat fundraiser * Obama interrupted during address to tech-leaders in San Jose, California on Thursday * Riled that he was unable to finish his speech. * Obama told the heckler that he would speak to him afterwards but he ‘kinda screwed up my ending. * About 250 people paid between $1,000 and $32,400 to attend" -- Yeah.. kinda guess thathe wasn't expecting a curve ball from guests that paid $30K+ to attend, and there was no answer for the "heckler" scrolling across Judas 00-Barnum's TelePrompTer.
Hey, thought of another Chattahoochee Whitewater amusement activity. How about some beach volleyball courts on the sand bars and islands. Or Surf-Waterboarding?
Online headline: "Obama Tells Bel Air Donors ‘We’ve Got Public Opinion on Our Side on Every Issue’ -- Hmmm, well, at $10K-$32K per pop.. Judas 00-Barnum wasn't about to tell them that he meant public opinion OUTSIDE this room.
This was from Friday's L-E but did not become available until after the BC was distributed -
L-E story:

Thursday’s briefing included a review of where whitewater customers came from last year, with Bishop reporting this breakdown of 2013’s 16,269 rafters:
• 71.5 percent from Georgia.
• 19.9 percent from Alabama.
• 2.8 percent from Florida and 5.8 percent from 23 other states.
• 45 percent from the Columbus-Phenix City area.
• 16 percent from the metro Atlanta area.

You know.. with nearly half of rides being local, it would be an interesting figure to see how many different riders as well as how many riders went multiple times. With 250,000 "local" folks, and a max of 7300 rides (versus riders) being taken by "local" folks , it really doesn't seem that the area really embraced what's going on. It's especially disheartening that Columbus, the state of GA for that matter is not receiving sales taxes from the riders. While there is a lower-than-the-sales-taxes fee in place, the MCSD SPLOST and the Public Safety LOST are shut out of this revenue.
I tell you what..when the killer, beheader, of that 88 year old husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather in Reymnolds, GA is caught, the death penalty should be carried the day of his/her/its conviction, and any style of execution that doesn't exceed decapitation should be accepted as appropriate.
I have to shake my head in disbelief at a statement from the IRS saying ALL of Lois Lerner's emails would be released to the Congressional investigation. Having learned how Clinton defined 'is', and how Judas 00-Barnum defines ' transparency', and Jay Carney defines 'truth', I'm a wee bit skeptical at how any Democrat will define 'ALL'.
You know... that flap over Mayor Obamalimnson's executive assistant getting suspended (versus) fired did show another aspect of the Mayor's administration.. she discriminates.. not a man on her office staff. Either that or hires women to save money on office expenses.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training.” — Anna Freud, Austrian-born psychoanalyst (1895-1982)". -- Hmmm, I guess we should all be praying that all the local graduates of the MCSD have creative minds...
Two years ago, we were blessed with the birth of our granddaughter Sophia. I guess the world has discovered her, too.. as this year more girl babies were named after her than any other.
Benghazi.. it is about a government screw up in protecting American citizens on American soil, but it's more than that as well. It's about government officials' CYA, and mainstream media covering up for those officials doing that..
You know, if Judas 00-Barnum (and every past and future president, heck, politicians in general) knew mainstream media was going to treat Benghazi, and other every cover up attempts, seriously and unbiased, chances are good that such issues would not be the norm, nor drag out for long periods.
I have to disagree with a commentary in today's LE regarding expunging some arrest/conviction records. If somebody has been convicted, served his/her time, it needs to be exposed on a job app, because sometime, guaranteed, somebody is going to mention such to an employer, and the employer will fire even a good worker for not being honest. Perhaps a better connection with the applicants' probation mentors be made available to employers who could ask questions to such probation officers who could actually speak candidly with out "privacy" restrictions/liability. Good communications among all the parties is important.
L-E headline: "KIDNAPPED NIGERIAN GIRLS * British, U.S. experts join search for girls" -- Ooooops. my bad.. thought maybe Al and Jesse were lending a personal hand in Nigeria.
L-E story: " WASHINGTON — U.S. employers advertised slightly fewer jobs and slowed hiring a bit in March, though the declines came after healthy gains the previous month" -- DOH! Political speak for , 'the ain't happening'. Last months' "up" was caused by the severe weather of Jan and February bringing such to a standstill.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The financially troubled Postal Service on Friday posted a net loss of $1.9 billion in the second quarter, the same amount the agency lost over the same period in 2013, postal officials said." -- You know.. this is actually something the PO is celebrating.. celebrating being the least inefficient government agency last quarter...... ain't it pitiful?
Special! A Breakfast Club "bonus": A fellow BCer is publishing his own blog. His past expertise promises intense evaluation of local issues with the School Board. Here is the "link" and it's worthy of yiur inspection.

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