Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What's the NFL going to do this season when a referee hears someone "smack talking" to Michael Sams.... toss in a Rainbow Flag and give the non-politically correct player a 15 minute "sensitivity time out period"?
Online story: "A federal judge has ruled that Idaho's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional." -- Excuse me a second, but something has gotten out of hand with all these lower court decisions being based on what's unconstitutional. We have a US Supreme Court to determine what is and what is not a violation of our constitution. Lower courts need to be, at best, "screeners" as to whether a case needs to be heard further up the line, but letting a frontline lower court decision become the "law of the moment" negates the rights of all citizens. A lower court decision should not open up doorways until it's been confirmed by our US Supreme Court.
Online story similar to above: "Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed in two landmark cases that the Second Amendment gives individuals the right to possess firearms, the Second Amendment Foundation has been confronting in court state and local rules which appear to be unconstitutional. * Its latest victory has come in Arkansas, where a federal judge ruled the state’s concealed carry licensing law that bans legal resident aliens from obtaining permits is unconstitutional. * The lawsuit, filed last November, challenged the Arkansas statute, because it “completely prohibits resident legal aliens from the concealed carry of guns, in public, for the purpose of self-defense.” -- Here is another case that simply should be passed on to the US Supreme Court. I believe in our Constitution; I believe in the right, even obligation, of our citizens to amend the Constitution in the way our forefathers wrote out for us, and I don't believe non-citizens should be given the right to own or carry weapons. It leaves the possibility of foreign agents to be placed into our society, and earn respect in our society, years before they may be called to perform an act of subversion. Therefore, if a registered and qualified alien wants to gain the rights of citizenship, he/she should engage in the ritual of obtaining American citizenship.
Again, I'm going to make the point I've recently made about a federal judge ruling that Ohio has to recognize another state's decision to allow same sex marriages. Making Ohio accept another state's law that contradicts Ohio law of same sex 'marriages is no different than a federal judge telling Ohio it cannot enforce its marijuana laws on use and possession just because a possessor/recreational user purchased the marijuana in Colorado and came to Ohio to use it.
Online story: "RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — "American Idol" entertainer Clay Aiken has won a hotly contested Democratic primary for a North Carolina congressional seat. * The county-by-county unofficial tally posted by the state Tuesday of the 2nd Congressional District race confirms Aiken got more than 40 percent needed to win in the three-candidate race." -- This demonstrates why the policy of allowing a winner with only a plurality of votes should not be allowed to move on in the elections. Even with a minimum set percent thrown into the policy, this race shows that nearly 60% of Aikens' own party voted against him, but now have to accept him as their candidate. With the exception of President/Vice President, which is our only "National Election", a top two runoff should be mandatory if no one in a race gets 50% plus 1 of the votes cast.
I laugh when celebrity libs complain about inequities in income being something the government needs to correct.. let's face it, no one would care what they thought if they didn't have big incomes, and it they truly were Samaritan in thought, they would be "action" rather "talk".
HuffPost story: "Europe's highest court Tuesday gave people the means to scrub their reputations online, issuing a landmark ruling that experts say could force Google and other search engines to delete references to old debts, long-ago arrests and other unflattering episodes. * Embracing what has come to be called "the right to be forgotten," the Court of Justice of the European Union said people should have some say over what information comes up when someone Googles them." -- Good grief.. and criminals should be able to expunge their records so their past could not be brought up the next time they get caught in a criminal act?
Judges are not, cannot, be "nannies". Judges just need to rule on whether a person has been legally wronged or wrongfully libeled/slandered and act accordingly by ordering specific, if incorrect, info to be scrubbed, with the libel/slander guilty party being responsible for the cost of how it effect the victim , and the cost for removing such wrongful info from the Internet. Rights to/of privacy should be recognized, but personal stupidity in Internet postings are not something that falls under the "rights to/of privacy".
Online story: "The sheriff of a small county in northwest North Carolina says he is "disgusted" by the parents of six men who are accused of sexually abusing their sister for nearly a decade, at a private family compound. * Sheriff Tilley said his deputies charged the six brothers, ranging in age from 19 to 27, on May 6, with a number of crimes related to the alleged sexual abuse of their 16-year-old sister. The sheriff said the alleged abuse began when the girl was 4 years old and continued until she was almost 15." -- As sick as this is, their are liberals who will see this as just another "alternate lifestyle" society should be accepting. Remember this the next time someone thinks you should be totally accepting of perversity or alternate lifestyles.
Online headline: "Karl Rove Suggests Hillary Clinton May Have Brain Damage: Report" -- Looks more like Karl Rove has left no doubt that HE has brain damage....Whatta doofus for implying it even if there's truth in it.
Online story: "A Planned Parenthood counselor in Arizona intentionally miscoded a sexual assault as a consensual encounter to avoid the “hassle” of reporting it to authorities, months before other victims came forward to stop an alleged 18-year-old serial sex predator, a police report reveals." -- You know, this is the Hillary Clinton effect in domino action, "What difference does it make, she's pregnant and here for an abortion so let's just get along and move along".
Hmmm, I guess the next time the Planned Parenthood advisor in the above item will elect to use the Elinor Clift assessment of the crime and rule that the victim wasn't raped, but got pregnant from a commode seat in a secure bathroom.
Online story: "“We have to break people away from the choice habit that everyone has,” Marcus Merz, chief executive of PreferredOne, a Minnesota health insurer, told the New York Times. * “We’re all trying to break away from this fixation on open access and broad networks,” he added. * Years after President Obama’s promise that “if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” has been thoroughly debunked, insurance companies are not bothering to hide the fact that Obamacare is going to limit health care access and choices." -- Hmmm, you know, it's one thing to find out what a person believes to be the truth is just not so, but it's a totally different thing to learn that the person lied to begin with to get you to invest in his idea. Judas 00-Barnum is just a disciple of Bernie Madoff... nothing but a scam artist.
Online story: "Rand Paul: Republicans Need to Soften Stance on Voter ID because it’s “Offending People" -- You know.. I actually agree the Republicans need to "soften" their position on a number of moral issues (but because they cannot be legislated and the issue will be eventually addressed between the God and each us), but voter ID is not one of those. With a border that is little more than a sieve, citizens' rights are important to uphold. Let's face it, there are liberals today who are not pleased that our fore fathers didn't take a soft stance against British tyranny.... there are liberals today that descend from Democrats that didn't want to take a firm stance against slavery or against denial of civil rights. Let's keep "firm stances" on issues that affect our Constitutional Rights and Guaranteed Freedoms.
Online story: "Darryl Issa has reported that more criminal charges will be coming for the Obama administration, and it looks like President Obama is preparing for them – he has chosen to hire as White House Counsel Neil Eggleston, a renowned criminal defense attorney." -- So Judas 00-Barnum has "lawyered up". Guess naivety or ignorance of the laws he bulldozed cannot be a defense since he's admitted he knows he needs a criminal lawyer at this stage.
L-E story: "President Barack Obama has had a hard time getting his nominees for federal judgeships through the Senate confirmation process, but this time the resistance is coming from members of his own party. * Obama's nomination of conservative Democrat Michael Boggs as U.S. District Court Judge for the Northern District of Georgia generated pushback from liberals" -- You know, when liberals complain about Judas 00-Barnum's picks because the picks aren't liberal enough.. we have got to get to rid Congress of such. On the other hand, Judas 00-Barnum did send Jay Carney out to defend his pick so the protesters are probably right.
L-E story: "This year's (MCSD) budget estimated $271 million in expenses (85 percent in salaries and benefits) and $251 million in revenue, so $20 million would have been needed from the reserve to balance the budget. That would have left the reserve fund balance at $21.4 million, enough to cover 28.9 days of expenses. The target is 60 days worth of reserve for the best bond rating. * What is it with the leaders of out two taxing units (City and School Board)..Do they not know how to read revenue trends and be ready to adjust downward versus dipping into the rainy day accounts?
You know.."Mayor Obamalinson" really fits our mayor. It doesn't matter that we don't have enough projected revenue coming in the meet the budget expenditures she's put in, she feels she can just take her own pen out and write checks on our savings account.
You know, in 2004 (+/-), I brought up to the school board that it owned one of the most valuable pieces of property in Columbus,, the School Bus maintenance/storage facility on Whitesville Road. Recent activity on area properties had moved actual value of properties to about $500K per acre, and the MCSD owneda nearly 44 acre plot. I suggested they move the bus maintenance/storage facility to other school property at the old Brown Ave/Roberts Center and sell the Whitesville Road property. No action was taken. Now, property in the vicinity has been sold at about $1,000,000.00 per acre. While procrastination is not always so fruitful, it appears that the MCSD is sitting on a windfall profit and the same option to move the bus facility to Brown Avenue. Put another way, one of those properties is not needed by the MCSD.. selling one of those properties will benefit the taxpayers as well.
Bummer..a married couple in Daytona Beach, FL has been feeding the homeless in Manatee Park for over a year. This week, the police ticketed them for $746.00 and banned them from the park for serving people in public. Thank God the Daytona Council didn't send its police department to Jesus feeding the masses following His sermon on the mount.
Is John Wells having a dementia problem? Got a mailer from him yesterday where he claims, 'No tax increase in 17 years. I have not or will not support a property tax increase on homeowners." -- Excuse me, but didn't the last budget have a millage increase?
A realtor in Indianapolis who was frustrated with unrepaired pot holes took matters into his own hands. He planted a potted plant in one, and posted the video on YouTube titled, "Adopt a Pothole". The Mayor was a little peeved at being upstaged. He was told he might be hearing from a city attorney. * Reminds me how I think our Mayor Obamalinson would react.
Online story: "The principal at Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado, is facing a hailstorm of criticism from some very angry parents and residents. * The school recites the Pledge of Allegiance weekly, on Mondays. Last Monday, a member of their “Cultural Arms Club” led the student body in an Arabic version of the pledge, replacing the words “under God” with “under Allah.” * Principal T** L**** denies any attempt to push an Islamic agenda, saying, “These students love this country. They were not being un-American in trying to do this. They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English.” -- "They believed they were accentuating the meaning of the words as spoken regularly in English"? Time out! Send this dunce to the corner! A principal who says he knows what students are thinking/meaning does not need to be in the field of education. His job is to create students who think/speak for themselves... not parrots of what he feels they should think and speak.
What in the hell is an atheist military chaplain going to do for a wounded soldier..tell him, "Sorry buddy, tthis is it? On the other hand would a atheist chaplain be acceptable for a death bed acceptance of Jesus as one's Savior, or to comfort a Christian dying in the field?
Online story: "(A Pennsylvania police chief) was charged last year with having sex with an alleged victim in a criminal case and telling her to keep the encounter secret. He pleaded no contest and agreed to resign. But he wants his pension. * Ex-chief Rom(_*_)no's attorney says the problem is that they may not know until Romano turns 50 if he'll get his state pension. * A judge accepted the agreement that allows Romano to withdraw the plea if he does not receive his pension, the paper reported. * The new judge handling the case said he probably would not have agreed to the plea agreement." -- Pennsylvania taxpayers should be up-in-arms and run the former judge "out of town on a rail" and revoke the judge's pension plan as well!
Online headline: "Warren Buffett has given $1.2 billion to abortion groups" -- You know, as vile as I think this is, this is a right that he has so I'm not going to get upset at what he does with his own money...BUT, if IRS allowed his to deduct his donations from his taxes, that's a form of government funding of abortions, and that must stop. Abortions are an issue for a woman or couple to discuss with God, but no taxpayer should have to contribute to such.
Online story: "University of North Dakota president Robert Kelley is condemning a decision by some young people to create and wear T-shirts with a caricature of the school's former Indian head logo drinking out of a beer bong. * The words "Siouxper Drunk" are featured above the drawing, a reference to the school's Fighting Sioux nickname that was retired in 2012. Group photos of people wearing the T-shirts have been posted on several websites." -- You know.. this is too funny, but I'll bet the University of North Dakota would not have objected if the entrepreneurs had offered his school royalties on the sales.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Rand Paul says Hillary Clinton bungled the Benghazi attack and she should be “disqualified from being a presidential candidate.” The reason for the eighth Benghazi probe has been revealed." -- Hmmm, unfortunately, Hillary has NINE lives.. and LIV's can vote.
Another LIV's L-E "soundoff": "We, the underpaid infrastructure of this country, support the GNP with our taxes and spending while the 1% get a “pass” on their tax responsibilities. Fight back by voting Democrats in and Republicans out." -- Good grief! Can't these obsessive compulsives read something past the headlines which shows how much of the tax burden these 1% pay in the percentage of all taxes collected?
You know, Michael Jordan admitted he was a racist growing up, and all media correctly accepted his explanation and apology. On the other hand. Paula Deem was scourged by the mainstream media just for admitting she had thought ill of a black person once in her youth.
L-E story: "France’s foreign minister said Tuesday there were strong indications that the Syrian government had carried out attacks using chemical agents, especially chlorine, as many as 14 times in recent months, despite its promise to renounce such weapons in joining the global treaty banning them last year." -- Hmm, wonder what Judas 00-Bama's next action will be.. draw a 15th red line?
I tell you what, any and all of the politicians who agreed to participate in another politicians ad will no longer get my support in their own re-election bids. It is not part of their job description to appear in ads for other politicians campaigns. Showing support in a press conference or other events is OK with me, but participating in ads should be a "no no", and any government employee who does so should be summarily and immediately dismissed from his/her government job.
L-E story: "Special Operations Unit agents arrested two people and seized more than $4,000 worth of methamphetamine after raiding a suspected Franciscan Woods Drive drug house Friday afternoon, according to court testimony." -- Hmm, didn't MedicAid paid for meth...
L-E story: "Here’s an unsettling fact about cars equipped with air bags: they don’t always deploy when drivers — or regulators — expect them to. * Thirteen people have died in crashes involving older GM cars with defective ignition switches. In each of those crashes, and in others in which occupants were injured, the air bags failed to deploy even after striking trees, guard rails or other objects" -- Wait a minute.. just a few weeks ago, I expressed the enthusiasm that GM exhibited when saying the ignition systems were safe
"if" owners simply removed all other keys and keychains from the affected models was basically a cover u for not properly testing the parts under normal conditions. I then expressed my suspiciona that GM may not have tested any parts for problems when used in real life situations. This just confirms my fears, and my idea that GM should be liquidated and all revenues be used to buy back all GM products still on the road. My daughters\'s car ignition was recently replaced, and after so, the warning light started showing her passenger side airbag was not operational. Something in the repair job activated this condition , probably similar to crashed caused by the key/ignition failure.

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