Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The children terrorists who just got arrested for producing child pornography should be neutered before their trial. A couple of methods I like to see used would be either for them to be slowly lowered into a vat of acid or a wood chipper.
When I saw the headline that a "jackass" star had been killed in a car wreck, I figured it could be almost any of the Hollywood crowd..Charlie Sheen, Alec Baldwin, and Lindsay Lohan came to mind first.
From an online story reporting the Texas execution of a criminal: " A last-ditch petition by Mathis's attorneys requesting a stay of execution and a review of his case was rejected without comment by the Supreme Court late Tuesday afternoon. * Mathis was pronounced dead at 6:53 p.m. * "The system has failed me," he said in a final statement, according to prison officials." -- "The system failed me"? What system is he talking about? The system criminals and their attorneys 'work' to keep criminals in jail for life, and attorneys on public welfare, or the system that listens to the facts of a crime and determines the future of a criminal?
Online headline: "McCain Chides House Republicans For Threats To Libya Funding " -- No wonder there's now a T.E.A. Party! McCain would have been tsunami victim if it weren't for Sarah Palin on the ticket, and now demonstrates again why we are better off with Emperor O'Bozo rather than McCain as the president during this time frame. If McCain had been elected, nothing would be any better, and there would not be a grassroots movement to retake America.
The newspapers angle on the Lumpkin family squabble is beginning to take on the tactics the L-E used to discredit Judge Haywood Turner. Who does the L-E want to beat Judge Lumpkin in the next election?
Looks like Richard Hyatt has finally found his proverbial "acorn". I'm not always privy to the inner workings of what goes on in City government until the newspaper digs something up (unfortunately, we have to depend on the L-E), but how has the practice of freebie tickets going to the Civic Center manager and Council members passed scrutiny for this long? I understand when a promoter offers such to a privately owned radio station in barter for exposure, but for people paid by the city to receive free tickets in exchange for favorable treatment has to be considered bribery.
From L-E story: "“All of the fee structures concern me greatly, but specifically the athletic team fees,” (Councilor) Allen said, pointing to a new $100-per-team fee on youth baseball, basketball and soccer teams. “I think this is over-reaching and would be more punitive to the leagues than it was intended.” -- How can basically $10.00 (or less) per player for using taxpayer provided facilities for a season of 3-to-4 months (or longer) be deemed as "over reaching". Leagues should look at other expense centers such as costs for paying refs/umps instead of parents volunteering to learn about such and participate as volunteers as a comparison. As for rentals of other facilities, specific users should pay for the cost of using and maintaining such so those facilities will pay for their own rather than being a drain on every taxpayer. If the city doesn't address this properly, the city will find itself in the same situation as the MCSD..paying 85% of revenues in salaries and benefits so there is not enough revenue coming in to maintain the properties and buildings the city provides for citizen use. Just look at the Bull Creek/Oxford Meadows situation... why should non-users be saddled with paying for others to use those facilities?
L-E story: "ATLANTA — A Fulton County judge on Tuesday temporarily halted an inmate’s execution to consider a challenge to Georgia’s recent switch to a different legal injection drug, which defense attorneys argue is unreliable, untested and unsafe. " So what if the criminal's attorney thinks this! How about testing it on the attorney first! Of course, I'd as soon we go back to using bullets; after all, we already know that they work.

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