Thursday, June 16, 2011

Online story: "A Kentucky man has been charged with attempted murder after he shot a 12-year-old boy in the back for ringing his doorbell during a game of Ding Dong Ditch. * (Jason) Eberle's uncle, Bart McMahon, told Kentucky's WLKY "It's outrageous, it's intolerable and that's why we have prisons for people who can't confine their behavior within the bounds of law." -- No excuses for the shooter, BUT the 12 year old 'kid' wasn't 'innocent'; plus why was the uncle and not the parent quoted, and who was responsible for the 12 year old not being home at night? In this age of home invasions etc, "pranks" are just not 'innocent' anymore.
Online headline: "Pakistani Forces Arrest CIA Informants Who Led U.S. to Usama Bin Laden" -- Well, now you know why the Pakistani ISI wasn't informed ahead of time.
An Indiana mom is going to sell a letter from Emperor O'Bozo. She HOPEs to get $11,000.00 for it. My bet is she might get pocket CHANGE for it.
The City pools will close July 31st because the City schools are scheduled to start August 8th. Both of these actions are "just wrong"! Kids should be swimming, and families should be vacationing during the hottest month of the summer.
L-E story: "The cost of the range was split between the sheriff’s and marshal’s offices. The sheriff’s funds came from the 1 cent Local Option Sales Tax passed by Columbus voters in 2008 and the marshal’s contribution came from federal stimulus dollars, Darr said." -- Wait a minute....the Marshal's office 'share' came from stim-YOU-LIE funds? That means it's non-recurring yet the expenses reoccur annually from local dollars.
Some questions just naturally need follow up. A couple of interest are: "Has anyone seen Tony Adams doing 'community service' anywhere? Oh, and how much money has the new Parks&Rec Ph.D saved us so far?
I'm sure that there was good intent (as in roads are paved with IT when OSHA was first conceptualized, but the tools OSHA wields can be more damaging than infractions OSHA identifies. Fining a business out of business is not winning the war on safety. Perhaps a tactic of making a business shut down while reasonable 'fixes' are made, but making the company fully responsible for the payroll during that time may get better results.
"The Most Reverend"... That's a very self righteous claim. "Most" is a superlative that indicates that no one can be 'more', and in this case no one can be more reverend which makes it self aggrandizing in accepting such a titular reference.
L-E headline: "Fort Benning Capt. Aaron Griffin supports Army's decision to ditch berets for soft caps" -- You'd have thought this would have happened BEFORE "dadt" was over ruled.
From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: "On this date: In 1858, accepting the Illinois Republican Party’s nomination for the U.S. Senate, Abraham Lincoln said the slavery issue had to be resolved, declaring, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” -- Now, 153 years later, can our "House" be more divided between those who are , and those who aren't on 'government dole"? Slavery is slavery when people are burdened with other people's care as well as when people are not able to provide for themselves.
L-E headline: "White House defends legality of Libya mission" -- Yeah, and if pressed hard enough by Donald Trump, Emperor O'Bozo will produce a Hawaiian Certificate of Authorization.
If you have teen daughters, you have seen "The Voice". One of the 'stars' Christina Aguilara. I commented how much she looked like Cyndi Lauper. Lauper is 58, and Aguilera is 30 as I found out reading a magazine cover while checking out of a grocery store. Aguilera should be the picture in Webster's Dictionary of Phrases for "she's been rode hard and put up wet".

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