Sunday, June 5, 2011

Irony has set in... in 1992, DUMB&DUMBERat Clinton won with a simple campaign spiel, "It's the economy, stupid"; 2012 the campaign slogan sequel, "It's the STUPID economy" will bring down DUMB&DUMBERat O'Bozo.
At Chrysler, Emperor O'Bozo likened our economic woes to being 'hit by a truck". I have to sorta agree with him....trucks named the DODDge, the FRANK-furter, the PELOSI-mobile, the Silver-REID-o, the WEINER-wagon, and the O'Bummer.
Online story: "San Francisco residents will vote on a measure that would ban circumcision in the November elections - " -- Can we assume that there will be a ban on being Jewish on the same ballot?
The argument about whether to go to once-a-week garbage pick-up is not just about once-a-week garbage pick-up. Has Mayor Obamalinson even considered the results of someone forgetting to put out the garbage one week, and having to wait yet another week for pick-up? Has she considered such a person's neighbors having to put up with that?
If the Mayor's best argument is that the city could save $331,000.00, she's taken a knife to a gunfight. Adding $6.00 annually to the garbage fee (that's .50 cents a month for those in Liberalville) would cover that, but I suspect Mayor Obamalinson could save considerably more than $331,000.00 simply tweaking work hours, salaries, and perks.
When many city officials were given vehicles to take home at night, it was because city salaries were deemed to be lagging behind the private sector rates, and it seemed a valid way to compensate city employees without dipping too deep in the cookie jar. Times have changed, and public salaries seem to have caught up with or eclipsed the private sector market. How much money would the city save by limiting the city-issued take home cars to just the Mayor and the heads of Public Safety departments, and have a pool of vehicles when others need to get somewhere on city business. I don't think shopping and children carpooling constitute 'city business'.
Was it ironic, prophetic, or simply idiocy of some L-E staffer to mix wedding announcements, graduation announcements, anniversary milestones and other happy events in with the obituaries in today's L-E?

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