Thursday, June 9, 2011

Iraq, Afghanistan... Emperor O'Bozo's targets for withdrawals. Libya, Yemen, Palestine.. sites where Emperor O'Bozo looks like he will redeploy the troops he's withdrawing.
A letter writer described Mayor Mother Teresa Obamalinson as "preppy, pretty, and perky"..... sounds like how Emperor O'Bozo descibes himself, too. Guess what, those are the job description traits one would look for in a Community Organizer. DOH!
A question answered...maybe. A fellow in-the-know BCer responded to my question of how draft pick number 111 can be considered a 2nd or 3rd round choice when there are "only" 30 teams involved:
"MLB draft: when a team loses one or more free agent MLB players to another MLB team, the team is compensated for the loss by receiving "sandwich picks" which are draft picks at the end of a round but before a new round. The better rated the lost free agent the higher the round the "sandwish" pick is entered. THus a person drafted 111th can be a second or third round pick due to the sandwich effect." -- Still must be a 'new math' thingy.
From the "Suspicions confirmed" department - Weiner-gate UP-date! Apparently Mrs Weiner-gate may be pregnant, and Mr Weiner-gate said she knew about his online indiscretions before they got married, and they are not going to split over the Twitter-gate scandal. They're both weiners and "Big Twits".
Weiner-gate headlines, though good for a few chuckles, pale in comparison to a Lewis Grizzard headline in the Athen's paper that informed UGA fans that Middle Linebacker, Happy Dicks would not be able to play in the upcoming UGS South Carolina game: ""DOGS TO PLAY COCKS WITH DICKS OUT"
Online headline/story: "Rahm Emanuel Asked Rod Blagojevich To Appoint Forrest Claypool To His Congressional Seat * "I am happy to appoint your guy," Blagojevich tells Emanuel on the call, according to the transcript submitted by the Blagojevich attorneys. "If I can do it, I'll do it." * "This is between you and I ...," Emanuel tells Blagojevich. "I will not forget this." * Emanuel is not accused of wrongdoing." -- Doh! Reread this "Emanuel is not accused of wrongdoing." Guess Chicago and Illinois have a separate set of laws than the rest of the country.
From L-E story: "James Cypert Jr., the teacher convicted in 2007 of having sex with an 18-year-old Columbus High School student, wants to remove restrictions tied to his probation that prohibit him from being around children. * A hearing on that issue was scheduled for Wednesday, though a lack of a prosecutor forced it to be postponed. * Muscogee County Superior Court Judge Bobby Peters said a prosecutor needed to attend the hearing. * Mason said District Attorney Julia Slater couldn’t have her office involved in the case because of a legal conflict." -- "Legal conflict"? The only 'legal conflict' I can see is that Slater is has a degree in the 'legal business' and is "conflicted' about her duty to keep a predator at bay.
If Anthony Weiner does run for re-election, voters in the other 49 states should be able to vote in his race. New York sent Rangel back, and who can forget Washington, DC re-electing Marion Berry for Mayor, and how can Massachusetts for giving Barney Frank new life every two years. When scandal ridden Representatives are sent back because their district voters think 'pork' is a good trade-off for integrity, the rest of the country should be able to veto that!
L-E headline: "First lady targets healthy habits for toddlers " -- Ooops, my bad. Thought the 1st Lady was stumping for more processed food in government nannyism food programs.
You know, if liberals really wanted to do something about childhood obesity, they'ed campaign for schools and feeding programs to only be able to serve/allow fresh vegetables, fruits and non-fried meats.
Once again, "Brother Love" demonstrates his racial bias and intolerance. One thing for sure, "Brother Love" is consistently demonstrating he's a walking/talking example of an oxymoron.
L-E headline/story: "Columbus man injures hand while trying to escape blaze *

Some $50,000 in damage was done to the home and $10,000 damage to its contents, the chief said. " -- Yeah, but the real damages will be what taxpayers will pay the hospital for the bandages on the hand injury.
What's wrong with this picture?

This is an OPEC meeting and the place markers are in ENGLISH.

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