Tuesday, June 14, 2011

From the 'who'da thunk it' department - N.O.W. has expressed sympathy for Weiner, and is standing up for Weiner in the House.
Online headline: "Obama: If I Were Weiner I'd Resign" -- OK, you are a weiner, so resign!
Wonder if the DUMB&DUMBERat Nationalizer Committee is going to hire Milton McGregor as their spokesperson for 2012 candidate recruiting drive. I can hear him now, "yes, you, too, can be a Weiner."
Can you imagine the conflict at a Gay Pride event as to whether to kick Weiner-types out of Congress?
Weiner has shown the world his manhood; now, can Weiner show the world he can man-up?
I don't know why we're holding our breath about a DUMD&DUMBERat resigning from Congress because of a morals issue...we've waited for Frank, Dodd, Kerry, Kennedy, Murtha, Studds, Jenrette, Hastings, Rangel, Edwards, President Clinton, any of Emperor O'Bozo's Tsars, and many others in the past, and all we've accomplished is to find an even deeper shade of blue to turn.
Online story: "Joe and Jill Biden Toast 'Race for the Cure' with Backyard Barbecue" -- Huh? Doesn't grilling/barbecuing meat on the barbie create a carcinogen as well contribute to global warming?
Online story: "MOSCOW — As the world awaits Moammar Gadhafi's next move, the Libyan leader has been playing chess with the visiting Russian head of the World Chess Federation." -- Guess he was Czech-mated.
L-E headline: "Georgia Supreme Court reverses Muscogee County life without parole sentence of Jesse James Johnson for ineffective counsel" -- Here's that "ineffective advice of counsel" raising its ugly head again! How come its limited to public defender cases that are paid for by the same tax fund that will pay another public defender to defend him again. It's a revolving payroll source for attorneys , and this is not right. Besides, in this case as presented by the L-E, it looks like more of a case of bad choices by the defendant; first in doing the crimes, and secondly, for not accepting the first offer by the DA's office. Why are we being punished for the greed of a criminal!
Tell you what, while Tim Pawlenty may look like milk-toast, and I hadn't been overly impressed prior to Sunday; he handled a tough barrage of questions (with video back ups) thrown at him by Chris Wallace with a calmness that puts Pawlenty in the ball game.
Don't feel grateful that the MCSD didn't raise the millage rate this year. The MCSDactually gets more millage than any other school district in the state because years ago, the GA Legislature passed a law to enable the MCSD to use up to 5 more mils than other systems BECAUSE the Columbus Museum was under the MCSD's responsibility. Of course the Columbus Museum is more than able to keep itself self-sustaining, so the extra mils go into the school budget.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “Hope is a pleasant acquaintance, but an unsafe friend.” — Thomas Chandler Haliburton, Canadian jurist and humorist (1796-1865). -- What a visionary! Haliburton summed up Emperor O'Bozo nearly a 100 years before O'Bozo was born.
Watched a little of the GOP debate last night (that alone should be a ratings boost for CNN), but just enough to wonder why any of the candidates would want to answer questions posed by anyone affiliated with CNN. Bachmann was out of her league.
About the best thing Council can do is to issue guidelines spelling out the limits of the Marshal's office duties, and stick to it. No pursuit vehicles, no traffic duties, no investigative duties.
As to curtailing budget expenses in the Public Safety arena, Council should revisit the 'take home vehicle' policy. The first place to start would be employees who do not live in Muscogee County. Before the LOST bonuses, letting Public Safety officers drive vehicles home was sort of a salary boost, but now that annual bonuses are given, it's more of a perk that eats away at the budget dollars.

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