Friday, June 10, 2011

Online story: "COLUMBUS, Ohio -- The owners of an Ohio restaurant touted last week by President Barack Obama as an indirect beneficiary of the government's Chrysler bailout said Thursday that tough times are putting them out of business." -- Compared to the rest of the industries struggling under his e-CON-omy disaster, the fact the non-union restaurant has stayed in business until now IS a success in Emperor O'Bozo's mind. Of course, any closing of a non-union business is ALSO a success of Emperor O'Bozo.
What is Emperor O'Bozo's voter base gonna do when O'Bozo tells them they will have to get a job because the rest of the taxpayers are out of money?
Online headline: "Gennette Cordova: Anthony Weiner Twitter Photo Seemed 'Fake' " -- Heh heh heh... and who first mentioned "Photo Shop"!
With the suggestion that one of the most explicit photos Congressman Weiner sent out appeared to be a 'fake' by one of the college girls, maybe this incident needs to be renamed... perhaps "weiner-gate" is more appropriate.
Online headline: "Anthony Weiner Wife Pregnant" -- Hmmm, maybe she was 'twittering around, too. Has anyone checked her Twitter contact list?
Polls say that Emperor O'Bozo's 'job approval' ratings have dropped to 48%. Don't you wish we new all the 48% (locally, we already know about Brouillette, Taylor, the Mayor, Congressman Bishop, and "Brother Love") so we could know all of America's enemies?
Earlier this week, breaking news rushed on "a tip" to tell us there was a 'ranch' in Texas where there were a possible 30 dismembered bodies of adults and children buried. Helicopters swarmed, public safety officials looked like a colony of ants. Wait... it was all because some 'psychic' provided the tip? Thousands of dollars in money much needed for public safety prevention went down the drain on a wild goose chase. Thousands of viewers waited for the 'other shoe' to drop on this 'must be tragic' story. Would the public safety response been as chaotic if there was no media clamoring for by-the-minute details of a non-event? We have way to much media! What I want to know now, and the media is not interested in following up, is whether the 'psychic' has been locked up, and any & all of the "psychic's" assets been confiscated to pay the public tax dollars wasted back?
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton In Discussions About Leaving Job For New Role" -- Yeah, one with a future; either that or Emperor O'Bozo has yelled, "Off with her role!".
Online story: At a White House conference of personal finance writers event, Emperor O'Bozo got asked, " What advice might he have for a nation of people whose experiences with personal finance lately have not been so wonderful?". His wistful response, " Don't spend all your money." Of course what Emperor O'Bozo meant was let him spend it for you.
From L-E story: "The mayor also assured a skeptical citizen about the financing of her trip. *“The German government is paying for all my expenses -- travel, lodging, meals,” she said. * “They are paying as part of a transatlantic effort between U.S. and Germany to share energy and development ideas,” Tomlinson said. “The U.S. will host a German contingent soon.”" -- What naivety! Either that or typical legalese BS. Governbments have no money, and since the US is reciprocating, we taxpayers ARE paying for her trip.
For the last 2 weeks or so, a L-E newspaper has been mysteriously appearing in the paper holder under my mailbox. Mind you, that I subscribe to the L-E Online edition, and haven't bought a L-E print edition in years, so I figured this was some sort of neighborhood blitz by the L-E to try to get new subscribers. Yesterday, I received an invoice billing me for such. The L-E has some 'splaining to do.
From the L-E's "News Elsewhere" feature: "Business HOUSING MARKET: The Obama administration is blaming the three largest U.S. mortgage lenders for the failures of its foreclosure prevention program. It says they’ve done little to help people at risk of losing their homes" -- Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!
Ignorant L-E "soundoff" entry: "Those who want more frequent garbage pickup can hire private companies to haul it away, but let the rest of us happily save money " -- Must be someone on the Mayor Mother Teresa Obamalinson's staff with a last minute "hail mary pass". If the second day pickup is eliminated, you/we are still paying the $168.00 a year imposed on us FOR the second pickup! The Mayor doesn't want to reduce that accordingly, and by increasing the monthly fee by $6.00 a year, her "savings" of $331,000.00 will be met.
L-E headline: "Top women Dems avoid Weiner topic" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought the DUMB&DUMBERats had finally decided to eliminate school Sex Ed classes.
From above story: "“You’re right, I don’t like” questions about Weiner, Sen. Dianne Feinstein said with a smile" -- Yeah, about the Congressman's or any other.

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