Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How can Emperor O'Bozo and his Tsars deny runaway inflation? I've been taking a BP medicine for about 6 years. For the first 4 years, the medicine went from $57.00 to $63.00, but in the last 2 years, a months supply has escalated to $106.00.
What for does Congressman Weiner need with a leave of absence? He's already demonstrated an absence of mind, an absence of good choices, and an absence of common sense. We just need his absence; his complete absence.
From a fellow BCer: "Eric Holder is gonna be Weiner's running mate for president, And the bumper sticker's will read "Weiner-Holder".
Online headline: "CNN GOP Debate Delivers Big TV Ratings" -- Can't you imagine Larry King slapping himself on his forehead and saying, "I could have had a De-Bate"?
L-E headline: "Garbage top topic at first public hearing" -- And what's new? GIGO is a well-known acronym used in computer development...Garbage In Garbage Out. Seems quite fitting for describing the City budget talks. When you think about it, GIGO describes a lot of personnel issues with the City, too.
The Mayor's choice for a new Civic Center director may be a pretty good one. After all, anyone who has to get people to come to North Dakota before he can get them to come to a Civic Center ought to find the Columbus Civic Center a piece of cake in comparison.
L-E headline: "Obama makes historic visit to Puerto Rico " -- Historic visit? Is that how he describes taxpayer funded vacations?
From L-E story: "“I intend to announce my candidacy for the presidency of the United States of America a week from today,” (Former Utah Gov. Jon) Huntsman said Tuesday during a discussion about China policy in New York with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. " -- Huh? Doesn't this statement count as his announcement?
L-E story: "ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Alaska officials are investigating an apparent gap in last week’s release of former Gov. Sarah Palin’s emails. * However, there are very few emails from her first month in office, as first reported by the Anchorage Daily News" -- Could it be as simple as SHE WAS BUSY her first month in office?
While CSU crows about its economic impact to the community, CSU doesn't talk about its economic drain caused by removing properties it buys/owns from the local tax digest. Why should institutional properties be exempt from paying at least a reasonable fee for having police and fire services on call? From a dollars and cents standpoint, how much more would CSU's building insurance be if CSU was not eligible for fire protection from Columbus' Fire Department? The same goes for other tax exempt facilities of non-profit organizations.
L-E headline: "Richt favors eliminating kickoffs " -- Ooops, my bad. Thought Richt was against being kicked-out.

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