Thursday, June 30, 2011

From a L-E story: "Why should politicians 'be entitled' to ANY ticket preferences, much less "free" ones? In fact, politicians should pay full face value, and go through the same buying process as the general public to get choice seats. Politicians are constantly trying to figure out as many ways as they can to take money out of our pockets so why should they be able to take away the publics' opportunity to get a good seat at a concert?
Online headline: "Obama: 'Noose Is Tightening' Around Libya's Gaddafi" -- We have to wonder when Edward DuBose and Mimi Woodson will be out on the Court House steps declaring Emperor O'Bozo 'a racist'!
Online headline: "Food Stamps For Fast Food? Yum, Say Restaurants" -- Hmmm... obviously the fast food restaurants haven't comprehended what this will mean.. it will mean their menu will be replaced with the "My Plate", and offer the same fare the children eat at school (or worse.
California has banned youth under 14 from tanning booths, and while those under 18 have to have their parents permission to do so, yet the US Supreme Court says children can buy violent and sexually exploitive computer games.
Mayor says it’s not a ‘criminal investigation’ after audit raises questions about ex-director’s actions" -- Excuse me.... Is Mayor Mother Teresa Obamalinson saying she's pulled police off the streets, off other investigations, to investigate something that's not a criminal activity? Talk about a 'wag the dog' situation.
L-E story: "NAGOYA, Japan — Tiger Woods has signed a three-year deal to promote a Japanese pain reliever ( “Vantelin Kowa,” a heat rub used to relieve muscle and joint pain.), his first endorsement since he was caught in a sex scandal toward the end of 2009. " -- Guess he's trying to compensate for 'rubbing' fans the wrong way, and his follow up endorsement will be for KY Yours & Mine.
L-E headline story: "Learn to skate, play hockey at new rink * If you go: The rink is closed today through July 4" -- The timing of the story is bad enough, but why would 'the rink' close on one of the biggest family holiday weekends we have? The thought of a 65 degree environment on a hot weekend would be a great attraction.
A few days ago, one of Fox News blondes was reporting on the Casey Anthony trial. .She was talking about one of the trunk stains being mentioned as "H2O". She stammered at describing "H2O" then suddenly blurted out that "H2O" is ....'air'. Doh...I say "airhead".
Emperor O'Bozo says the Republicans 'need to do their job'. Huh? When the Emperor had a super majority of DUMB&DUMBERats in Congress, he wouldn't even speak to Republicans who were (and are) doing their job of representing their districts, and O'Bozo couldn't get the D&D's to do his bidding.
How can Emperor O'Bozo criticize private/corporate jet owners, when he has the most desired 'private' jet to do whatever he pleases at taxpayer expense?

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