Monday, June 27, 2011

Online headline: "TSA Pats Down Cancer-Stricken 95-Year-Old Woman, Removes Adult Diaper" -- When will "enough be enough"? I, too, want 'safety' if flying, but I want "decency' as well. Not questioning the sneakiness of terrorist or the lengths terrorist will go in the name of "Allah", surely there is a way to avoid such travesties as this and horror stories that children have been subjected. Oh, and guess what... TDSA wants to unionize through the SEIU. Write all your Congresspersons!
Was in an elevator this weekend, and noticed a message attached to the wall. "In case of an emergency, call Mr B_________ at 706-XXX_XXXX or his beeper 706-XXX_XXXX". I still marvel at the convenience of cell phones, but I'm not sure I;ve ever been on an elevator and my cell phone would work.
Online story: "The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan: $20.2 billion. -- And DUMB&DUMBERats are complaining. How about scheduling the next DNC convention to select a candidate in 2012 in Afghanistan and see whether the D&Ds still complain about air-conditioning our soldiers in 125 degree heat...or complain about there being too many 'boots on the ground'.
A berm protecting a nuclear plant in Nebraska collapsed over the weekend and the plant grounds have been flooded. Official say that there is no danger since the plant has been shut down since April for re-fueling. Doesn't it reassure you when a government official says 'everything is fine'?
Online headline: "Joe Biden Warns Republicans On Debt Ceiling Talks " -- "Warns Republicans"? The Republicans are already on top of this....warnings should go out to D&D's who have an election in 2012.
A L-E reader suggested that GA Power Co use a plastic/lucite replacement bulb to replace glass ones vandalized on the River Walk to save money. Why would GA Power Co be interested any cost saving practices? GA Power advertises ways to save energy,then uses the fact people are using less energy as justification of asking for a rate increase.
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde must write at the L-E. How can one paper print a series of fine investigative followup as being done on the Parks&Rec situation yet run tabloid competing stories like the L-E did on the Lumpkin family?
From the Council/City Manager's Agenda: "Purchases * Full-size sedans: It is requested that council approve the purchase of five 2012 Chevrolet Impalas, via Georgia State Contract from Hardy Chevrolet (Dallas, Ga.) in the amount of $87,005. * The 2012 Chevrolet Impalas will be used by the Columbus Police Department as administrative vehicles. -- Two questions: 1 - Why are 'full size sedans' necessary as vehicles for mainly intown driving? and 2 - Why is the purchase going to a non-Columbus dealer? Should not Columbus dealers (maybe they are but it's not disclosed) be given a shot at meeting any out of town bid?
Standing "O" for Paul Yarwaye! If only he could become a 'poster child' for natural citizens.
If Mayor Mother Teresa Obamalinson wants to cut costs of garbage pick up, let her look into having the recycling trucks pick up such once a month. This 'trash' is generally clean and does not present an odor problem as does rotting food.

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