Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Online story: "PARIS (AP) -- Lawyers for Moammar Gaddafi's daughter have filed lawsuits in Paris and Brussels over the alleged assassination in late April of four of the Libyan leader's relatives in NATO bombing raids over Tripoli. * State prosecutors said Tuesday that officials are assessing whether the case can be admitted." -- What wimps! At least officials are looking at whether they laugh about it. Thank God she didn't file a lawsuit in the District 9 Court of Appeals, those California judges would have already issued a cease & desist order, and ordered triple fines for damages!
Online headline/story: "Azusa 13 Bust: Latino Gang Charged With Terrorizing City's Black Residents * "We hope that this federal case will signal the end of this racist behavior and will help vindicate all of the victims who have suffered over the years," U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte Jr. said" -- Well, it didn't take long to get to California following the above story. Remember all those jokes about being in "LALA Land"? They are true! I guess the US Attorney will tell the Latino Gang members to apologize, and that will be the end of the story.
Remember my earlier comments about extensive Twitter users being referred to as "Big Twits"? Anthony Weiner has just proved my point.
From an online story: "Weiner doled out at least $75,000 to fellow Democrats in the last election, according to federal election data." -- This is another subject being revisited. Why should a politician be able to donate from his/her campaign account to another politician's campaign? This allows a for an unchallenged candidate to accept donations from a source that has already maxxed out donating to another candidate. In effect, a politician that accepts a donation from another politician can actually receive an illegal amount from the non-politician donor. We have had this situation locally as well. I can still see an ad one politician ran endorsing a friend of his running in another race. This is inherently wrong!
Online headline: "Minimum Wage Increase Would Help Sluggish Economy, Say Experts" -- Don't tell me...these experts are all advisors of Emperor O'Bozo.... All a minimum wage hike would do would make it harder for, no, less likely, an employer to add on an first time or chronically unemployed job seeker. Oops, excuse me...raising the minimum wage would do one other thing... since the minimum wage is tied into the salary negotiations of unions, it would also raise union members' salaries accordingly as well. DUMB&DUMBERats must think no one else sees through this ploy.
Online headline: "New Poll Numbers Not Good For President Obama" -- DOH! Emperor O'Bozo's poll numbers will improve when he starts to help America, and not until then.
From a L-E story: " (Jennet) Hampton fraudulently billed the Georgia Childcare and Parent Services -- a state agency that subsidizes child care." Ok, pop test time! Within 10%, how many hard working, taxpaying parents knew they were paying taxes to have other parents (and possibly even co-workers) have their children in daycare centers at reduced rates? Here are a couple that have received a minimum of $150,000.00 taxes dollars that were taken out of other parents' budgets that they could have spent on their own families. Doesn't it make your blood boil? Well, it should!
L-E's "Thought for Today": “Don’t talk about what you have done or what you are going to do.” — Thomas Jefferson, third President of the United States (1743-1826). -- If every politician followed this good advice, we could enjoy watching TV and listening to the radio during the last half of every election year.
From a letter in the L-E: " (RE: Mayor Obamalinson) Being preppy, peppy, and perky is not a substitute for knowledge and awareness, nor is it an adequate substitute for a thorough understanding of financial matters." -- How true, how succinct. Unfortunately, she mimics the knowledge of her Presidential idol.
I know this is not necessarily a mistake of the L-E as Obits are submitted by the families, but some sort of professionalism should guide the L-E to looking at what they print. There's an obituary for a 43 year old man who is survived by 8 great=great grandchildren according to his obituary. Having been raised under the "Ripley's" umbrella of facts, I do believe even Ripley would question this statement that the L-E probably didn't bother to do so.
You know, with no negative thoughts implied about the young man's skills/abilities,since there being only 30 Major League Baseball teams, and I assume a round of drafts would constitute each team having a pick (subject to trades, of course), then how can a player picked # 111 overall be considered a 2nd/3rd (varying L-E "facts") round pick? New math?
Haven't commented previously on Richard Hyatt's 'expose' of Peach Little League, but that was minor compared to a 1987 incident when a team manager brought champagne to an after tournament championship celebration to serve to his 9-12 year old players so they would experience the full feeling of winning.

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